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7 WICARA TUWAJUH (EFFECTIVE). TITIKANING PAMICARA TUWAJUH. Nggatosaken pamireng (audience-centered) Mekaraken gagasan kanthi sae H.V Prochnow: “ A good many people can make a speech, but saying something is more difficult”. 3. Ngrakit gagasan kanthi sae: ide,

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  2. TITIKANING PAMICARA TUWAJUH • Nggatosaken pamireng (audience-centered) • Mekaraken gagasan kanthi sae H.V Prochnow: “A good many people can make a speech, but saying something is more difficult”

  3. 3. Ngrakit gagasan kanthi sae: ide, informasi, conto, ilustrasi, cariyos, statistik. 4. Pamilihing tembung pas 5. Mahyakaken gagasan kanthi sae, saged sinartan guwaya, netra, ebahing sarira, saha kekiyatan suwara. 6. Mekaraken ketrampilan panaliten Woodrow Wilson: I use not only all the brains I have, but all that I can borrow.

  4. It is important to have good ideas, it is equally important to know how to build on existing knowledge. 7. Mikir saha mireng kanthi premati (critically)


  6. Miji pamiyarsa (audience analysis) • Milih saha mahyakaken topik What should I talk about? Answer with question: - Who is the audience? - What is the occasion? - What are my interests, talents, and experiences? 3. Netepaken ancas wicara - to inform - to persuade - to entertain

  7. Speaking to inform: • Kuliah • Seminar • Sarasehan • Konferensi • Brainstorming Caranipun: teach, define, illustrate, clarify, elaborate,

  8. Speaking to persuade: Kampanye Iklan Pidato politik Presentasi untuk negosiasi Caranipun: Ngewahi kapitadosan, sikep, pamanggih, saha patrap

  9. Speaking to entertain • Pranata cara • Host • Presenter Caranipun: Lelucon, cariyos, ilustrasi

  10. Kados pundi caranipun? 4. Mekaraken gagasan pokok (central ideas) 5. Mekaraken gagasan panyengkuyung (supporting ideas) • Menapa ide pokok kalebet ing nalar? • Menapa sebabipun bilih ide pokok sampun leres? • Menapa wonten gagasan panyengkuyung?

  11. 6. Ngempalaken materi panyengkuyung: fakta, bukti, conto, definisi, ilustrasi, lsp. 7. Ngrakit wicara a. Purwaka basa b. Surasa basa c. Wasana basa 8. Mahyakaken wicara 9. Mulat sarira (reflecting)

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