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第七章 提高写作能力 提要: 本章主要通过“联句”练习和句型转换练习,有效地提高同学们的写作能力。 7.1 联句 有时两个或更多的句子,如果在内容上有密切的关系,那么我们就可以将它们联成一个句子。通过联句的方法,使文章更加连贯,结构更加紧凑,语言更加生动。实践已经证明,掌握好联句的方法,对于提高英语的写作能力有很大的帮助。当然,懂得联句的话,在阅读的时候也很容易对长句进行拆分,从而更好地理解长句。. 1. 运用介词短语 a. He didn’t write the letter himself. He asked his friend to do it.
第七章 提高写作能力 提要:本章主要通过“联句”练习和句型转换练习,有效地提高同学们的写作能力。 7.1 联句 有时两个或更多的句子,如果在内容上有密切的关系,那么我们就可以将它们联成一个句子。通过联句的方法,使文章更加连贯,结构更加紧凑,语言更加生动。实践已经证明,掌握好联句的方法,对于提高英语的写作能力有很大的帮助。当然,懂得联句的话,在阅读的时候也很容易对长句进行拆分,从而更好地理解长句。
1. 运用介词短语 • a. He didn’t write the letter himself. • He asked his friend to do it. • Instead of writing the letter himself, he asked his friend to do it. • b. There is a growing tolerance of nonstandard variation in speech. • But standard forms remain the norm for written English. • In spite of a growing tolerance of nonstandard variation in speech, standard forms remain the norm for written English.
c. Dogs are able and willing to learn a wide variety of tasks. • They are intelligent and devoted to their owners. • Dogs are able and willing to learn a wide variety of tasks because of their intelligence and devotion to their owners. • d. Ford produces cheaper cars. • Ford also supplies Americans with better ones year after year. • Besides producing cheaper cars, Ford also supplies Americans with better ones year after year. • e. Most reptiles have a menacing appearance. • But they aren’t really vicious if you leave them alone. • Despite their menacing appearance, most reptiles aren’t really vicious if you leave them alone.
2. 运用并列结构 • a. The moon was hidden entirely behind the dark clouds. • Not a single star could be seen. • The moon was hidden entirely behind the dark clouds and not a single star could be seen. • b. He had failed many times. • He was confident that he would succeed in the end. • He had failed many times, yet he was confident that he would succeed in the end. • c. I cleaned the spot on the kitchen floor. • It still looked dirty. • I cleaned the spot on the kitchen floor, but it still looked dirty.
d. We are watering the trees. • We don’t have any rain for a month. • We are watering the trees, for we don’t have any rain for a month. • e. The conference on nuclear energy was attended by students from Standford. • The attendance of the teachers from Berkeley was predictable. • The conference on nuclear energy was attended by students from Standford and, predictably, teachers from Berkeley.
3. 运用定语从句 • a. John Smith planted these apple trees three years ago. • They have not born any fruit. • These apple trees, which John Smith planted three years ago, have not born any fruit. • b. The two screws were missing from the assembly kit. • The two screws could be used to hold the bicycle frame together. • The two screws, which could be used to hold the bicycle frame together, were missing from the assembly kit.
c. The guests were surprised by their host’s furniture. • Their host’s furniture was made in Italy especially for the new gallery. • The guests were surprised by their host’s furniture which was made in Italy especially for the new gallery. • d. For sixty years Edison was the world’s leading inventor. • He patented over a thousand inventions and all these inventions changed our way of living. • For sixty years Edison was the world’s leading inventor, who patented over a thousand inventions, and all these inventions changed our way of living.
e. The Chinese character hao combines the symbol for “woman” with the symbol for “boy”. • The Chinese character hao means “good”. • The Chinese character hao, which combines the symbol for “woman” with the symbol for “boy”, means “good”. • 4. 运用分词短语 • a. These tea trees are picked 15 times a year. • They grow tired only after 30 or 40 years. • Picked 15 times a year, these tea trees grow tired only after 30 or 40 years.
