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Lesson 3. An unknown goddess. Aegean Sea. 1. archae olog ist : 考古学家. ~ ist: expert in some field chemist pianist scientist artist olog(y): subject or study biology zoology ecology theology archae: beginning, ancient archaeology. 2.prosperous: adj. (经济上) 繁荣昌盛的.
Lesson 3 An unknown goddess
1.archaeologist:考古学家 • ~ist: expert in some field chemist pianist scientist artist • olog(y): subject or study biology zoology ecology theology • archae: beginning, ancient archaeology
2.prosperous: adj.(经济上)繁荣昌盛的 eg. Wish our great country a prosperous one. • prosper: v.繁荣 eg. Many on-border cities have prospered through international trade. • prosperity:n.繁荣 eg. Central government will make every effort to maintain the stability and the prosperity of HK.
civil: adj. 公民的 民事的 有礼貌的 civilize: v.教化 ~ize: to make sth… realize, modernize, actualize, human civilization 兴于诗,立于礼,成于乐 3M:muscle-machine-mind civil right civil war civil law civil case civil manners 3.civilization:n.文明
4. worship: n.崇拜 • ship relation, state friendship leadership • wor worth:价值
nature worship • animal worship totem • god worship religion idol • The more I study religion, the more I am convinced that man never worship anything but themselves.
词缀:sacr:牺牲 同义词辨析: sacred cannot be offended holy worth of worshipping divine related to God eg. sacrifice eg. sacred oath, sacred law eg. holy city, holy water eg. Devine Comedy 5. sacred: adj.神圣的
re~: again con~: together ~struct: framework eg. instruct destruct infrastructure superstructure 指导 破坏 基础设施 上层建筑 6. reconstruct: vt.修复,重建
reconstruct: rebuild: restore: eg. After the earthquake, people in Wenchuan _____ their home. The USA _____ the Pentagon after 911. The artist _____ the painting so that it can be put on display at the gallery tomorrow. to build sth after it is damaged to build sth after it is destroyed to build sth and make it in the original condition 辨析:
fra~: 碎 eg. fraction fracture fragile frailty n.小部分 vt.骨折 adj.脆弱的 n.软弱,脆弱 7.fragment: n.碎片
Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. make a discovery=discover 意义:请注意英汉互译时运用的不同句式,英语说明文被动式居多,而汉语多译为主动句。原因在于英文表达总将信息重点前置,而汉语则将其后置。英文表达:结果、影响、效果为主语,强调对客观事实的陈述 短语替换单词,添加修饰语 名词优先选择 类似用法: study sum investigate analyze make a careful study make a short summary make a thorough investigation of make a detailed analysis of Text
2. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. 同义用法: 位于… stand in… 矗立(常指较高物体) be in… lie in… 位于(常指海拔较低的物体,如河流) be located in be situated in Be sited in坐落于,(多指人为因素)
3. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. 辨析: at one time: at a time: 措辞: enjoy替换have have:主语是物,enjoy:主语是人 增强语气感情,表示格外肯定 类似用法:boast ever once
Enjoy oneself means have a good time.但是课文里不是这个意思,是以非生命物体为主语,是享有,拥有, 可看作have的替换表达。 1.Hongkong enjoys the high level of prosperity. • 2.Our university boasts a team of well-trained teachers. • I enjoy meeting people.我喜欢跟人打交道。 • This actress has always enjoyed a good reputation. • 这个女演员一直享有很高的声誉。 • China enjoys a long and glorious history of over 5,000 years. • Boast 与enjoy用法相近。以人作主语,表“夸耀,吹嘘”,以非生命物体作主语时等同于enjoy. • The university boasts a team of well-trained teachers. • 这所大学拥有一支训练有素的教师队伍。
英语的情态动词中,可表推测的包括:may/might, can/could, must,等+ 动词原形, 这些均表示对现在情形的推测,其语气从may 到must 逐渐增强;may/might, can/could, must +have done 均表示对过去情形的推测。 • What he says may /might be true. • A situation like this can/could occur from time to time. • The mistake must lie with him. (这一定是他的错) • He seems very indolent this morning. He may /might have stayed up last night. • 今早他显得懒散,可能昨晚熬夜了。
Houses- often 3 storeys high-were built of stone. • 本句亮点:当定语从句和主语从句存在系动词的明显重复时,可以视情况将定语从句改写成插入语成分。改写的条件是:定语从句的关系词在从句中作主语。我们需要做的仅仅是把关系词和系动词一并省略,再在两端加上破折号,原句的“美容手术”就做好啦! • 弃绝平庸的句子: • Houses, which were often three storeys high, were built of stone.
数百年前被人们广泛接受的欧洲中心论倾向,出现在了当时的世界历史课本中。数百年前被人们广泛接受的欧洲中心论倾向,出现在了当时的世界历史课本中。 • The Europocentric orientation, which was accepted commonly hundreds years ago, was in the world history textbook of the time. • The Europocentric orientation--- accepted commonly hundreds years ago---was in the world history textbook of the time. .
