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Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Ozone Depletion. Chapter 15. 15-1 What Are the Major Air Pollution Problems? (1).
Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Ozone Depletion Chapter 15
15-1 What Are the Major Air Pollution Problems? (1) • Concept 15-1A Three major outdoor air pollution problems are industrial smog from burning coal, photochemical smog from motor vehicle and industrial emissions, and acid deposition from coal burning and motor vehicle exhaust.
15-1 What Are the Major Air Pollution Problems? (2) • Concept 15-1B The most threatening indoor air pollutants are smoke and soot from wood and coal fires (in developing countries) and chemicals used in building materials and products (in developed countries).
Earth’s Atmosphere • Troposphere(對流層) • 75–80% earth’s air mass • 78% N2, 21% O2 • Stratosphere(平流層) Ozone layer----好的 臭氧 約海平面上17-30km
Temperature Pressure Thermosphere Mesopause Mesosphere Stratopause Stratosphere Tropopause Ozone layer Troposphere Fig. 15-2, p. 346
Outdoor Air Pollution • What is air pollution? 污染物濃度高到足以傷害生物或物質 並使氣候產生變化 • Outdoor and Indoor air pollution • Natural and Human Sources* • Stationary and mobile sources* 固定污染源 移動污染源 • Primary pollutants (初級污染物)(一次污染物) • Secondary pollutants (次級污染物)(二次污染物)
Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines on June 12, 1991 Fig. 15-1, p. 344
Core Case Study: Volcanoes and Climate Change • Study volcano to understand climate change • Mount Pinatubo – 1991 • Second largest volcanic eruption of 20th century (the largest----Alaska, 1912) • Massive release of air pollution globally • Opportunity to test climate models • Predictions matched observations
Primary Pollutants CO CO2 Secondary Pollutants SO2 NO NO2 SO3 Most hydrocarbons HNO3 H2SO4 Most suspended particles H2O2 O3 PANs Most NO3– and SO42– salts Sources Natural Stationary Mobile Fig. 15-3, p. 347
Types of Major Air Pollutants • Carbon oxides (CO, CO2) • Nitrogen oxides and nitric acid (NO, NO2, HNO3) • Sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid (SO2, SO3, H2SO4) • Particulates (SPM--- suspended particulate matter) • Ozone (O3) • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) • Radioactive radon (Rn) 氡
Science Focus: Using Lichens(地衣) to Detect Air Pollution • Indicators of air pollution* • Mine canaries---金絲雀偵測甲烷 • Lichens (真菌+藻類的共生物) • Isle Royale in Lake Superior (蘇必略湖 羅耀拉島 有二氧化硫污染 利用地衣指出污染源 來自加拿大桑德灣的燃煤工廠)
Lichens Growing on Slate Rock Fig. 15-A, p. 348
Industrial Smog ( gray-air smog)工業煙霧 • Burning coal in power plants and factories • Sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid, suspended particles • Developed versus developing countries • Air pollution control in the U.S. and Europe • China, India, Ukraine, Eastern Europe (no air pollution control)
Photochemical Smog 光化學煙霧 • Photochemical reactions* • Photochemical smog • Brown-air smog (reddish-brown NO2)
Photochemical Smog • A mixture of primary and secondary pollutants. Forms when primary pollutants interact under the influence of sunlight. • Two most destructive components: • Ozone • Peroxyacetyl Nitrates (過氧乙醯硝酸鹽) (PAN) • Large cities ringed by mountains tend to have trouble with photochemical smog.*
Natural Factors That Reduce Air Pollution • Particles heavier than air • Rain and snow • Salty sea spray from oceans • Winds • Chemical reactions (ex. SO2→ SO3 → H2SO4 → acid rain → land)
Natural Factors That Increase Air Pollution • Urban buildings • Hills and mountains • High temperatures • VOC emissions from certain trees and plants • Grasshopper effect (跳躍式的傳播) (極地生物體出現DDT, PCBs, Pb, Hg) • Temperature inversions (溫度逆轉)*
Acid Deposition 酸性沉降 • Sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides* • Wet and dry deposition • Acid rain (pH<5.6) • Regional air pollution* • Coal-burning power plants • Prevailing winds
Wind Transformation to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) Windborne ammonia gas and some soil particles partially neutralize acids and form dry sulfate and nitrate salts Wet acid deposition (droplets of H2SO4 and HNO3 dissolved in rain and snow) Nitric oxide (NO) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and NO Dry acid deposition (sulfur dioxide gas and particles of sulfate and nitrate salts) Acid fog Lakes in shallow soil low in limestone become acidic Lakes in deep soil high in limestone are buffered Fig. 15-4, p. 351
Current and Potential Problems with Acid Deposition Fig. 15-5, p. 351
Harmful Effects of Acid Deposition • Respiratory diseases in humans* • Toxic metal leaching from soils and rocks • Structural damage* • Kills fish and other aquatic organisms* • Leaches plant nutrients from soil* • Acid clouds and fog at mountaintops*
Healthy and Diseased Lungs Fig. 15-10, p. 356
Emissions SO2 H2O2 PANs NOx Acid deposition O3 Others Reduced photosynthesis and growth Increased susceptibility to drought, extreme cold, insects, mosses, and disease organisms Direct damage to leaves and bark Soil acidification Tree death Leaching of soil nutrients Root damage Release of toxic metal ions Reduced nutrient and water uptake Acids Lake Groundwater Fig. 15-6, p. 353
Reducing Acid Deposition Fig. 15-7, p. 353
Indoor Air Pollution • Often higher concentration in buildings and cars (in buildings 2-5 times, in cars 18 times) • Most time is spent indoors or in cars (70-98% of time) • EPA – top cancer risk • Sick-building syndrome (SBS) (dizziness, headaches, coughing, nausea etc.)