b. He asked to read the instruction book once more. • He felt sure that he was using the instruction improperly. • He asked to read the instruction book once more, feeling sure that he was using the instruction improperly. • c. I approached the island. • I noticed a row of newly built houses. • Approaching the island, I noticed a row of newly built houses. • d. I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday. • I tried to find a garage to repair my car. • I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday, trying to find a garage to repair my car.
e. She was very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $500. • She did not realize that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas. • She did not realize it until a week later. • She was very happy with the blue sports car she bought for only $500, not realizing until a week later that the car averaged 7 miles a gallon of gas. • 5. 运用同位语短语 • a. There they were greeted by a woman called Zenobia. • She was a beautiful woman of wealth and position. • There they were greeted by a woman called Zenobia, a beautiful woman of wealth and position.
b. He was an even-tempered man. • He was nevertheless extremely angry when he heard the news. • An even-tempered man, he was nevertheless extremely angry when he heard the news. • c. Even a brief visit to Greece gives you a profound sense of the roots of our civilization. • Greece is a modern gateway to the glory of the past. • Even a brief visit to Greece, a modern gateway to the glory of the past, gives you a profound sense of the roots of our civilization.
d. She is an excellent, all-round student with a congenial personality. • She is a promising candidate for WOW. • WOW is an international scholarship program for outstanding women around the world. • An excellent, all-round student with a congenial personality, she is a promising candidate for WOW, an international scholarship program for outstanding women around the world.
e. We must realize our dependence on services over which we have no personal control. • We accept these services unthinkingly from dozens of nameless men and women every day. • We must realize our dependence on services over which we have no personal control, services which we accept unthinkingly from dozens of nameless men and women every day.
6. 运用独立主格 • a. The children watched the buses passing through the village. • Their eyes were bright and eager. • The children watched the buses passing through the village, their eyes being bright and eager. • b. A foreign language is a useful tool in serving people. • We should do our best to have a good command of it. • A foreign language being a useful tool in serving people, we should do our best to have a good command of it.
c. We have considered everything. • Her plan seems more practicable. • Everything considered, her plan seems more practicable. • d. Marie was sitting at her desk. • Her head was slightly over a pile of chemistry notes. • Marie was sitting at her desk, her head being slightly over a pile of chemistry notes. • e. The room was in chaos. • Soiled clothes were strewn on the floor. • Empty soda bottles and beer cans were littered everywhere. • The room was in chaos, soiled clothes strewn on the floor, and empty soda bottles and beer cans littered everywhere.
7. 运用主从结构 • a. He was very sad. • He didn’t know what to say or what to do. • He was so sad that he didn’t know what to say or what to do. • b. Jack obtained a credit card. • He began spending money carelessly. • When Jack obtained a credit card, he began spending money carelessly.
c. Old students acquire most of their information from reading. • Therefore good reading habits are extremely important. • Since old students acquire most of their information from reading, good reading habits are extremely important. • d. Elizabeth likes chocolate candies and cakes very much. • But she never eats them on account of her weight problems. • Although Elizabeth likes chocolate candies and cakes very much, she never eats them on account of her weight problems.
e. Some species of whales are nearing extinction. • Many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban on whale hunting. • Although (Though, Even though, or While) some species of whales are nearing extinction, many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban on whale hunting. • 8. 运用主语从句、不定式短语、动名词或动名词短语 • a. Intelligence tests actually give a measurement of the intelligence of individuals. • But they are questioned by some eminent psychologists. • That intelligence tests actually give a measurement of the intelligence of individuals is questioned by some eminent psychologists.
b. James gave up smoking. • This caused him to gain weight and become irritable with his acquaintances. • James’ giving up smoking caused him to gain weight and become irritable with his acquaintances. • c. I want to write an elaborate paper on economy. • This is my plan this semester. • To write an elaborate paper on economy is my plan this semester.
d. The farmers do not plant any crops. • This is the farmers’ best weapon against low prices. • Not to plant any crops is the farmers’ best weapon against low prices. • e. You can slight the value of early detection programs for cancer. • But this invites disaster and defeat. • Slighting the value of early detection programs for cancer invites disaster and defeat. • To slight the value of early detection programs for cancer invites disaster and defeat. • That you slight the value of early detection programs for cancer invites disaster and defeat. • Whoever slights the value of early detection programs for cancer invites disaster and defeat.
