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Future Link Consultants is one of the leading service provider of Student Visa, IELTS Coaching, Visitor Visa, Immigration and number of other services related to visa process. Visit http://futurelinkconsultants.com/ to know more.<br>
InceptionOfOurJourney Education a vital element for any individual to gain the edgehas been changing in a very dynamic manner. Students around the globearecurrentlyoptingforeducationthatnotonlyoffersthem the skills and the knowledge but also gives them an edge by providing them with experimental exposure towards their learning. Along with that, they also need to ensure that the educationbringsachangeinthemwhichresultsincomplimenting theirjobcareerforalongtenure. Overseas education plays an important aspect over here along with the secondary importance given to immigration. All these things add up to the point that students are radically opting for international education as a part of their career and make sure thattheyexcelatit.ToachievethisgoalinmindweatFutureLink Consultantsoneoftheleadingvisaconsultantsensurethatoncea clientjoinshandswithushedoesn'thavetoregretthatdecision.
AboutUs Future Link Consultants is one of the leading visa consultants providing overseas education and immigration services for more than 17 years. Our commitmentanddedicationarereflectedinourday todaywork.Theknowledge,expertise,wisdomand competencyacquiredduringalltheseyearsmakeus remarkableinleadershipwithasolidreputation.We believeinshapingthecareerofourclientswithalot of responsibility and care. Our services havehelped thousands of our clients in accomplishment oftheir successful career abroad. We are equipped with the best state-of-the-art infrastructure & technology with strong network base across the globe. With officesinIndiaandCanada,FutureLinkConsultants isaone-stopsolutiontostudyabroad.Wearealsofit to meet your immigration requirements including complementary post landing services due to our overseasoffices.
Our MarketReach Our head office is located at Vadodara (Gujarat,India) followed by our branch office at Vallabh Vidhyanagar (Gujarat,India).Similarly,wehaveassociatedpartners with the North, East and South zone in India. Furthermore, we have our corporate office in Toronto Canada, which helps us to get more diverse student marketfrommanydifferentcountriesaroundtheglobe whichincludesbutarenotlimitedtoUAE,SaudiArabia, Iran,Pakistan&Bangladesh.
Objective Vision Mission To be the maestro in the education andimmigration industry by delivering exemplaryservicesforeach and every client with the assistance of experts and experienceacrossIndiaand other sub-continentsalong with the achievement of cutting-edge performance inwhatwedo. Our mission comprises of meeting with our client's needs in the most relevant andrealisticmanner whereinweprovide paramount services along with a commitment to achieve that transaction of success. O u r o b j e c t i v e i s a composition of complex elementswhichwewantto achieve in our work i.e. customer satisfaction,best services in the industry, to holdtheprominent positionintheindustry.
Thereisacomprehensiverangeofserviceswhicharebeingofferedby FutureLinkConsultantswhichareasfollows: Career Guidance, Counseling And IELTS Coaching Every year thousands of students enroll with us for student visa process and we make sure that they are provided with the right guidance. Firstly, our experienced team of counsellers provides studentswithonetoonecounselling&guidanceforcountry,course& college/university selection meeting their expectation. Our aim is to optimize students' opportunities by developing proper career pathway for permanent residence in the country of their choice. Similarly, our IELTS faculties, in other words, experiencedtrainers whichensurethatthestudentsdon'tholdanydoubtintheircoaching. Thisbenefitcomesupastheyarewelltrainedandholdaccredentials from British Council. Our faculties train the student in the manner where he gains a good hand on all the English language skills and is preparedforinternationalmarket.Allthesebenefits,haveresultedin the successful training of students and every year over 2000students are able to create their career with the help of IELTS coaching with FutureLinkConsultants. What WeDo
StudentVisa One of our areas of expertise is the Canada student visa wherein we first look into the students IELTS score which is mandatory. Consequently,welookintotheareaofinterestofthestudentandthe institutionthatmatchestherequirementofthestudent.Tobringtothe light, we have tie-ups with more than 70 academic and educational institutions in Canada that ensures that the students' needs aremet. Our team of experts is constantly making sure to deliver the quickest and smoothest process of visa processing to the students with the successrateof85-90%.Toaddtheextrabenefit,ourcorporateofficein themetropolitancityofTorontoensuresthatthestudentsreceivepost visaserviceswithussuchasairportpick-up,accommodationservices, workpermitandmanymore.
