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AMCHP Conference DSCH Skills Building Session

AMCHP Conference DSCH Skills Building Session. Reporting Your State’s Data in the Title V Information System. Changes to TVIS for the 2007 MCH Block Grant Application Process. Christopher Dykton Science Applications International Corporation. Overview. Return to Interim Year Reporting

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AMCHP Conference DSCH Skills Building Session

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  1. AMCHP ConferenceDSCH Skills Building Session Reporting Your State’s Data in the Title V Information System Changes to TVIS for the 2007 MCH Block Grant Application Process Christopher Dykton Science Applications International Corporation

  2. Overview • Return to Interim Year Reporting • A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • Enhancements • Review of System Key Points • Dates for the 2007 Application • Accessing the 2007 Application

  3. Return to Interim Year Reporting Last Year - the Year of the Needs Assessment • Some requirements were different • Provided your new State’s Needs Assessment • Defined 7-10 new Priority Needs • Defined new State Performance Measures • Forms not required in past years were required • Narrative written anew • Functioning of most of TVIS remained the same

  4. Return to Interim Year Reporting This Year – Return to Interim Year Reporting • Form 14 is pre-populated with Priority Needs • 2006-2010 State Performance Measures defined last year are those in the application • State Performance Measures 2000-2005 are retired • Sections of the narrative are pre-populated with last year’s narrative. • Attach an update to the Needs Assessment

  5. Return to Interim Year Reporting: Needs Assessment • Standalone Document • Recommendation: attach only Section IIC, Needs Assessment Summary to Section II of the Narrative • Size limit on attachment (4MB) • Contact the HRSA Call Center if your document is larger than the limit

  6. Return to Interim Year Reporting: Narrative • Length limitations for the narrative sections have increased by 10 percent from last year (hand out) • 3,000 characters each are allowed for discussion of past accomplishments, current activities, and future plans for PMs • Narrative text fields are pre-populated with last year’s narrative text, except for • New sections (HSCI and HSI) • Performance measures • Updates should begin with /2007/ and end with //2007// for appropriate coding

  7. Return to Interim Year Reporting Functioning of most of TVIS remains the same • Registration • Financial Forms (Forms 1-5, which includes the SF424 face sheet) • Program/Administrative Forms (Forms 6-10, 13-15) • National Performance Measures (Forms 11 & 16) • Health Systems Capacity Indicators (Forms 17-19) • Health Status Indicators (Forms 20-21)

  8. Title V Block Grant Application 2007 • Return to Interim Year Reporting • A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • Enhancements • Review of System Key Points • Dates for the 2007 Application • Accessing the 2007 Application

  9. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • Two new NPMs were developed • ‘New’ NPM 14: Percentage of children, ages 2 to 5 years, receiving WIC services with a Body Mass Index (BMI) at or above the 85th percentile • ‘New’ NPM 15: Percentage of women who smoke in the last three months of pregnancy • The ‘old’ NPMs are being collected elsewhere in TVIS • ‘Old’ NPM 14 regarding Medicaid-eligible children who have received a service paid by the Medicaid Program was incorporated into Health Systems Capacity Indicator (HSCI) 07 as HSCI07A • ‘Old’ NPM 15 regarding very low birth weight infants was removed, as it was considered to be captured and reported under Health Status Indicator (HSI) 02A

  10. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS Revised NPM 11 • NPM 11: Timeframe for measurement has changed from the previous Guidance • ‘Old’ NPM 11: Percentage of mothers who breastfeed their infants at hospital discharge • ‘New’ NPM 11: The percent of mothers who breastfeed their infants at 6 months of age.

  11. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS New NPMs in TVIS – How to Report • Provide Baseline Indicator Data for 2005  • Context given for future objectives noted • Provide Objectives for 2006-2010 • Discuss Past, Present, Future in Narrative • Past Accomplishments: What was in place in 2005 • Current Activities: What is taking place in 2006 (List activities in Figure 4a) • Future Plans: What will happen in 2007 to address this measure • Data (2004 and Before) are not Entered

  12. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS Revised NPMs in TVIS – How to Report • Report 2005 Indicator Data only • NPM Main Menu names this measure as ‘Retired’ NPM 11 • Last year of reporting – this measure will be retired after this application • Treat the ‘new’ NPM 11 as a new measure

