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Networking. Parker Kvenvold. LAN. Local Area Network Spans over a small area At least two computer Applications are stored in file server. WAN. Wide Area Network Spans over a large area Types MAN , VAN, PAN, VNP. MAN. Metropolitan Area Network

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Networking Parker Kvenvold

  2. LAN • Local Area Network • Spans over a small area • At least two computer • Applications are stored in file server

  3. WAN • Wide Area Network • Spans over a large area • Types • MAN , VAN, PAN, VNP

  4. MAN • Metropolitan Area Network • Two or more computers/devices communicating, but in different geographical areas

  5. Topology • Layout • Types • Bus • Ring • Star • Hybrid

  6. Advantages • Sharing • Hardware • Software • Information • Collaborative Environment

  7. Disadvantages • Viruses • Once in one device, can spread to others easily • System Crashing/Failures • Computer Hackers • Easy access to other devices once hacked into one • Equipment Malfunctions

  8. Sharing (Is Caring) • Hardware • Printers • Hardware can be used by many users • Software • Microsoft Office • Other devices in the network can use Apps. • Information • Documents, Photos, Videos • Authorization needed • Other users can access information

  9. Media • Physical • Twisted-pair cable • Coaxial cable • ISN Line • Fiber-optic Cable • Communications • Communications Channel • Transmission Media

  10. Firewalls • Guards data • Authorization is needed

  11. Hardware/Software • Hubs • Device with Ports, used in LAN networks • Repeaters • Amplify network signals • Routers • Devices that ensure messages were sent to the right people • Gateway • Hardware and software that allows communications between different networks • Bridge • Hardware and software that allows communications between similar networks

  12. Nanomaker • Is a type of Electrical Engineering • Used to make clean energy sources • Is used in programming

  13. Reference • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_area_network • NetworkingfunimentalsPowerpoint • wiki.hill.com

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