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Tribal Ethics: A Brief History in Quotations by Dr. Erich Longie, President

Tribal Ethics: A Brief History in Quotations by Dr. Erich Longie, President Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. www.spiritlakeconsulting.com.

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Tribal Ethics: A Brief History in Quotations by Dr. Erich Longie, President

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  1. Tribal Ethics: A Brief History in Quotations by Dr. Erich Longie, President Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. www.spiritlakeconsulting.com Historically, Native Americans were known for ethical behavior: They did not lie; they did not steal; they took care of each other’s needs (food, clothing, and shelter). Present day Native Americans proudly point this out to other Indians and non-Indians alike. George Catlin was an artist who spent many months living among different Native American tribes. He wrote this about Native American Indians…

  2. George Catlin’s Creed on the Indians Included These Statements … I love the people who have always made me welcome with the best they had. I love a people who keep the commandments without ever having read them or heard them preached from the pulpit. I love a people who never swear, who never take the name of God in vain. I love a people “who love their neighbors as they love themselves.” I love the people who have never raised a hand against me, or stolen my property, where there was no law to punish for either. I love all people who do the best they can. And oh, how I love a people who don’t live for the love of money! (Catlin, 1973)

  3. What are Ethics? • Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (1995) defines ethics as: a guiding philosophy, a discipline that deals with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. • Andre and Velasquez (1987) state that ethics refer to two areas: • Ethics refers to well based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues; • Ethics also refers to the study and development of one’s ethical standards. Feelings, laws, and social norms can deviate from what is ethical, so it is necessary to constantly examine one’s standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well founded.

  4. In Other Words … Ethics are standards of behavior that a society lives by to ensure the well being of all members of society. For example … Ethical standards impose reasonable obligations on individuals to refrain from rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, and fraud. Ethical standards also include virtues such as honesty, compassion, and loyalty. Ethical standards also include rights of individuals, such as the right to life, the right to freedom from injury, and the right to privacy. (Andre & Velasquez, 1987)

  5. What Does Leader Mean? Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (1995) defines a leader as: a person who has commanding authority or influence. How Does a Leader Lead Effectively? Some of our most effective leaders of the past shared these common characteristics: Caring, Compassionate, Courageous, Honest, Humble, Respectful, Served the People Before Themselves All of these characteristics can be considered important ethics in our society. Traditional leaders of the past were not afraid to stand by these ethics. They also dared to face reality. They defined underlying problems of the tribe so those very real problems could be solved. They served all individuals of the tribe, not just a select few.

  6. In preparation for this course, Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. (SLC) conducted a broad spectrum survey of tribal members across four reservations in two states. This was supplemented by a nationwide email survey. Respondents were asked to answer the question: “List the five most common major/minor ethical infractions and the frequency (all the time, once in a while, very seldom) you believe they occur on Indian Reservations.” All respondents (100% of respondents) echoed the following sentiment. “Don’t get me started. I could not limit myself to five, ….” The five most common infractions respondents listed are shown on the next slide. An overwhelming majority of respondents claimed these infractions occurred, “all the time”.

  7. Five Most Common Ethical Infractions • Selecting relatives for various resources such as housing, contracts, scholarships, governing boards, land, charity, and education – all the time. • Tribal employees need to abide by certain policies such as: • Beating up the boss is not allowed. • Reprimand DUI’s (drunk driving is not allowed on the job). • If an employee is fired for any ethical infraction, he/she should not be rehired in another tribal position for a limited amount of time. (The employee would be suspended from tribal work for a time.) • Doing personal tasks while getting paid to work. • (5) Going to work late, or leaving work early (all the time).

  8. Problem Many times, when a tribal member tries to bring law and order (accountability) to tribal councils, that member is ostracized or called, “white man”. Often you hear people say something like “Law and order … that’s white man ways.” This statement or similar statements are excuses to avoid accountability in our leadership today. Law and order are not only “white ways”. Any who claim this are ignorant of the ways of our ancestors. Our ancestors lived by certain rules and followed certain codes of conduct. If anyone broke a rule or violated a code of conduct, that person paid a price. In other words, accountability is not a white man’s idea. Accountability was part of our lives long before the “white men” appeared on the scene.

