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Client/Health Improvement Plan

Client/Health Improvement Plan. A & P/HS1 Semester Projec t. Michael Mouse. Gender: Male Age: 48 Years Old Education: Bachelor’s in Electronic Technology Profession: Works at ASML Family Situation: Lives with Wife and Kids Chief Complaints: Trying to lose weight.

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Client/Health Improvement Plan

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  1. Client/Health Improvement Plan A & P/HS1 Semester Project

  2. Michael Mouse • Gender: Male • Age: 48 Years Old • Education: Bachelor’s in Electronic Technology • Profession: Works at ASML • Family Situation: Lives with Wife and Kids • Chief Complaints: Trying to lose weight

  3. Overview of Relevant Info from Health History • Weight: 250 lbs. • Height: 5’ 8” • Adult Illnesses: Sciatic nerves going down right leg. Hip pain. • Family Health History: Aneurism, Gout, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and High Blood Pressure. • Modes of Relaxation: Watching TV and Exercise

  4. Research • Overweight and obesity affects more than 66% of the adult population and is associated with a variety of chronic diseases. Weight Reduction reduces health risks associated with chronic diseases and is therefore encouraged by major health agencies. (Donnelly JE, Blair SN, Jakicic JM) • The medical effects of modest weight reduction (approximately 10% or less) in patients with obesity-associated medical complications were reviewed. (Glodstein DJ) • Diets higher in fruits and vegetables and lower in meats (except fish) may reduce the risk of developing high BP. (Katsuyuki, Miura) • Long term risk of CVD and diabetes increased significantly with increasing overweight and obesity. Weight loss was associated with significant reduction in risk of diabetes but not CVD, except possibly in considerably overweight younger men. (Wannamethee, S Goya)

  5. Target Behavior • More Exercise

  6. Theory (HBM) • High Perceived Susceptibility: Higher risk of diabetes and high blood pressure because of family history. • Low Perceived Severity: He does eat a well balanced diet and takes an occasional walk and goes to gym once a week. Doesn’t feel like he can’t get any health related illnesses in his past. • Perceived Barriers: He has a tough work schedule to work around to even try to work out more during the week. • High Self-Efficacy: Supported by family and he recently got his own personal trainer.

  7. Theory-Intervention • Find time to work out more will help him try to lose weight and help him learn to work around his schedule. • Take a daily walk will help him get at least some form of exercise everyday. • Try to lower sodium intake because of his family’s history with heart problems.

  8. Smart Goal • Client 1 has 4 weeks to try to loss weight and gain muscle. • Tell client about the risks of being overweight. • Get the client to check his weight everyday. • Offer him to try to at least walk everyday if he is unable to go to the gym because of his work schedule.

  9. Intervention Highlights • Client Lost a total of 3 lbs during the 4 weeks! • Had a set back one week because of his back, but came back strong the next week and lost 2 lbs! • Client was able to work out more around his schedule and was able to loss weight!

  10. Results • Client was able to lose at least 3 lbs during his 4 week session. • He was able to find one or two more days that work around his schedule during the week. • Overall the client did do a nice job of noticing his goals and trying to achieve it. • Though I felt like he could of found more time to go to the gym or walk.

  11. Results (Cont.)

  12. Personal/Professional Analysis • When dealing with the Health Belief Model was successfully able to make him recognize his problem and try to fix it. • I feel successful with the project overall because Iknow this is making him want to work out more in the future, so he can lose some weight in the next couple of months. • It was easy for him to see the research and understand the sacrifices of being overweight. • I wish that he could of worked out more during the 4 weeks.

  13. Work Citation • Miura, K., Greenland, P., Stramler, J., Liu, K., Daviglus, M., & Nakagawa, H. (2003, October 24). Relation of Vegetable, Fruit, and Meat Intake to 7-Year Blood Pressure Change in Middle-aged Men. . Retrieved May 13, 2014, from http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/159/6/572.short • Goldstein, D. (n.d.). Beneficial health effects of modest weight loss. . . Retrieved , from http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/1322866/reload=0;jsessionid=8153CPzxIKqzH8i7yrDn.24 • Donnelly, J., Blair, S., Manore, M., Rankin, J., & Smith, B. (n.d.). American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Appropriate physical activity intervention strategies for weight loss and prevention of weight regain for adults. . American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Appropriate physical activity intervention.... Retrieved May 13, 2014, from http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/19127177 • Wannamethee, G., Shaper, G., & Walker, M. (n.d.). Overweight and obesity and weight change in middle aged men: impact on cardiovascular disease and diabetes. . Retrieved May 13, 2014, from http://jech.bmj.com/content/59/2/134.short

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