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Genetic multiplexing: towards new applications of MPGDs

Genetic multiplexing: towards new applications of MPGDs. Sébastien Procureur CEA-Saclay. Content. → Introduction & genetic multiplexing. → Results with a 1D 50x50 cm² Micromegas. → 2D, resistive , multiplexed detector and industrialization. → Some large scale applications.

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Genetic multiplexing: towards new applications of MPGDs

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  1. Genetic multiplexing: towards new applications of MPGDs Sébastien Procureur CEA-Saclay

  2. Content → Introduction & geneticmultiplexing → Resultswith a 1D 50x50 cm² Micromegas → 2D, resistive, multiplexed detector and industrialization → Some large scale applications • Homeland security • Volcanology • Soil exploration (archeology, mining) • FET-Open proposition (H2020) → Conclusion and perspectives Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  3. MPGDs & real world → After ~20 years of operation, Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors are widely used in particle physics, but applications outside labs are still very rare. The reasons of their success in fundamental research: excellent track & detection capabilities • Spatial resolutions ≤ 0.1 mm • Time resolution ≤ 10 ns • Efficiency close to 100% for charged particles • Cheap • Small radiation length However, several drawbacks often make them incompatible with other applications 2009-2014: Process industrialization (GEM foil, bulk MM) • Large scale production • Robustness • Size of required electronics • (Gas, HV) ~2010: Resistive strip technology (MM), THGEM 2012: Genetic multiplexing Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  4. Genetic multiplexing Starting point: use redundancy in MPGD signal → in most cases, a signal isrecorded on at least 2 neighbouringstrips Wemake use of thisredundancy to combine channelswithstrips in such a waythat 2 givenchannels are connected to neighbouring stripsonly once in the detector The sequence of channelsuniquely codes the position on the detector… 1 2 → the connection {channels}n ⟷ {strips}pisrepresented by a p list of channelnumbers → degree of multiplexingcanbeeasilyadapted to incident particle flux → more information: S. Procureur, R. Dupré and S. Aune, NIM A729 (2013), 888 For n channels, there are a priori n(n-1)/2 unordered doublets combinations, and thus one canequip a detector with at most p = n(n-1)/2+1 strips Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  5. 1st prototype (1D) 50x50 cm² active area, readwith n = 61 channels (highest prime numberbelow 64…) - 488 micron pitch - could have equiped up to 61x60/2+1=1831 strips (~90 cm) - p= 1024 strips → Smallest k-upletrepeated: k=15 Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  6. 1st prototype (1D) 50x50 cm² active area, readwith n = 61 channels (highest prime numberbelow 64…) - 488 micron pitch - could have equiped up to 61x60/2+1=1831 strips (~90 cm) - p= 1024 strips PCB Bulk connector mesh defect 50 cm Strip capacitance: 1.3 nF!! Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  7. 1st prototype (1D) Prototype tested in the CLAS12 cosmicbench (60x60 cm² couple of scintillators) Efficiency @ 430 V Y [mm] artefact of the cosmic bench X [mm] → principleworks → ~ 90% averageefficiency → canbeimprovedwithresistivestriptechnology (more gain & more robust) Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  8. 2nd prototype (2D) Resistivestrips, 50x50 cm² active area, readoutwith 2 connectors (1 for X, 1 for Y) → strategy: layout & 1st prototypes @ CERN, and then sent to industrial ELVIA. Failed whenordereddirectly to the industrial. M-Cube project (D. Attié & S. Procureur) Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  9. 2nd prototype (2D) Resistivestrips, 50x50 cm² active area, readoutwith 2 connectors (1 for X, 1 for Y) → strategy: layout & 1st prototypes @ CERN, and then sent to industrial ELVIA. Failed whenordereddirectly to the industrial. M-Cube project (D. Attié & S. Procureur) → 2 detectors in cosmicbench (n°3 & 4) Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  10. Results with cosmics (last week!) event display efficiency @ 460V 3-X 3-Y 4-X 4-Y → Working at full efficiency → Still room for improvement on S/N → Analysis in progress (PhD S. Bouteille) → Waiting for 4 MM from ELVIA company Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  11. Large scale applications Reduction of electronics & large production capabilities open new fields of applications → Homeland security: scan large volumes requires large detectors with high resolution Saclay (Fr) Decision Science (US) S. Quillin M. Riallot (M-Cube) AWE (UK) AECL (Canada) + G. Jonkmans Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  12. Large scale applications - 2 Volcanology: large area detectors withlowconsumption first resultswith 80x80 cm² scintillators (~1 cm resolution) N. Lesparreet al. → Work in progress for HV power supply@ lowconsumption, interactions with CAEN Input: 12V (battery) Output: up to 2.1 kV Selectable Imax Very good stability in time 0.5 W per channel! Photo: G. Di Maio Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  13. Large scale applications - 3 Archeology and mining exploration: Air box in soil Cylindrical detectors (a la CLAS12) 20 days 10 days 5 days 1 day → Contacts with LRMH (Historical Monuments), AREVA, Schlumberger Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  14. Proposal for next FET-Open call Goal: develop applications & interactions withindustrials on MPGDs • Volcanology (IPG-P, IPN-L) • Homeland (Saclay, Demokritos, Tel Aviv, Lingacom) • Medicalimaging (Zaragoza, IMATEK) • Geology (LSBB, IRSN) • CO2storage/survey (Schlumberger) • Mining exploration in boreholes (AREVA) • Archeology (LRMH) • Portable dosimetry (Landauer) + ELVIA Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  15. Conclusion & perspectives We have builtanotherMicromegas: → ~100 µm resolution (nothing new) → full efficiency (nothing new) → 2D readout (nothing new but nice) → large area (not soold) → robust (resistivetechnology, recent) → doable by industrial (quiterecent) → only 122 channelsinstead of ~ 2,000 (new) • Last piece of a long maturityprocess, whichfinally opens the door to a bunch • of really new applications, including in the industrial world & in society Nextsteps: - Characterization of same detectors, but from ELVIA company - Tomography of 1 m3 for homeland security - Tomography of the CEA water tower (no volcano at Saclay!) Photo: M. Vandenbroucke Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

  16. The (unofficial) M-Cube team → David Attié → Simon Bouteille (student) →IrakliMandjavidze → Sébastien Procureur → Marc Riallot → Maxence Vandenbroucke (post-doc) → and manythanks to Rui and his team @ CERN Genetic Multiplexing TIPP14, 04/06/2014 S.Procureur

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