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Bet Am Shalom extends heartfelt thanks to Roberto Lombert, Anthony Tejeda, Ruth Balarezo, Veneranda Martinez, and the entire Gala Committee for their dedication and commitment to making this a special night for our honorees and community!
THANK YOU!GRACIAS! Roberto Lombert, Building Superintendent AnthonyTejeda Ruth Balarezo VenerandaMartinez For all that you have done for this celebration, and for our community! We love and appreciate youall! Bet Am ShalomSynagogue
The Gala CommitteeExtends the Warmest of Thanksto: Beth Am Shalom's ExecutiveStaff Marie Samtula Jennifer Troup EllenTillem and Executive Director VickyFarhi With Gratitude for Your Tremendous Role in The People Are the Song'sSuccess!
The Bet Am Shalom CommunityAND The People Are the Song Co-Chairs Susan Ackerman, Bettina Klein, and BethDavidson extend heartfelt thanks to our dedicatedCommittee: Helaine Beckerman, Rick Beckerman, Ronnie Berlin David Chalfin, Sharon Cohen, IvyEisenberg Vicky Farhi, David Fine, Gwen Finger Shelli Friedberg, Robin Gibbs, RaphyHaimowitz Claudia Jaffe, Phyllis Handler, Rachele Khadjehturian Neala Markowitz, Robin Rattner, DebbieWeiner Marilyn Weintraub, Paula Markowitz Wittlin, MoiraYanuck Thank you for your time and commitment to making this a special night for our honorees andcommunity!
Mark Liflander Liflander PhotographyLLC 914-552-0802 www.LiflanderPhotography.com
Bet Am Shalom extends heartfelt thanksto DAVIDFINE for his creativity, dedication and passion in providing graphic designservices for The People Are theSong!
To Rabbi Bronstein & CantorSchiller, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do somuch." - HelenKeller It is a great honor working on yourteam. We look forward to your continued leadership as we strive to enhance the BAScommunity. The AdministrativeStaff, Ellen, Jennifer,Marie
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor on 30 Years at Bet AmShalom. Ann & BillSacher
With love to Les &Benjie Our own Jewish Dynamic Duo We're so proud and grateful for all youdo. David, Ellen, Ben, Erin & ThomasLevy
Benjie andLes, With your songs in ourhearts, We thankyou. Josie and AlanGanek
Thank you Rabbi LesBronstein and Cantor Benjie Schiller for your spiritual leadership, generoushearts, and love for ourcommunity. We are so proud to be part of Bet AmShalom. Michael, Bettina, Rebecca, Emma and JoshuaKlein
Les and Benjie - -the verybest! Terri Simon and EricLevine
Thank you for creating such ameaningful and inspirational home for ourfamily. With much gratitude and love, The Rotter Laitman Family: Annette J. Rotter, Joel P.Laitman, Clara,Natalie, Melanie Rotter Laitman and RemySchwartz
Yasher Koach and Thank You to Rabbi Bronstein and CantorSchiller for your years of dedicatedservice to ourcommunity!! Debra AbrahamsWeiner and DavidWeiner
Thank you Benjie andLes for being part of our lives and the deciding factors in our decision tobecome a part of this wonderfulcommunity some 26 yearsago. MazelTov.
Thank Youto Our Rabbi andCantor for Their SpiritualLeadership Diane, Marc, Jay and EliGreenwald
"Know! A person walks in life on a very narrow bridge. The most important thing is not to be afraid." Rebbe Nachman ofBreslov Dearest Les andBenjie, Love and gratitude for 30 years of safepassage! MazelTov, The KrasnowFamily
In honorof Les Bronstein and Benjie Ellen Schiller Spiritual Leaders and Role Models The perfect balance you have brought to Bet Am Shalom goes to the heartof our community'svibrancy. You have helped shape so manylives. Richard Cohen and MarciaHorowitz
The Kagan Family applaudsour Rabbi and Cantor for their precious voices of leadership andcaring. Stewart and SarahKagan
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor for all their wonderfulwork and for thespiritual, open, and kindatmosphere they promote at ourwonderful Bet AmShalom Susan and JoelSchwartz
Thankyou Les andBenjie for leading our song for 30years. MazelTov! SusanAckerman
Thankyou for your inspiration andcomfort in times of joy andsorrow. BarbaraMoss
Thank Youto Our Rabbi andCantor for Their SpiritualLeadership Beth Zadek and JophSteckel
From the day you named our daughter, and through all the life cycle eventsthereafter: b'nai mitzvahs, weddings, funerals, etc,etc. - you have both had a special place in all ourhearts! With love andgratitude, Bob & ShelleyFischel
Happy to Honor Our VerySpecial Rabbi andCantor, andSupport Our Very Special Synagogue MargeFeder
We feel blessed to be part of this congregation and tolive our Jewish liveswith Les andBenjie as our spiritualleaders! MazelTov! Marisa Jackson and NeilFaden andFamily
Thank Youto Our Rabbi andCantor for Their SpiritualLeadership The Chalfin-BrownsteinFamily
Our Rabbi, OurCantor, OurInspirations With Love and Gratitudeto Les &Benjie Harry and KarenWaizer
Mazal Tovto Les andBenjie for 30 glorious years atBAS AlanSeptimus
With love &gratitude for a beautiful 30 years of yourdedication to the Bet Am Shalomcommunity. We are fortunate to beamong your congregants &friends. Andrea & MartyGlenn
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor on 30 Years at Bet AmShalom. The BeltzerFamily
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor on 30 Years at Bet AmShalom. Beth and IraNash
Thank you so muchto Rabbi Bronstein and CantorSchiller for leading our unique and inspiringcommunity! Jeff Rothman, BethDavidson, Josie andHugo
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor on 30 Years at Bet AmShalom. Brian Oxman & ShoshanaCooper
With love and appreciationfor Les andBenjie for their wisdom, grace and extraordinary talent for taking care ofpeople. Buzz and SandyBirnbach
לך״-״ואניתפלתי Les &Benjie Thank you formaking your lives your prayers and modeling apath for all of us at BAS toward theDivine Liz Haas & StevenGallen
With unendinglove andadmiration From all of us, Frankie, Sam,Sarah, andWillard
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor on 30 Years at Bet AmShalom. Jason, Rachel, Jack, Abby & BrookeHalperin
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor on 30 Years at Bet AmShalom. Deborah Melincoff & HoomanYaghoobzadeh
Les andBenjie Thanks for all you havedone to strengthen the Bet Amcommunity over these 30years. Your gifts to us are truly withoutmeasure. With gratitude andaffection, Madeleine and DavidArnow
Yasher Koachto Les andBenjie for 30 years of inspired leadership and sustaining and building ourKehillah. Marina and AndyLewin
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor on 30 Years at Bet AmShalom. Mark Glucksman and RobertaLieber
With love, appreciation and a huge Mazel Tov to Rabbi Les and CantorBenjie on 30 incredible years with Bet AmShalom. You are the heart, soul and spiritual center of ourcongregation. How wonderful for usall! Paula MarkowitzWittlin
Mazel Tov and thankyou for yourfriendship all theseyears. Philip Genty and JudithWaksberg
Thank Youto Our Rabbi andCantor for Their SpiritualLeadership Phyllis and AlvinGoldman
Mazel Tovto Our Rabbi andCantor on 30 Years at Bet AmShalom. Phyllis and StanleyHandler
We are doublyblessed with your leadership andpresence in ourcommunity. Steven and WendyLager