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RTI for Speech-Language

RTI for Speech-Language. Response To Intervention September 10, 2008. Response to Intervention. What is it?.

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RTI for Speech-Language

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  1. RTI for Speech-Language Response To Intervention September 10, 2008

  2. Response to Intervention What is it? Simply put, RTI is based upon research indicating that many students respond to high quality instruction/intervention and therefore may not need special education or other services. Doug Fuchs, Professor of Special Education at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College

  3. Response to Intervention What is it? • High-quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs • Using learning rate over time and level of performance to make important educational decisions • Looking at closing the achievement gap or student performance coming within range of grade level Multiple tiers of interventions

  4. What is in the new state rules - IDEA 2004 • To determine eligibility for special education, the current year’s RTI data-based documentation is required prior to a referral indicating the lack of progress toward attainment of grade level standards • A minimum of four repeated assessments of achievement during supplementary instruction of at least 12 weeks during which the results were provided to the student’s parents(for CCSD, 6 weeks in Tier 2 and 6 weeks in Tier 3 + repeated assessments)

  5. What is in the new state rules - IDEA 2004 Prior to conducting a formal evaluation for special education this data is collected and considered: • At least 2 current assessments such as CRCT results, norm referenced achievement tests or benchmarks indicating performance that does not meet expectations for grade level standards

  6. What is in the new state rules - IDEA 2004 • After recommendation for an evaluation from Tier 3 and consent is received from parents, a comprehensive evaluation is completed • The evaluation is sufficient to identify all of the child’s special education and related services needs, whether or not commonly linked to the disability category in which the child has been referred or classified

  7. Sufficient to identify….. • For students referred for articulation, it is not enough to just test articulation…. • We must gather enough information to assess all areas of communication AND assure that the child does not have additional needs that might require special education

  8. Changes for Speech Referrals • Speech only students with additional concerns –student will start interventions in the Tiers. • SLPs will be more a part of the RTI process - time for consultation and support for teachers • More comprehensive look at each student’s needs from the beginning- more of a team approach

  9. SLPS had a minimal role in the SST process Too often, SST refers to speech first, even when there is evidence of another disability SLPs will have a role in supporting the RTI process More interventions and information up front – before referral Comprehensive information and interventions in general ed. setting Then…. And Now…..

  10. Intervention Pyramid Tier 4: Specially Designed Instruction – Special Education 5% 15% of students respond • Tier 3: Intensive • Interventions - SST • Individualized – refine and intensify • More indepth assessment & • data analysis • Strategies & interventions • tailored to specific needs • Consideration for referral to special education and/other programs only when data indicates a need • Tier 2: Targeted Interventions • Tier 1 + more “TLC” • Standard intervention protocols • Problem solving process & data analysis • Tailored to student needs • Enhanced opportunities for extended learning • Targeted small groups and selected individuals • Includes more frequent progress monitoring • Planned to address developmental domains (academic, communication/language, social/emotional, etc.) 80% of students respond to Tier 1 & 2 • Tier 1: Performance Based Instruction for ALL students: • Standards based curriculum • Research-based practices and strategies • Differentiated instruction • Effective classroom management • Guided by progress monitoring and balanced assessment • Planned to address developmental domains (academic, communication/language, social/emotional, etc.)

  11. Flow Chart for Speech- Language Referrals

  12. Summary of Changes • All forms are on a linked web page in the RTI Handbook with S-L section on both Tier 2 & Tier 3 (school counseling, PICASSO, special ed., psych. services, speech) • All speech-language referrals go through the entire process • Student information packet is filled out for all S-L referrals (comprehensive background information)

  13. Summary of Changes • Strategies may occur for both S-L and other deficit area concurrently • SLP’s involvement will vary depending on the area of speech-language • SLPs can now consult and support the process • RTI is a regular education initiative – SLPs should not take over responsibility for the total process

  14. Step By Step :The Speech-Language Referral Process

  15. Step 1 Teacher notices a communication problem and notifies parent Refer to RTI Handbook, Tier 1, for strategies to implement At this level teacher monitors progress, provides models and uses instructional strategies/differentiated instruction.

  16. Step 2 Communication difficulties persist • Teacher refers to RTI Handbook, Tier 2, Speech-Language Referrals link for information on data to gather and forms to complete. • Consults with Tier 2 Team • Team selects appropriate interventions and forms from chart for teacher to implement

  17. Step 3 • Student makes progress – stay in Tier 2 –continue implementing strategies or student is doing well and can return to Tier 1 or • Difficulties continue – proceed to Tier 3

  18. Step 4 • Teacher and SLP attend Tier 3 meeting • Interventions are determined and forms are completed • Teacher implements interventions and completes 4 assessments for a 6 week period

  19. Step 5 • Student makes progress – remain at this level and continue monitoring or drop back to Tier 2 or • Difficulties continue – refer student for speech-language evaluation

  20. How will the SLP support me? • Consult with teacher & team • Observe student in the classroom • Suggest strategies – using guidelines from S-L section of the RTI Handbook • Attend Tier 2 & Tier 3 meetings • Model strategies • Assist in facilitating differentiated instruction when collaborating in classroom • In some situations, can pull student aside or outside classroom for progress checks or interventions