Immigration Another area of expertise where the clients are satisfied is with the transparent advice provided to them. With 17 years of experience,we ensure that no loopholes are being there in filing your Permanent Residency. Furthermore, we are into service of Temporary Resident Visa,SpouseDependentvisaforCanada.
OurFraternity OurfraternitycomprisesofthecollegesfromCanada, USA, New Zealand, Australia &UK. ListOfCanadaColleges&Universities: Ontario AlgonquinCollege CambrianCollege CentennialCollege ConestogaCollege ConfederationCollege FanshaweCollege FlemingCollege GeorgianCollege MohawkCollege NiagaraCollege NorthernCollege SenecaCollege SheridanCollege St. ClairCollege St. LawrenceCollege St. Lawrence @ AlphaCampus
SaultCollege Upper Canada District SchoolBoard King's University College @ WesternUniversity University OfWindsor Cambrian At Hanson - TorontoCampus York Region District SchoolBoard Canadore College - TorontoCampus LoyalistCollege HerzingCollege Stanford International College Of Business AndTechnology Toronto Institute Of PharmaceuticalTechnology Ottawa - Carleton District SchoolBoard EvergreenCollege University Of Ontario Institute OfTechnology Anderson College Of Health, BusinessAnd Technology DurhamCollege St.Clair College - Toronto Campus CDICollege YorkUniversity(YUELI)SchoolofContinuingStudies Manitoba Red RiverCollege Manitoba Institute of Trades andTechnology Assiniboine CommunityCollege
College Of TheRockies Vancouver CommunityCollege Fairleigh Dickinson University - VancouverCampus Vancouver IslandUniversity University CanadaWest Thompson RiversUniversity University Of The FraserValley CapilanoUniversity NewYorkInstituteOfTechnology-VancouverCampus Northern LightsCollege College Of NewCaledonia SelkirkCollege Kwantlen PolytechnicUniversity ColumbiaCollege Northwest CommunityCollege British Columbia Institute ofTechnology Saskatchewan ParklandCollege SaskatchewanPolytechnic University ofRegina Great PlainsCollege BritishColumbia
Southern Alberta Institute Of Technology(SAIT) LethbridgeCollege LakelandCollege NorquestCollege Medicine HatCollege Quebec LaSalleCollege CegépdelaGaspésieetdesÎles Montreal College Of InformationTechnology NovaScotia Cape BretonUniversity Mount Saint VincentUniversity NewBrunswick 1) Mount AllisonUniversity Yukon 1) YukonCollege Alberta
Ourmarketingstrategiesareacompositionofallmediaplatformswhich givesusthemostoptimumresult.Ourmarketingresourcesincludeboth thetraditionalaswellastheleading-edgemediumsformaking surethatwedon'tlackanywhere.Thetoolsthatwe usecompriseassuch: Newspapers Radio Outdoor Educationalfairs Guest seminars Leaflets Brochures Social Media Marketing Search EngineOptimization E-mailers WhatsAppPromotion SMSCampaigns All these components add together to formulate the marketingstrategythat helpsusgenerateleadsandhelpustoengagewithourclientsandprospects for maximum customersatisfaction. MarketingStrategies
MarketingStrategies EducationalFair Newspaper Radio Outdoor Social MediaMarketing Leaflet GuestSeminar Brochure
WhatOurAffiliatedPartnerInstitutesInCanadaSayAboutUs? “FutureLinkConsultantshasbeenapartnerwithourAlgonquinCollegeinOttawathecapitalof Canadaforsomanyyears.ThepartnershiphasbeentherebeforethetimeIwasassociatedwith this college and it is really a very fruitful partnership. Also, the counsellers over here provide exactknowledgeregardingthestudentvisatothestudentstouplihtheircareer.” -Mrs.NadiaRamseier(MarketingManager,AlgonquinCollege,Ottawa) “FutureLinkConsultantsaretrustedagentsthatI'mworkingalongwiththecaramelstudents cominginforadmissionswithgreatacademicscoresaswell.IwishFutureLinkConsultantsall theverybestandhopetheycontinuethesameinthefuture.” -Mr.AlistairRoyan(LoyalistCollege,Canada)