这部电影比我们想象得要好看的多,很值得再看一遍。这部电影比我们想象得要好看的多,很值得再看一遍。 • The film, which was far more interesting than we had imagined, was worth seeing for a second time. • The film, --- far more interesting than we had imagined--was worth seeing for a second time. • 作为这些岛民的主要食物的鱼,已经濒临绝迹了。 • The fish, which was the main food of these islanders, was on the verge of extinction. • The fish--- the main food of these islanders--- was on the verge of extinction. • The ball, which was the greatest fete of the season, was sponsored by a famous local textile company. • 这个舞会时这个季节最大的盛会,它由当地一家有名的纺织品公司赞助。 • The ball---the greatest fete of the season---was sponsored by a famous local textile company.
4. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. 词汇: equip: v.装备 equip…with… 用…装备… The army equipped their soldiers with guns. well-equipped adj. 装备精良的 equipment n.装备
句型: for a great many pipes were found… for there were a great many pipes… • 本句亮点:为了写出生动的句子来,我们应该避开简单乏味的there be 句型。 放弃这种最基本的存现句型,换个角度,用主动语态或者被动语态表达出相同的意思。办法是用实义动词的主动或被动结构替换 eg. 由于打折, 商场里人满为患。 For the sake of discounts, numerous people flock tothe shopping mall. eg.所谓伊人, 在水一方。 A beautiful and mild lady is wandering beside the river.
There was a drainage system in the city, for there were a great many clay pipes beneath the narrow streets. • 有数百人聚集在露天看那部电影。 • There are hundreds of people watching the film in the open. • Hundreds of people gathered in the open to watch the film. • There are volumes of dictionaries on the shelf. • 书架上有一排排的字典。 • Volumes of the dictionaries line the shelf. • There is a lonely island in the middle of the sea. • 海中央有一个孤岛。 • A lonely island emerges from the sea. • There is a dangerous spy among us. • 我们中间有一个危险的间谍。 • A dangerous spy is planted among us.
5 . Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time been painted. 词汇: represent : 代表,象征 be a representative of be a symbol of stand for eg. The statue of liberty represents liberty.
6. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. date: v.鉴定日期 date from date back to… eg. The use of the compass can date back to Song Dynasty.
7.This head must have been found in the Classical Times and carefully preserved. preserve: to save sth from being destroyed eg. preserved fruits reserve: to arrange for a place or a seat in advance, so you can use it in the future eg. reserve a table in the restaurant conserve: to use sth carefully so you will have enough to use in the future. eg.Close your eye and conserve your energy.
8. …that the goddess turned out to be modern- looking. turn out:结果是… 常用句型: turn out to be eg. He appeared to be a gentleman, but turned out to be a liar. turn out that eg. It turned out that Beijing Olympic was one of the most marvelous Olympics in the history. as it turns out,… eg. As it turns out, I failed the TOFEL test again.
对于长相的描述: modern-looking good-looking plain-looking interesting-looking
13.Despite the great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity. • ★notice great here doesn’t mean grant but very old • ★so far 迄今为止,相当于up to now ,大家常说So far so good.就是说到现在为止一切顺利。It is still a problem for the archaeologists up to now. • so far,up to now 都是完成时的标志 • identity 身份, 身份证就是identity card(简称ID card) • a sense of identity 这里呢identity means a sense of belonging 是一种身份感,归属感。
本句亮点:太多的从句会让你的文章显得拖沓。课文中的句子将although引导的让步状语从句换成了介词短语作让步状语,既准确无误地表达出了相同的意思,又避免了主语she 重复的现象,使得整句话简洁而干净。以后想用although 从句时应多想想,可否换个角度表达,使句子简单而优雅起来。Although she was very old, she was very graceful indeed. • 尽管钢材供应不足,工业产量仍以2%的速度增长。 • Although there is not enough steel, industrial output has increased by 2%. • Despite a shortage of steel, industrial output has increased by 2%. • Although she is short, Deng Yaping was picked for the national table tennis team due to her excellent performance.
尽管邓亚萍各自矮,她仍然以优异的表现被选入了国家乒乓球队。尽管邓亚萍各自矮,她仍然以优异的表现被选入了国家乒乓球队。 • Despite her disavantaged height, Deng Yaping was picked for the national table tennis team due to her excellent performance. • 虽然天气稍微好转起来,舰长还是毅然决定放弃军舰。 • Although the weather had lit up slightly, the captain resolutely decided to abandon the warship. • Despite the better weather condition, the captain resolutely decided to abandon the warship. • 虽然人们对克隆技术持有不同意见,克隆技术仍迅猛发展。 • Although people hold different ideas toward cloning, cloning technology progresses quickly. • Cloning technology progresses quickly despite controversy.