  13. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS ‘Old’ NPMs in TVIS – How to Report • Data reported for ‘old’ NPM 14 is migrated to the new HSCI 07A • Data reported under ‘old’ HSCI 07 is migrated to the new HSCI 07B • Continue to report indicator data for both of these HSCIs • Data reported for ‘old’ NPM 15 is removed • Continue to report indicator data for HSI 02A

  14. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • Two other NPMs are revised  • NPM 01: Language clarification from the previous Guidance • Early screening and early intervention for all newborns for special health care needs was rewritten to emphasize the timely follow up to definitive diagnosis and clinical management for screen positive newborns • NPM 06: Language clarification from the previous Guidance • Youth with special health care needs receiving services was revised to illustrate the various aspects of adult life which one can transition 

  15. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS Revised NPMs in TVIS – How to Report • NPM 01: Detail sheet is revised • Examine data reported for this measure • The data reported for this measure has been an issue since 2003 • Some States are still reporting on the ‘old’ screening measure that looked at screening not follow up • NPM 06: Detail sheet is revised • Data reported previously for this measure is pre-populated with data reported in 2004 (CSHCN Survey for most States)

  16. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • HSCI 09C (Data Capacity - Children who are obese or overweight) was deleted • New NPM 14 takes its place  • Instructions on what to discuss in the narrative for HSCIs are clarified • Each HSCI will have its own narrative text box of 4,500 characters, rather than one text box of 30,000 characters • Ensure discussion on all HSCIs

  17. A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • All HSIs (01-12) will be reported annually and discussed in the narrative. • Data required for all measures • HSI multi-year forms (01-06) follow the rules used by PMs and HSCIs for reporting indicators for the reporting year • All field ins HSI demographic tables (07-12) must be completed • Checked in the Form Status Checker, not at the time of data entry • New narrative section of 30,000 characters created for discussion of HSIs

  18. Title V Block Grant Application 2007 • Return to Interim Year Reporting • A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • Enhancements • Review of System Key Points • Dates for the 2007 Application • Accessing the 2007 Application • Help

  19. Enhancements: Look and Feel • Save and Cancel Button Moved – Now Centered at the bottom of the page • View/Print Version: How Notes are Displayed has changed • Notes for Multi-Year forms are displayed in chronological order, descending • Notes are displayed right after each PM, HSCI or HSI, in chronological order, descending

  20. Enhancements: Data Validations • New Warning Messages for ‘0’ • Applies to indicator, numerator or denominator values • Multi-year PMs, HSCIs and HSIs • Manual Indicator and Numerator: Popup will ask you to confirm the use of ‘0’ • Denominator: Use of ‘0’ as a denominator not permitted

  21. Enhancements: Form 15 • Form 15, Technical Assistance Request, links to MCH TA Website • Maternal and Child Health Technical Assistance to State Agencies Web Site • Text hyperlink to http://www.mchtaproject.com • Allows States identifying technical assistance requests in TVIS to link directly to enter the request MCH TA Website for consideration • Save your data in Form 15 before leaving TVIS

  22. Enhancements: Form 16 • Form 16, State Performance Measure Detail Sheet, have tightened requirements • Title, Unit and Unit Type must be entered • Review Detail Sheets defined last year for your ‘new’ SPMs • Make sure all definitions are complete • Complete unit and unit type if not defined • Indicator data cannot be calculated on the PM tracking form unless the measure unit is defined

  23. Enhancements: Forms Status Checker • Form 1 is now checked for required fields • Use Form 1 to print your SF424 • Form 10 is now checked for required fields • Pre-populated in the past • Must be completed each year • Forms 20 and 21, HSIs, are now checked • Now required

  24. Enhancements: Printing • Change in the way you generate a PDF • Last year you were able to print your forms and narrative directly to PDF in the view version and save on your computer • Challenges for States because of server traffic and time-outs • Click a button to request a PDF of your form and narrative • Narrative generated offline and posted on the site within ten minutes • Download the narrative • Eliminates real-time generation • Easier on both federal and State information systems.

