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What’s the difference between the RAPTURE and the GREAT TRIBULATION??. RAPTURE— the first phase of Christ’s return where the dead in Christ shall rise first and then those that are still alive will be caught up to meet Him in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
What’s the difference between the RAPTURE and the GREAT TRIBULATION??
RAPTURE—the first phase of Christ’s return where the dead in Christ shall rise first and then those that are still alive will be caught up to meet Him in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) The Great Tribulation—period where those “left behind” will experience great hardship, sorrow and suffering (Matthew 24:21-22)
At the movies . . . “Left Behind” Scene 5
How do you think you would react if you got left behind during the Rapture? Who would you miss the most?
“The United Nations has taken a leadership role . . . Peace is imperative. We must help our neighbors, forget our differences.” NicolaeCarpathia Would you trust this new world leader? Why or Why not? (Matthew 24:4-8, 11)
At the movies again . . . “Left Behind” Scene 13
“What did you see???” Buck Williams How was Nicolae able to deceive and BRAINWASH an entire room of people (except Buck) in just 5 minutes??? 2 Corinthians 11:14 John 8:44 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
What are some “Nicolaes” (or Nick of LIES) that have deceived young people? Parents?
Which book in the bible talks the MOST about the End Times? Who wrote it? Where was the author of this book when he wrote it? Why was he there? In the beginning of his writing, how many churches did he write to ? Where were they located? Trivia Questions (Chapter 1, Verses 1 -10)
The Book of Revelations
Revelation 1:11 • John writes messages to these churches to encourage them to stand firm as they are 1)under growing persecution from Rome and 2)coping with the pressure and temptations of living in a “pagan” (ungodly) culture • The 7 letters together describe what WEAKENS the faith of churches & individuals:--What do you think they are? Message to the 7 Churches
Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 • Losing Hope • Becoming tolerant of sin • Compromising moral behavior • Losing initial passion for Jesus Rev. 2:4 • Having an inactive or lukewarm faith • Revelations 3:16 “Faith Weakeners”
Revelation 3:14 - 19 Why do you think God referred to this church as “LUKEWARM?” A church that makes Him want to VOMIT?? (verse 16) Isn’t that kinda harsh??? The Church of Laodicea
Part I • The Laodiceans were located in the Lycus River Valley. Their region became one of the wealthiest, most important commercial centers • They were known for banking, wool and medicine • However, the region had ONE major deficiency that Jesus used as an example to describe to them how He felt about their spiritual life Background on The Church of Laodicea
Part II • The city of Laodicea had terrible water. Since it did not have a sufficient supply on hand, they had to build underground aqueducts just to get water into the city • Unlike its neighbors, Hierapolis that was famous for its hot springs and Colosse for its cold, refreshing mountain stream, Laodicea had dirty, lukewarm water that flowed for miles in its underground aqueduct system The Church of Laodicea
Part III • The city of Laodicea had terrible water. Since it did not have a sufficient supply on hand, they had to build underground aqueducts just to get water into the city • Unlike its neighbors, Hierapolis that was famous for its hot springs and Colosse for its cold, refreshing mountain stream, Laodicea had dirty, lukewarm water that flowed for miles in its underground aqueduct system The Church of Laodicea
Part IV • Consequently, visitors , unaccustomed to Laodicea’s water, would spit it out immediately when drinking it • Like the water in its city, the Laodiceans were neither cold (openly rejecting Christ) nor HOT (filled with spiritual zeal); they were just LUKEWARM— “hypocrites professing to know Christ but not truly belonging to Him” Matt 7:21-23 • (John MacArthur Bible Commentary) The Church of Laodicea
Part V As the water of Laodicea sickened those that drank it, so did the hypocrisy of those that claimed to be Christians sickened Christ (Rev 3:16) The Church of Laodicea
So where do you see YOURSELF?WHY??? • Church of Sardis– Spiritually Dead Rev 3:1 • Church of Ephesus– Lost your zeal Rev 2:4 • Church of Philadelphia: • Had its imperfections and dealt with fleshly struggles, but they were faithful, obedient, serving & worshipping the Lord Rev 3:8 • D) Church of Laodicea—Lukewarm Rev 3:16
Suppose Jesus had sent 8 letters instead of 7 in Revelation—and the 8th one was addressed to your Youth Group. What do you think He might say??? (Fill in the blanks) Dear Youth Group at __(name of Church)____: You need to remember some things about Me. I am the One who ____________________ ______________________________________ (this can be personal or based upon scripture)
I’ve been watching you, and have seen you do the following things well . . .____________ But I’ve also seen you do some things that do not please Me like . . ._________________ I want you to make the following improvements in your life . . ._________ I must warn you that if you don’t make these improvements, you will . . .________
Stay faithful to Me, because if you do . . . _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Love Jesus