  9. Examples of Law and Order among Indian tribes Before the Influence of European Settlers Ancient America included over 600 tribes in what is now known as the United States. Naturally, all these tribes had their own customs and legal systems and these systems varied widely. However, there were some regional similarities. For example: In regards to property … Peoples in the East tended to be matriarchal and communal, while peoples along the Northwest coast were oriented more towards individual ownership and hierarchy. (Johansen, 2007)

  10. “While popularly imagined in the ‘noble savage’ tradition, living in societies free of law and regulation, American Indian cultures actually created highly refined, complex codes of laws and social norms that governed people’s conduct before contact with Europeans.” (Johansen, 2007, p. 25)

  11. Examples of Law and Order among Indian tribes Before the Influence of European Settlers Murder – A person responsible for the death of another was usually banished from a tribe for seven years. Adultery – A man caught in adultery might have his property confiscated. A woman was usually flogged. Stealing – In cases of thievery, the guilty party was required to make restitution. That was the only punishment. For minor infractions – the person who violated the social norms was often ridiculed, publicly. That was the only punishment. Fighting – Adversaries were compelled to bury their hatchets (and other weapons). This is where the term, “bury the hatchet,” originated. (Johansen, 2007)

  12. Examples of Law and Order among Indian tribes Before the Influence of European Settlers The Hunt - Among the U’mo’ha (Omaha), if anyone began the hunt early without permission, he might be flogged for a first offense. A second offense, and the man’s property would be taken, his tent destroyed, his family reduced to begging. (Johansen, 2007) Many Native American legal systems emphasized healing and maintenance of the social order as opposed to vengeance that seems prevalent in European type legal proceedings. (Johansen, 2007) The Cherokees practiced a “Harmony Ethic” that de-emphasized interpersonal, or face-to-face, conflict. (Johansen, 2007)

  13. Great Leaders of the Past Indian Leaders of Today often Compare Themselves to Great Leaders of the Past. Let’s Take a Look at Some of our Great Leaders from the Past. Chief Joseph Chief Crazy Horse Chief Cochise Chief Black Hawk Captain Jack Chief Sitting Bull It is safe to say that all these men were courageous, honest, fighting men who were responsible for their people, who served their people before themselves. They were caring, kind, and compassionate.

  14. Ethical Leaders Care About Their People Chief Joseph became the voice and protector for his people when they surrendered to the U.S. military. He could have escaped to Canada, but he chose to stay and care for his people. (Nerburn, 2006) Throughout his life, Chief Crazy Horse was expected to care for the helpless, a responsibility he took seriously. “He consistently put the welfare of his people ahead of his own.” (Marshall, 2007, p. 78) At the time of Captain Jack, Chief of the Modocs… “Leaders were chosen by merit, and a leader who failed to heed his people soon found himself out of a job.” (Krol, 2007, p. 54)

  15. Ethical Leaders are Compassionate Sitting Bull took in Cheyenne refugees shortly before the Battle of the Little Bighorn, providing them with food, clothing, anything they needed. (Murphy, 1993) Chief Joseph was a paragon of compassion. His unwillingness to speak poorly of or do harm to others, no matter what their race or what they did to him and his people, made him an icon in the eyes of America. (Nerburn, 2006, p. 56) Chief Black Hawk was devoted to his people. He felt grief so deeply when two of his children died close in succession, he mourned for two years. An enemy once spoke of his compassion. Even though this man had tried to kill Chief Black Hawk, the Chief spared his life, not once, but twice. (Ilminen, 2006)

  16. Ethical Leaders are Courageous In the past, courage was measure on the battlefield. For example, Crazy Horse “would often dismount, walk several steps from his horse, and kneel to take deliberate aim at the onrushing enemy. That ability to be calm and collected in the unfettered violence of combat was complemented by his daring …” (Marshall, 2007, p. 77) Courage was also measured by daring … Chief Joseph often spoke to U.S. citizens. He would travel to address governments, even going to Washington D. C. to address an assembly of dignitaries. When he traveled he would dress in full regalia to draw attention to the plight of his people. Given the prejudices of the time, this had to take courage. (Nerburn, 2006)

  17. Ethical Leaders are Courageous “The courage to act, to put one’s energy, resources, and, if need be, one’s life on the line provides the ultimate test of leadership.” (Murphy, 1993, p. xxxvii)

  18. Ethical Leaders are Honest In order for a leader to gain the trust of his people, he must not lie. Traditional leaders cared about honor and it was not honorable to deceive. “Leaders were chosen by merit.” (Krol, 2007, p. 54) Sitting Bull’s contemporaries, both friends and enemies respected his honesty. In 1876, the Indian people could not afford to follow a liar, thief, or a faker. (Murphy, 1993) Sitting Bull overcame the temptation to deny the reality of his situation. He spoke clearly and truthfully to his people, even if they did not like what they heard. This built a trust between Sitting Bull and his people. Chief Sitting Bull adhered “steadfastly to a personal ethic of honesty.” (Murphy, 1993, p. 25)

  19. Ethical Leaders are Humble “The first step to power involves denying it for yourself, subordinating the self-centered urge for personal gain to the collective benefit. … The greater the need for power, the more a leader must understand the need for strategic humility.” (Murphy, 1993, p. 51) Strategic humility refers to immense self-control over selfishness and arrogance. (Murphy, 1993) Some of our greatest leaders of the past understood the need for humility. For example, Crazy Horse, was a quiet man, shy. His humble and quiet nature drew people to him as much as his reputation as a formidable warrior. He always dressed plainly, never wearing elaborate feathers in his hair and never bragging. (Marshall, 2007)

