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An introduction to Apache Whirr

A short introduction to Apache Whirr. What is it and how does it relate to the cloud ?How can it be used with Hadoop ?

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An introduction to Apache Whirr

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  1. Apache Whirr • What is it ? • How does it work? • The Cloud • Architecture • Use with Hadoop www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info@semtech-solutions.co.nz

  2. Apache Whirr – What is it ? • A library based cloud service system • API libraries for cloud providers • Choose a configuration file to define a cluster • High level interaction • Service based on roles www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info@semtech-solutions.co.nz

  3. Apache Whirr – How does it work ? • Libraries provided to offer high level API • Based on JClouds • Recipe based approach for cloud providers i.e. EC2 • It is cloud neutral • Create clusters as you need them for • Dev / test etc www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info@semtech-solutions.co.nz

  4. Apache Whirr – How does it work ? • Automatically start instances on the Cloud • Configure and start Hadoop • Add applications like • Hive • Hbase • Yarn / MapReduce www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info@semtech-solutions.co.nz

  5. Apache Whirr – Why go virtual ? • Whirr gives independence from Cloud vendor • Makes it easier to move vendors later • Save money by only using what you need • Expand the cluster as demand requires • Reduce the cluster when possible • Compress data as much as possible to reduce costs • Virtual cost < physical cost ( should be ) until • Data sizes in high Tbyte – low Pbyte range www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info@semtech-solutions.co.nz

  6. Apache Whirr – Supported • What cloud suppliers are available • Amazon EC2 • Rackspace Cloud Services • What services do they support ? • Cassandra • Hadoop • Zoo Keeper • Hbase • Elastic Search • Voldemort • Hama www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info@semtech-solutions.co.nz

  7. Apache Whirr – Example config Example Whirr configuration - .whirr/credentials whirr.provider=aws-ec2 whirr.identity=your-aws-key whirr.credential=your-aws-secret Whirr Hadoop configuration - hadoop.properties whirr.cluster-name=myhadoopcluster whirr.instance-templates=1 hadoop-jobtracker+hadoop-namenode,1 hadoop-datanode+hadoop-tasktracker whirr.provider=aws-ec2 Start Whirr whirr launch-cluster --config hadoop.properties www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info@semtech-solutions.co.nz

  8. Contact Us • Feel free to contact us at • www.semtech-solutions.co.nz • info@semtech-solutions.co.nz • We offer IT project consultancy • We are happy to hear about your problems • You can just pay for those hours that you need • To solve your problems

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