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I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!. Sarah Beeson, Jill Hall, Sarah Regan. Cold Stone Creamery. Founded in 1988 in Tempe, Arizona Uses in-store made ice cream that is combined with mix-ins, candy, and other toppings to create a new flavor Open year round
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream! Sarah Beeson, Jill Hall, Sarah Regan
Cold Stone Creamery • Founded in 1988 in Tempe, Arizona • Uses in-store made ice cream that is combined with mix-ins, candy, and other toppings to create a new flavor • Open year round • Ice cream parlor chain
Maggie Moo’s • Founded in 1989 in Kansas City, Kansas • 136 Treateries in 43 US states, Singapore, and Puerto Rico • Specializes in ice cream and other desserts • Independently owned and operated franchise stores
Our Topic • We set out to compare Cold Stone and Maggie Moo’s • We went to two Cold Stone’s (Warrington and Willow Grove) and two Maggie Moo’s’ (Warrington and Landsale) • Observed and surveyed for subject’s gender, order, price paid, size, preference, and frequency visited
Procedure • Observed customers in two of each store from May 27- 31 • Allowed customer to order and surveyed every third customer to ensure randomness • Used data table to record information
Exploratory Data Analysis • Seasonally is the most common • With Sometimes close behind • Frequently is the least common • Possibly due to ice cream being seen as a seasonal treat Bar Graph of Frequency of Visits Frequently- 11.67% Sometimes- 31.67% Seasonally- 36.67% Almost Never- 20%
Gender and Flavor • With the exception of coffee and chocolate, flavors are fairly evenly distributed between gender • Conclude gender has no effect on flavor Cake Batter- 50% female, 50% male Chocolate- 70% female, 30% male Coffee- 80% female, 20% male Mint- 55.56% female, 44.44% male Specialty- 62.5% female, 37.5% male Strawberry- 40% female, 60% male Vanilla- 54.54% female, 45.46% male
Store Preference • Cold Stone and Maggie Moo’s preference is approximately evenly distributed between the two • We conclude that the population is evenly split on favorite store Cold Stone- 51.67% Maggie Moo’s- 48.33%
Size • Small and Medium are approximately evenly distributed • Large has a much smaller frequency • We conclude that the majority of the population orders small or medium Small- 40% Medium- 38.33% Large- 21.67%
Price • There are gaps between $3.50 and slightly less than $4.25, slightly above $4.25 and $4.50, and between approximately $5.12 and $5.30. • We conclude that the average price paid is around $4.80 • Size and amount of toppings affect price Histogram is right skewed. It spreads from $3.25 to $6.75. The center is $4.81.
Gender and Preference • Preference for store is approximately evenly distributed by each gender • We conclude that gender and preference are not dependent Cold Stone: male- 38.71% female- 61.29% Maggie Moo’s: male- 41.38% female- 58.62%
Data Analysis • χ2 GOF test for variety of flavors • χ2 test of homogeneity to compare size • χ2 test of independence for gender vs. store preferred
x2 GOF Test for Variety of Flavors • Hypotheses • Ho: Observed distribution of flavors fits the expected distribution of flavors • Ha: Observed distribution of flavors does not fit the expected distribution of flavors
State Check • Categorical data • SRS • All expected counts ≥ 5 • Flavor and frequency are both categorical • Assumed representative • 8.5714 ≥ 5 Conditions metx2 distribution x2 GOF test x2 GOF Test for Variety of Flavors
x2 GOF Test for Variety of Flavors • x2= 12.8 • p= .0463 • df=59 • We reject the Ho because the p-value of .0464 is less than alpha=.05 • We have sufficient evidence that the observed distribution of flavors does not fit the expected distribution of flavors
x2 Test for Homogeneity • Hypotheses • The distribution of sizes at Maggie Moo’s and Cold Stone is equal • The distribution of sizes at Maggie Moo’s and Cold Stone is not equal
State Check • Categorical Data • SRS • All expected counts ≥ 5 • Size and the store at are both categorical • Assumed representative • Counts are all above 5 Conditions metx2 distribution x2 test for homogeneity x2 Test for Homogeneity
x2 Test for Homogeneity • x2= 34.74 • p= 2.8596x10-8 • df= 2 • We reject the Ho because the p-value of 2.8596x10-8 is less that alpha=.05. • We have sufficient evidence that the distribution of sizes ordered at Cold Stone and Maggie Moo’s is not equal.
x2 Test for Independence • Hypotheses • Gender and preference are independent of each other • Gender and preference are dependent on each other
State Check • Categorical Data • SRS • All expected counts ≥ 5 • Gender and preference are categorical • Assumed representative • Counts are all above 5 x2 Test for Independence Conditions metx2 distribution x2 test for independence
x2 Test for Independence • x2= .04449 • p= .83 • df= 1 • We fail to reject the Ho because the p-value of .83 is greater than alpha=.05. • We have sufficient evidence that gender and preference for Cold Stone and Maggie Moo’s are dependent variables.
Conclusions from Tests • χ2 GOF test for variety of flavors • Observed distribution of flavors does not fit the expected distribution of flavors • χ2 test of homogeneity to compare size • Distribution of sizes ordered at Cold Stone and Maggie Moo’s is not equal • χ2 test of independence for gender vs. store preferred • Gender and preference for Cold Stone and Maggie Moo’s are dependent variables
Bias and Error • Undercoverage • Only surveyed 4 stores in the area; other areas may be different • Time of day/ year • Different times of day would get different responses • Number of toppings • Large numbers of toppings affect price
Personal Opinions and Conclusions • Preference for store was basically evenly distributed between subjects • Preference broken down by gender was also even • Project took a lot of time and effort • More time would have allowed for better data collection