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My medieval castle !!. Caerlaverock is my castle . caerlaverock.
Mymedievalcastle!! Caerlaverock is my castle
caerlaverock • Was built in 1270.Caerlaverock had to be rebuilt because it was destroyed during the Civil war. Lying on Sloway firth in marshland surrounded by a double moat
Jousting was very and I mean very popular at my castle Caerlaverockcastle.My castle was built in a triangular shape for defense.
Know other castle shares the idea from building Caerlaverock in its trianguler shape. Caerlaverock was built for defence. Caerlaverock is located in Scotland.
Caerlaverock is perhaps more readily identified with Clan Maxwell than any other historical site. Located just a few miles southeast of Dumfries,Scotland,Caerlaverock was owned by Maxwells and there descendants from the time when the lands were first acquired by John Dee Musccuswell early in the 13thcentry.
ihopeyou liked my castle well good night everybody. And I hope you learned a lot about my castle.