7.2 句型转换 句型转换可以改变句型和结构,使得表达方式千变万化,增加文章的趣味性。只要不影响原意,并且符合英语的表达习惯或语法规则,都可以进行句型转换。 请看下面两个例子,它们都说明可以用不同的句型表示同一个意思。 a. Bill bought Jane a stereo. Bill bought a stereo for Jane. Jane was bought a stereo by Bill. A stereo was bought for Jane by Bill. It was a stereo that Bill bought for Jane.
b. When Bill bought Jane a stereo, he surprised her. • Bill’s buying Jane a stereo surprised her. • Jane was surprised by Bill’s buying her a stereo. • That Bill bought Jane a stereo surprised her. • For Bill to have bought Jane a stereo surprised her. • The buying of a stereo for Jane by Bill surprised her. • 1. 简单句句型的转换 • (1) 主语转换 • a. Varied methods help to liven up a lesson. • Variety of methods helps to liven up a lesson.
b. My previous engagement prevented me from joining your party. • I could not join your party on account of my previous engagement. • c. It is dangerous to climb the mountain. • The mountain is dangerous to climb. • d. You were wrong to argue with your teacher. • It was wrong for you to argue with your teacher. • e. No amount of persuasion could make her change her mind. • Nothing could persuade her to change her mind.
(2) 谓语动词的转换(用同义词或同义句型) • a. Our living conditions have been greatly improved. • Our living conditions have achieved great improvements. • b. This book reflects the Chinese society of my father’s time. • This book is a reflection of the Chinese society of my father’s time. • c. He evidently benefited little by my advice. • He evidently received little benefit from my advice. • d. By so doing, we shall understand it better. • By so doing, we shall have a better understanding of it. • e. She considered the matter thoroughly. • Her consideration of the matter is thorough.
(3) 状语(副词、介词短语、不定式之间)转换 • a. I have come here to get the reference books. • I have come here for the reference books. • b. Don’t start work until you get further notice. • Don’t start work before further notice is given. • c. The building is twice the size of that building. • The building is twice as large as that building. • d. She came over to me smilingly. • She came over to me with a smile. • e. Tom is very tired. • Tom is as tired as anything.
(4) 定语(形容词和介词短语、不定式短语之间)转换 • a. It is a very important invention. • It is an invention of great importance. • b. The movement to reduce cost has produced good result. • The movement for reduction of cost has produced good result. • c. Is it a commendable thing? • Is it a thing to be commended? • d. This question was one to be debated. • This question was a debatable one. • e. There was a contemptuous look in his eyes when the enemy tried to flatter him. • There was a look of contempt in his eyes when the enemy tried to flatter him.
(5) 宾语转换 • a. The expansion of the city required extended communication lines. • The expansion of the city required extension of communication lines. • b. We marveled at the greatness of their achievements. • We marveled at their great achievements. • c. They considered the matter extremely important. • They considered the matter of great importance. • d. They were all deeply impressed by the fluency of her English. • They were all deeply impressed by her fluent English. • e. They have full confidence to fulfil the task in two weeks. • They have been fully confident to fulfil the task in two weeks.
2. 复合句和简单句的转换 • 通常我们可以将复合句中的从句转换成一个短语,这时句子的意思没有太大的变化。 • (1) 主语从句和表语从句的转换(与不定式短语或动名词短语互换) • a. It seems that he is an honest fellow. • He seems to be an honest fellow. • b. It worried her a great deal that her daughter should stay up so late. • Her daughter’s staying up so late worried her a great deal.
c. It was believed that the earth was flat. • The earth was believed to be flat. • d. The question now was how, when, and where we should cross the river. • The question now was how, when, and where to cross the river. • e. Her chief worry was that she lacked experience. • Her chief worry was her lacking in experience.
(2) 宾语从句的转换(与不定式短语、动名词短语或名词短语互换) • a. They said that he was a professor. • He was said to be a professor. • b. He forgot that he had promised to go to the exhibition with her. • He forgot his promising to go to the exhibition with her. • c. The London dockers demanded that their wages be raised. • The London dockers demanded a rise in their wages. • d. It all depends upon how you handle it. • It all depends upon your way of handling it. • e. She insisted that I should stay in bed. • She insisted on my staying in bed.