  25. Enhancements: Printing • Investigating ways to generate a WORD version of the narrative with a automatic, paginated table of contents • Goal is to have this capability in place by the time PDFs are generated for review - July 15, 2006

  26. Title V Block Grant Application 2007 • Return to Interim Year Reporting • A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • Enhancements • Review of System Key Points • Dates for the 2007 Application • Accessing the 2007 Application

  27. Key Points • Access to the Application is via the Internet • When you save your data, data are stored on the HRSA server where it may be accessed at your next session • You must save your data! • If you cancel without saving or close your window, you will lose the data on your form

  28. Key Points Your Browser • Use Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher as your browser • Coordinate with your State IT department to make sure you are set up properly

  29. Key Points Security • Time outs are a security requirement • If there is no communication with the server within 30 minutes, you will time out of the system

  30. Key Points Security • At the 29 minute mark, you receive a warning that you will time out and you must click the “OK” button to continue your session • You have 1 minute to respond • Be careful about having multiple Internet Explorer windows open – your warning could appear in an open window behind your active window

  31. Key Points Registration • First, you register • Each State is allowed 6 users • Each State identifies the users to MCHB to ensure integrity of use • Access will allow the user to enter data in all sections of the application

  32. Key Points Data Entry • Save your data as you work • Use the ‘Notes’ icon to enter notes at both the form and the field level • Use the ‘Instruction’ link to access the user’s guide for the form that you are in • Use the ‘Guidance’ link to review the content of the guidance for that form

  33. Key Points Forms • Numeric fields cannot have commas entered • Text fields have character limitations • Only one person from your State can access a single form at any one time • Multiple users from your State can work on different forms at the same time

  34. Key Points Notes • Note fields are not pre-populated • Historical notes are available for you to cut and paste notes from last year’s application, should they apply to this year’s application • Be careful when copying notes – some PMs/HSCIs have migrated this year but the historical notes are tied to the numbering in last year’s application.

  35. Key Points Narrative • Text fields have character limitations • Compose your copy in Word or WordPerfect for a section and note your character count including spaces. This count should be under the section limit • Then copy and paste into the section • Do not use bullets or other special characters • Hard returns do not count toward the character limits • Use the character counter on the page to monitor character use

  36. Key Points Narrative • Attachments - one attachment per section • Combine multiple attachments into one document for a section • Be consistent in the naming of your attachments • Name it by Section, Subsection and Subsection Title: • Example: IA_TransmittalLetter • Do not use attachments to work around length limitations

  37. Key Points: Data Validations • NPM’s 2-6 (CSHCN Survey) data for 2005 will be populated with the data entered last year. You may edit as needed • Completing PMs, HSCIs and HSIs: Provide actual or estimated data or, in lieu of data, a note is acceptable for reporting year • Completing OMs: Recommended but optional • Reporting PMs and HSCIs for the Territories: Notes are acceptable in lieu of any data for the PMs, HSCIs and HSIs that do not apply to the Territories

  38. Title V Block Grant Application 2007 • Return to Interim Year Reporting • A New Guidance: What’s in Store in TVIS • Enhancements • Review of System Key Points • Dates for the 2007 Application • Accessing the 2007 Application

  39. Key Dates for the 2007 Application • March 15, 2006: Registration material scheduled to be mailed (if your list of State users has been submitted). • April 1, 2006: The link to the 2007 Application and 2005 Annual Report goes live from the MCHB website. You may register and begin work online at that time. • July 15, 2006: Deadline for the 2007 Application and 2005 Annual Report

  40. Accessing the 2007 Application • The URL will be available at: https://perfdata.hrsa.gov/mchb/mchreports/Search/search.asp • To get there: From the MCHB Home Page • Select ‘Data’ • Select ‘Title V Information System’ • Link to the Block Grant Application on the Sidebar under ‘State Login’ • Once, there – bookmark it for direct access!

  41. Come to the TVIS Learning Lab Reporting Your Title V Data Online • Try out the Web-based TVIS Application • Have individual questions addressed • Times: • Monday, March 6, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Tuesday, March 7, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  42. If you don’t have time to use the learning lab, stop by and say “hi” HRSA Call Center will assist you with this year’s application HRSA Call Center (877) Go4-HRSA or (877) 464-4772 CallCenter@hrsa.gov

  43. Contact me if I can help you… Christopher Dykton Maternal & Child Health Specialist Science Applications International Corporation 12530 Parklawn Drive, Suite 350 Rockville, MD 20852 Email:  dyktonc@saic.com Office:  301-230-4715 Fax:  301-468-0166

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