Major Indoor Air Pollutants In Developed Countries* • Tobacco smoke • Formaldehyde (甲醛, HCHO) • Radioactive radon-222 gas • Very small particles In Developing Countries • Particulates ←Indoor cooking and heating
Tetrachloroethylene Source: Dry-cleaning fluid fumes on clothes Threat: Nerve disorders, damage to liver and kidneys, possible cancer Para-dichlorobenzene Source: Air fresheners, mothball crystals Threat: Cancer Chloroform Source: Chlorine-treated water in hot showers Possible threat: Cancer Formaldehyde Source: Furniture stuffing, paneling, particleboard, foam insulation Threat: Irritation of eyes, throat, skin, and lungs; nausea; dizziness 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Source: Aerosol sprays Threat: Dizziness, irregular breathing Styrene Source: Carpets, plastic products Threat: Kidney and liver damage Nitrogen oxides Source: Unvented gas stoves and kerosene heaters, woodstoves Threat: Irritated lungs, children's colds, headaches Benzo-α-pyrene Source: Tobacco smoke, woodstoves Threat: Lung cancer Particulates Source: Pollen, pet dander, dust mites, cooking smoke particles Threat: Irritated lungs, asthma attacks, itchy eyes, runny nose, lung disease Radon-222 Source: Radioactive soil and rock surrounding foundation, water supply Threat: Lung cancer Tobacco smoke Source: Cigarettes Threat: Lung cancer, respiratory ailments, heart disease Methylene chloride Source: Paint strippers and thinners Threat: Nerve disorders, diabetes Asbestos Source: Pipe insulation, vinyl ceiling and floor tiles Threat: Lung disease, lung cancer Carbon monoxide Source: Faulty furnaces, unvented gas stoves and kerosene heaters, woodstoves Threat: Headaches, drowsiness, irregular heartbeat, death Fig. 15-8, p. 354
Air Pollution and the Human Respiratory System* • Natural protective system • Lung cancer, chronic bronchitis (慢性支氣管炎), emphysema (肺氣腫), asthma (氣喘) • Premature deaths* • Fossil fuels • Coal • Diesel engines
Epithelial cell Cilia Nasal cavity Goblet cell (secreting mucus) Oral cavity Pharynx (throat) Mucus Trachea (windpipe) Bronchioles Bronchus Alveolar duct Right lung Bronchioles Alveoli Alveolar sac (sectioned) Fig. 15-9, p. 355
Healthy and Diseased Lungs Fig. 15-10, p. 356
15-2 How Should We Deal with Air Pollution? • Concept 15-2 Legal, economic, and technological tools can help clean up air pollution, but scientists call for much greater emphasis on preventing air pollution.
U.S. Outdoor Air Pollution Control Laws • Clean Air Acts • National Ambient Air Quality Standards (EPA) Criteria pollutants (CO, NO, SO2, PM, O3, Pb) • Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants • Good news Emission of pollutants decreased by 53% Pb︰ -99% (1970-2005) • Bad news Unaccepted level of ground-level ozone
Improving Air Pollution Laws • Emphasize pollution prevention • Increase fuel economy standards • Regulate emissions from two-cycle engines • Regulate ocean-going ships • Increase regulations at airports • Specifically regulate CO2 • Increase regulations for indoor air pollution • Better enforcement of Clean Air Act
Using the Marketplace to Reduce Air Pollution • Emissions trading (cap and trade) program 排放量交易計畫 • Proponents – cheaper and more efficient • Critics – companies buy their way out • Success depends on cap (限量) • Good news—Reduce SO2 emission by 31% (1990→2005) • Bad news—far short of projected emissions reduction
Solutions: Stationary Source Air Pollution Fig. 15-12, p. 358
Solutions: Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Fig. 15-13, p. 359
Solutions: Indoor Air Pollution Fig. 15-14, p. 359
What Can You Do? Fig. 15-15, p. 360