  21. Speech-only Referrals for Further Evaluation

  22. Speech-only Referrals for Further Evaluation • Speech only students with other concerns must go through the tier process • Students must have interventions and documentation of progress for the area of difficulty • In most cases, teacher should start with Tier 2 procedures • In Tier 3 if a referral to special education is recommended then the SLP should set up an IEP meeting with the appropriate personnel

  23. Tier 1: All Students-General EdLanguage • Classroom teacher reviews scores (CRCT or other) to identify lowest group of students at risk for failure in reading (or ELA) and math at the beginning of the school year, these students become a focus for extra attention and help • CT may notice indicators of a language problem, monitors progress more closely, provides models, and uses instructional strategies/differentiated instruction to assist student • CT informs parents of concerns

  24. Tier 1: All Students-General EdArticulation, Voice and Fluency • CT may notice indicators of a speech-language problem in articulation, voice or fluency, monitors progress more closely, provides models, and uses instructional strategies/differentiated instruction to assist student • CT informs parents of concerns (for voice ask parent if problem is seen at home and if it had been discussed with family doctor)

  25. Tier 1: All Students –SLP RoleLanguage, Articulation, Voice & Fluency • SLP shares information with school staff on identification of and interventions for students with language disorders • SLP shares information with school staff on the relationship between language/ communication skills and the development of literacy skills • When in an inclusion setting, assist with differentiated instruction and flexible grouping to meet the needs of struggling students in the areas of language and literacy

  26. Tier 2 School Intervention Teams-General Ed Language • Same initial procedure is followed for language as for other areas (i.e., academic or behavioral) refer to Tier 2 Overview • Background information on student history, academic, social/emotional functioning provided by classroom teacher, H/V screening • CT completes Language Checklist • Problem solving process: identify 1 to 3 strategies that teacher should implement in the classroom; interventions are matched to individual needs • Teacher documents results, completes periodic probes, brings results to future meetings, adjusts plan as needed with the support of the Tier 2 team • Strategies are implemented for 6 weeks • Recommend moving to Tier 3 if slow rate of progress and gap widening

  27. Tier 2 School Intervention TeamsGeneral Ed Articulation, Voice and Fluency • Tier 2 Overview, background history, H/V screening; complete Language Checklist • Articulation-CT complete sentence repetition task, compare problem sounds to sound chart • Voice-CT completes voice checklist, send home voice history form, discuss medical concerns with parent and recommend ENT visit. • Fluency-CT completes Fluency checklist, send home Stuttering Questionnaire and/or 7 Ways to Help A Child Who Stutterers information • In each area identify 1-3 strategies and document progress, identify educational impact and decide whether to move to Tier 3.

  28. Tier 2: School Intervention Team SLP RoleLanguage, Articulation, Voice & Fluency • SLP attends Tier 2 meetings as needed • SLP consults with teacher, suggests/models strategies, observes in classroom • Voice-also assists teacher in developing a plan to assist student in self-monitoring appropriate vocal hygiene • Fluency-SLP may also note teacher rate and delivery style and suggest specific fluency strategies

  29. Tier 3: Student Support Team-General EdLanguage • Analyze Tier 2 results • Problem solving process: more individualized strategies/interventions, more individualized assessments • Documentation of interventions & periodic assessment for 12 weeks (6 weeks at Tier 2 and 6 weeks at Tier 3; at least 4 repeated assessments in Tier 3) • Recommend referral to special education if slow rate of progress and gap widening

  30. Tier 3 Student Support Team-Gen. EdArticulation, Voice and Fluency • Same procedures as for language • Documentation of interventions may be less than 12 weeks in these areas if problem is significant or severe • Articulation • For stimulable students-set up practice program for teacher and parent; SLP checks effectiveness of program • For non-stimulable students-SLP can provide 5 to10 minute drills 3 to 5 times weekly for 4 weeks

  31. Tier 3: Student Support Team- SLP RoleLanguage • SLP participates in Tier 3 meeting • SLP observes student in classroom • SLP consults as needed • SLP visits classroom & models strategies • SLP may assist in facilitating differentiated instruction, flexible groups, and more opportunities for interventions

  32. Tier 3: Student Support Team- SLP RoleArticulation, Voice and Fluency • Same procedures as for language Articulation-SLP can pull student aside to assess stimulability for sound development and can set up intervention plan Fluency-SLP can pull student aside to provide some trial techniques to establish fluency

  33. Tier 3: Student Support Team-Materials/ResourcesLanguage • List of specific strategies for language in areas of : • -vocabulary • -comprehension • -expressive language • -grammar & syntax • -pragmatics • Required: • Strategy/Intervention Documentationform • OR • Charting Progress on a Specific Intervention • AND • Data Collection Graph • Recommended: • Vocabulary Pretest/Posttestform

  34. Tier 3: Student Support Team Materials/ResourcesArticulation, Voice and Fluency Required • Strategy/intervention documentation for all Articulation- OR articulation probes Voice-voice chart Fluency resource: www.stutteringhelp.org • See Speech Language Referral Process Chart for complete list

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