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Studying the Aerosol-Radiation-Interaction with LM-ART

Studying the Aerosol-Radiation-Interaction with LM-ART. Dominique Bäumer Max Bangert Kristina Lundgren Rayk Rinke Tanja Stanelle Bernhard Vogel Heike Vogel. COSMO LM – ART (ART = A erosols and R eactive T race Gases ). Concept: LM-ART is online coupled.

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Studying the Aerosol-Radiation-Interaction with LM-ART

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  1. Studying the Aerosol-Radiation-Interaction with LM-ART Dominique Bäumer Max Bangert Kristina Lundgren Rayk Rinke Tanja Stanelle Bernhard Vogel Heike Vogel

  2. COSMO LM – ART(ART = Aerosolsand Reactive TraceGases) Concept: LM-ARTis online coupled. Identical methods are applied for all scalars as temperature, humidity, and concentrations of gases and aerosols to calculate the transport processes. It has a modular structure. Therefore LM-ART can easily be used in the forecast mode. www-imk.fzk.de/tro/ACP/

  3. Parameterization of the Dust Emissions Parameterization of the horizontal saltation and the vertical emission flux (Vogel et al, 2006) 3 different Modes (d = 1.5, 6.7, 14.2 µm) Log normal distributions

  4. NH3 Photochemistry

  5. Treatment of the Aerosol Particles Interaction of five modes: Source: homogeneous nucleation of H2SO4/water • Two modes for SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, H2O, SOA, internally mixed. • One mode for pure soot. • Two modes for SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, H2O, SOA, and soot internally mixed. coagulation condensation of SO42-, NH4+, NO3-, SOA Three modes for mineral dust particles + three modes for sea salt particles +pollen

  6. Refractive inde of aerosols Mie Calculations Single scattering albedo (w), specific extinction coefficient (b), asymmetry parameter (g) Optical Properties of the Aerosols Transport, Sedimentation, Deposition LM-ART Size distribution, chemical composition of each mode New Routine in LM-ART: Computation of w, b, g for prevailing aerosol concentration w, b, g Modified radiation in LM: Substitution of climatological optical properties based on current aerosol concentrations

  7. Case Study: Mineral dust over West Africa in March 2004 Meteosat-8 Image, 2. – 3. März 2004

  8. March 2, 2004, 12 UTC March 4, 2004, 12 UTC Results: Fully coupled

  9. Long wave net radiation at the surface Short wave net radiation at the surface Sim. A2 Sim. C Effects on Radiation (4.3.2004, 12 UTC)

  10. A2 C A2 - C Change in cloud cover(4.3.2004, 12 UTC) %

  11. Foreseen simulations for 2005 within WP 2.4 • March 2006: 4.3. – 9.3.2006 • Data: • - ECMWF analysis (existing) • - soil properties in high resolution (B. Marticorena) • Comparison: • with meteorological stations • with measurements from Slingo et al. (2006) • - optical thickness measured by MFRSR in Niamey • upward and downward fluxes (ARM Mobile Facility [RADAGAST – Project]) • in Niamey • radiation fluxes in TOA (perhaps) measured by GERB and by CERES • broadband instruments on TERRA and AQUA satellites • - with AERONET stations • - with Lidar measurements (Flament)

  12. Foreseen simulations for 2005 within WP 2.4 • January 2006: 15.1. -30.1.2006 • Input Data: • - ECMWF analysis • - soil properties in high resolution (B. Marticorena) • - emissions of biomass burning particles (1.1. – 30.1.) (?) • emissions for calculating ozone (26.1. – 30.1.) (?) • Comparison: • - with meteorological stations • - with AERONET stations • - Flights B159 (19.1) and B160 (21.1., dust and biomass burning) • - Lidar Banizoumbou (18.1., dust and bb, Formenti) • - Lidar Banizoumbou (15.1., Heese) • - dust radiative forcing (17.1., Mallet)

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