“I'm the head for India operations for Centennial College which is located in Toronto. I'm at Future Link Consultants today which is located in Gujarat and I'm here today foron-the-spot admissions where I saw 30+ students. Future Link Consultants are promoting Centennial CollegeandIlookforwardtoworkingmore.” -Ms.SuchitaTirkey(Head-IndiaOperations,CentennialCollege) “I'mreallyimpressedtodaybythesessionwhichIhadwiththestudentstodayandtheywere highlyintentiveinpractisingtheirEnglishandaretrainedverywellbythecounsellers.We look forward to a lasting relationship and this is a very important day for Troy University. I highly recommendthemtoeveryone.” -Mr.ChrisMiller(InternationalRecruiter,TroyUniversity)
Certificates FutureLinkConsultantsholdsinternationalcredentialsfromworld-renownedinstitutionswhich establishesthattrustalongwiththeexperienceofsomanyclientsthattheyhaveinus: ImmigrationConsultantofCanadaRegulatoryCouncil(ICCRC) AmericanInternationalRecruitmentCouncil(AIRC) InternationalConsultantsforEducationandFairs(ICEF) ISO(9001:2008) certified company CertifiedmemberofBritishCouncil
WhatDoOurClientsSay? “I had visited Canada on visitor visa but wanted to convert my visitor visa into Canada student visa. Every consultant I visited told me that your case was impossible. But, then I met Future Link Consultants and I got my Canada student visa with the help of the staff at Future Link Consultants. I would recommend them toallthepeople.” -Ketu(CanadaStudentVisaaspirant) “ThecounsellersatFutureLinkConsultantsareveryhelpfulandhelpedmegainCanada student visa. Today, I'm very happy and would recommend them to each and every student.” -Priya(CanadaStudentVisaaspirant)
“The staff and the counsellors are very supportive over here and helped me gain my studentvisa.IwoulddefinitelyrecommendallmyfriendstovisitFutureLinkConsultants forvisaqueries.” • Pranali(Canada Student Visa aspirant) • “I'm really grateful to future link consultants for helping me score 8 bands in IELTS examination.Iwouldsincerelythankallthefacultiesforbeingextremelyco-operativein solvingmydoubtsalongwithclearingmyconceptsinaverycomprehensivemanner.The facultiesareextremelyexperiencedandreallyfriendlytobearound.Iwouldrecommend FutureLinkConsultantsforIELTScoaching.” • Rajvee (8 bands, IELTSstudent) • “This would not have been possible without the help of Faculties at Future Link Consultants.I'mreallythankfultoalltheteacherswhoconstantlyhelpedmeduringmy coachinginthemoduleslikespeakingandwritingbymakingmepracticeeachandevery questionandsolvingmyqueries.IwoulddefinitelynominateFutureLinkConsultantsto everystudentwhoislookingforoverseaseducation” • Dimple (8 bands,IELTS student)
Head Office -India Corporate Office -Canada Branch Office -India 216, Atlantis, Nr. GendaCircle, Vadodara,Gujarat. 02652344054 9998224688 info@futurelinkconsultants.com 55, Town Centre Court, Suite700, Toronto, Ontario - M1P4X4. +1 416 2942739 canada@futurelinkconsultants.com 217 Sigma Complex, AboveD-Mart, V.V. Nagar, Anand,Gujarat. 7600821916 2692233512/13 vvnagar@futurelinkconsultants.com www.futurelinkconsultants.com