(3) 定语从句的转换(与不定式短语、分词短语、介词短语或名词短语等互换) • a. That is not anything one should feel uneasy about. • That is not anything to feel uneasy about. • b. What do you think of the plan Xiao Li put forward? • What do you think of the plan put forward by Xiao Li? • c. The Telephone Crisis Intervention Service, which is better known as Hotlines, provides counseling to anyone who needs it. • The Telephone Crisis Intervention Service, better known as Hotlines, provides counseling to anyone who needs it.
d. Birds have wings that enable them to fly into the air when an enemy approaches. • Birds have wings enabling them to fly into the air when an enemy approaches. • e. The well-known Olympic flag is a modern conception: the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents which participate in the Games. • The well-known Olympic flag is a modern conception: the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents participating in the Games.
(4) 状语从句的转换(与不定式短语、分词短语、介词短语互换) • a. When she arrived at the village, she saw several tractors working in the fields. • Arriving at the village, she saw several tractors working in the fields. • b. If he had been born in our society, he would have developed into a great artist. • Born in our society, he would have developed into a great artist. • c. She was so excited that she couldn’t go to sleep. • She was too excited to go to sleep.
d. He didn’t dare to shoot as he was afraid of hitting his own people. • He didn’t dare to shoot for fear of hitting his own people. • e. They worked with great enthusiasm though the weather was extremely cold. • They worked with great enthusiasm in spite of the extremely cold weather.
(5) 句子的强弱转换(强调句型) • a. I first saw him at an evening party. • It was at an evening party that I first saw him. • b. When it was dark, Tom realized it was too late to return home. • It was not until it was dark that Tom realized it was too late. • c. My father really understands me only. • Only my father really understands me. • d. My novel took a long time to come out because it raised a great number of problems. • It was because it raised a great number of problems that my novel took a long time to come out. • e. A young woman of about 20 was lying on the floor. • On the floor was lying a young woman of about 20.
练习七 一、把下面每题中的两句话合并为一句话,使得第一句话成为第二句话的一部分。 a. He failed to complete the course. This spoilt his chances of promotion. His failure to complete the course spoilt his chances of promotion. b. He criticized the plan repeatedly. This exasperated everyone. His repeated criticism of the plan exasperated everyone.
c. The public received the news enthusiastically. This surprised no one. The public enthusiastic reception of the news surprised no one. d. He signed his father’s name on the check. This was regarded as forgery. His signing of his father’s name on the check was regarded as forgery.
e. The government devalued the currency a second time. This caused a new monetary crisis. The government’s second devaluation of the currency caused a new monetary crisis. f. The workers are dissatisfied with the new wage rates. This has led to a strike threat. The workers’ dissatisfaction with the new wage rates has led to a strike threat.
二、将下列术语或短语翻译成中文。 • ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) • AUX (AUXiliary port) • 3. erasable programmable read-only memory • 4. enhanced small device interface (ESDI) • 5. interrupt requested (IRQ) • 6. liquid crystal display (LCD) • 7. reliability of operation • 8. alias information • 9. cache memory • 10. interrupt-page address register
11. coaxial cable 12. color bit-mapped graphics 13. communication port pointer 14. compound index file 15. Cyberworld 16. cyber space 17. cyber generation 18. cyber-chat 19. cyber culture 20. CyberPunk
21. expanded memory specification (XMS) 22. extended memory specification (EMS) 23. expansion slots 24. extended partition 25. function switch 26. hard copy 27. office copy 28. original copy 29. unique copy 30. complimentary copy
31. multiple windows 32. digital library 33. parent class or superclass 34. source code 35. spaghetti code 36. spaghetti junction 37. status bar 38. bar chart 39. trial version 40. trouble-shooting
41. bluetooth 42. connect via IR (infra-red) 43. IR port 44. worldwide limited warranty statement 45. warranty period 46. inserting and taking out the UIM card 47. installing and removing the battery 48. charging the battery 49. limitation of liability 50. performance limitation