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ORACLE HRMS ON-LINE LEAVE APPLICATION. Definition. Annual leave ‘cuti bergaji penuh yang diberi kerana perkhidmatan yang melayakkan dalam sesuatu tahun, dari bulan Januari hingga Disember’
Definition Annual leave ‘cuti bergaji penuh yang diberi kerana perkhidmatan yang melayakkan dalam sesuatu tahun, dari bulan Januari hingga Disember’ = Annual leave is accumulated based on number of days, months and years of service – proportionate
ANNUAL LEAVE < 10 YRS > 10 YRS GRADE / CATEGORIES Special Grade & Above AND Category I – VI 30 days 35 days (Only for those appointed before Sept. 05) 30 days 25 days Category VII – VIII Category IX - XI 25 days 20 days - Recommendation from Superior - Approval from Head of Department
Observation on current practices • Advanced annual leave • Utilization of all annual leave at the beginning of year • Emergency leave • Frequent Sick leave
How to manage leave • Staff may be considered for annual leave according to his/her entitlement • Staff absent without leave – He/She will be required to fill in a form of ‘Leave without absence’ for verification i. With reasonable excuses and has a balance of leave - may be considered for annual leave ii. With reasonable excuses and has no balance of leave - considered as no pay leave ii. W/O reasonable excuses – even if she/he still have balance of annual leave – considered as no pay leave
Unutilized annual leave OPTION 1 i. Carry forward to the following year Example: - 30 days – 2005 (carry to 2006) - 30 days – 2006 (carry to 2007) - 30 days – 2007 (only 60 days can be carried forward to 2008 – the unutilized leave will lapse at the end of the 3rd year)
Unutilized annual leave OPTION 2 ii. Accumulated for cash compensation (max 15/year & 120 throughout service) Formula: 1/30 X Last drawn salary X number of accumulated leave Implication : No pay leave, does not qualify a staff for full bonus
Sick leave Definition: ‘Cuti bergaji penuh yang diberi kerana sebab-sebab perubatan dan dengan pengemukaan Sijil Sakit dari seorang pegawai perubatan Kerajaan atau lain- lain doktor yang diterima, dan diberi sakit atau kecederaan yang ada harapan untuk sembuh’ - If a staff, comes on the following day with an MC (government or private clinic or hospital), we could consider them as on MC
Sick leave – cont.. Conditions: 1. pesakit luar di hospital atau klinik swasta, sijil sakit boleh diterima jika ia memberi jumlah cuti sakit yang tidak melebihi 15 hari dalam satu tahun kalendar
Sick leave – cont.. 2. pesakit dalam di hospital atau klinik swasta, sijil sakit yang dikeluarkan oleh doktor swasta tanpa sokongan Pegawai Perubatan Kerajaan boleh diterima jika ia memberi jumlah cuti sakit yang tidak melebihi 180 hari dalam satu tahun kalendar
Sick leave – cont.. 3. Jumlah cuti sakit sama ada berasaskan sijil sakit swasta atau sijil sakit kerajaan yang boleh diberikan adalah tidak melebihi 180 hari dalam satu tahun kalendar, di mana 90 hari pertama boleh diluluskan oleh ketua jabatan dan 90 hari seterusnya hendaklah diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa tertentu
Sick leave – cont.. IIUM practiced - MCs more than 15 days, a staff could be asked to go for thorough medical check-up General Order – seseorang pegawai yang telah mengambil cuti sakit berjumlah 45 hari atau lebih dalam tiap-tiap tahun bagi tiga tahun yang berturut-turut boleh dikehendaki oleh Ketua Jabatannya untuk diperiksa kesihatannya oleh sebuah Lembaga Perubatan
Plan of action • Responsibility of Leave Administrator / Liaison officer i. To update the list of supervisor – annual leave application ii. To ensure that all staff apply annual leave through on-line ii. To update the information of attendance – eg. Workshop, etc. iii. To update the information on leave that has been approved to be brought forward to the following year / golden hand shake