  20. Ethical Leaders are Humble Sitting Bull knew that arrogance and denial could hurt a people. He cultivated humility to defeat self-centered ambition. He pointed out, to his people, that there were good things about the “white man” as well as bad. He counseled his people that it was okay to emulate the good, but the bad should be left alone. (Murphy, 1993) Chief Sitting Bull was a great leader, yet, he lived a simple life, the life of his people, never looking for special favors or wealth. The welfare of his people always came first. (Murphy, 1993)

  21. Ethical Leaders are Respectful Chief Joseph had a calm manner even under pressure, and he was unwilling to speak poorly of others or do harm to others. (Nerburn, 2006) Chief Black Hawk honored “his deadliest enemy” by dedicating “his autobiography to Brigadier General Henry Atkinson …” (Ilminen, 2006, p. 75) Chief Sitting Bull respected the strengths of his counterparts. He did not compete with them. Instead, he appealed to them for help, always showing respect, so much so, that he banded together several tribes and defeated Custer at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. (Murphy, 1993)

  22. Ethical Leaders are Servants • Fact: “. . . the first step on the path to leadership is a private one, in which a leader solves the great paradox that lies at the heart of leadership success: that self-fulfillment comes from service to others.” (Murphy, 1993, p. 5) • Self-fulfillment will only occur through service to others. A leader who commits to work for the common good of his tribe fuses his destiny to that of his people. This frees a leader from petty ambitions for control or glory. (Murphy, 1993) • Chief Joseph exhibited service to his people when he tried again and again to talk to the U. S. government about returning his people to their homeland. He could have escaped to Canada, but he chose to remain with his people. (Nerburn, 2006)

  23. Ethical Leaders are Servants Throughout his life, Crazy Horse provided for the helpless; he hunted for the elderly and the widows, providing them with food. (Marshall, 2007) Cochise befriended the white settlers at Butterfield station in southeastern Arizona even providing them with firewood through the long cold winters. (McNamee, 2006) Chief Black Hawk was devoted to his family and to his people. For years he led his people on a journey to search for provisions to prevent starvation, even when under enemy attack. (Ilminen, 2006)

  24. Ethical Leaders are Servants “Although more than a few leaders achieved personal prominence, for most it was secondary to their service to the people.” (Marshall, 2007, p. 77) “… the renewal of a society requires commitment to the welfare of the whole nation, not just to the well being of a select few individuals.” (Murphy, 1993, p. xxxi)

  25. How Do Our Leaders Today Compare to Leaders of the Past?

  26. What We are Doing Right

  27. What We are Doing Wrong

  28. Summary – Characteristics of an Ethical Leader • To be an Ethical Leader … • Be Caring and Compassionate • Have Courage • Face Reality • Be Honest • Be Humble • Respect all Peoples • Serve Others

  29. Our Challenge What We Must Do Today to Survive …

  30. References Andre, Claire and Velasquez, Manuel. (1987, Fall). Can Ethics be Taught? Issues in Ethics IIE V1 N1. Catlin, George. (1973). Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of North American Indians. Volume I. Dover Publications Inc. (First published in 1844). Ilminen, Gary. (2006, September/October). The Great Chiefs: Black Hawk, Tactical Genius of the Sauk & Fox. Native Peoples Magazine. pp. 74-78. Johansen, Bruce E. (2007, March/April). Crimes & Punishments: Justice in Ancient America. Native Peoples Magazine. pp. 25-27. Krol, Debra Utacia. (2007, March/April). The Great Chiefs, Captain Jack: Hero of Lost River. Native Peoples Magazine. pp. 54-56.

  31. References Mails, T. E. (1998). Dog Soldier Societies of the Plains. New York, NY: Marlowe & Company, Chapter 1. Marshall, Joseph M., III. (2007, January/February). The Great Chiefs, Tasunke Witko (His Crazy Horse). Native Peoples Magazine. pp. 76-79. McNamee, Gregory. (2006, January/February). The Great Chiefs, Cochise: Warrior and Statesman. Native Peoples Magazine. pp. 26-28. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition (Electronic Version). (1995). Dallas, TX: Zane Publishing, Inc. in cooperation with Merriam-Webster, Inc. Murphy, Emmett C. (1993). The Genius of Sitting Bull, 13 Heroic Strategies for Today’s Business Leaders. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

  32. References Nerburn, Kent. (2006, May/June). Chief Joseph, A Man of his People. Native People’s Magazine. pp. 54, 56.

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