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CliRep configuration

CliRep configuration. Main configuration File properties/DataProcessor.properties. # #debug = INFO debug = DEBUG #debug = ERROR # language = en country = EN # #language = fr #country = FR # climatDir = climat inputDir = obsdata # #. # CLIMAT data Reporting and Key-entry

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CliRep configuration

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  1. CliRep configuration Russian Federation CDMS

  2. Main configuration Fileproperties/DataProcessor.properties Russian Federation CDMS

  3. # #debug = INFO debug = DEBUG #debug = ERROR # language = en country = EN # #language = fr #country = FR # climatDir = climat inputDir = obsdata # # Russian Federation CDMS

  4. # CLIMAT data Reporting and Key-entry stationProp = properties/Station.properties fileDSConfig = properties/ConfigDs.properties #Data source #dsClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.PlainTextDataSource #dsClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.AccessDataSource dsClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.ExcelDataSource #Data saver #dvClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.PlainTextDataSaver #dvClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.AccessDataSaver dvClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.ExcelDataSaver Russian Federation CDMS

  5. # CLIMAT-TEMP data Reporting and Key-entry stationTProp = properties/StationT.properties fileDSTConfig = properties/ConfigDsT.properties #Data source #dsTClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.PlainTextTempDataSource #dsTClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.AccessTempDataSource dsTClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.ExcelTempDataSource #Data saver #dvTClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.PlainTextTempDataSaver #dvTClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.AccessDataSaver dvTClass = in.wmo.wcp.climat.gts.impl.ds.ExcelTempDataSaver Russian Federation CDMS

  6. # CLIMAT and CLIMAT-TEMP decoders configuration #Directory for Input Data clmInDir = gtsdata #Directory for Output Data clmOutDir = gtsoutdata #Permanent output date setting datadate = 2003-12 #Delay in days from date of processing to check date in CLIMAT messages delay = 29 #Message begin string #msgBegin = ZCZC msgBegin = HEX:1 #Message end string #msgEnd = NNNN msgEnd = HEX:3 Russian Federation CDMS

  7. CLIMAT report and key-entry configuration • Configure data source; • Describe meteorological station; • Enter station norms. Russian Federation CDMS

  8. Data source configuration Russian Federation CDMS

  9. The CLIMAT forming facility needs next meteorological parameters • StI – WMO station index • Date – date of observation in format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm” • T – air temperature in time of observation in C; • Tmin – minimum temperature for last observation period with in C; • Tmax maximum temperature for last observation period in C; • PPPP – pressure on sea level with in hPa; • P0P0 – pressure on station level with in hPa; • EEE – vapor pressure in hPa; • RRR – sum of precipitation for last observation period in mm; • SUN – sunshine duration in hours for last observation period in hours; • WMAX – maximum wind speed for last observation period in m/sec; • VV – visibility in code; • SNOW – snow depth in sm • WW – weather in time of observation code • WWP – last weather. In code Russian Federation CDMS

  10. Example of meteorological data of observation from flat text file: • Station_ID;Date_Obs;T;QT;Tmin;QTmin;Tmax;QTmax;RRR;QRRR;EEE;DEEE;QEEE;PPPP;QPPPP;P0P0;QP0P0;SUN;QSUN;WMAX;QWMAX;VV;QVIS;SNOW;QSNOW;WW;QWW;WWP;QWWP • 27612;2000-01-01 00:00;-4.3;0;-4.3;0;-3.8;0;;5;4.05;2;0;999.2;0;1019.2;0;;0;5;0;;5;;0;8;0;10;0 • 27612;2000-01-01 03:00;-4.3;0;-4.5;0;-4.3;0;;5;3.94;2;0;999.9;0;1019.9;0;;0;4;0;;5;;0;2;0;10;0 • 27612;2000-01-01 06:00;-4.9;0;-4.9;0;-4.3;0;0.4;0;3.74;2;0;1001.2;0;1021.3;0;;0;4;0;96;0;;0;7;0;70;0 • 27612;2000-01-01 09:00;-4.5;0;-4.9;0;-3.6;0;;5;3.46;2;0;1002.1;0;1022.1;0;;0;4;0;97;0;;0;7;0;1;0 Russian Federation CDMS

  11. Quality control flag values:The name of quality control flag must be created as “Q”+parameter_name. For instance parameter RRR – quality control flag QRRR. • 0 – value not validated; • 1 – valid value; • 2 – warning; • 3 – error; • 4 – double entered. Russian Federation CDMS

  12. Additional determinant must be named as “D”+parameter_name. For instance parameter RRR – additional determinant DRRR. The values of additional determinant depend from parameter. For precipitation RRR the value “t” means trace of precipitation. • Fragment of data line: 0;1;t • It is meaning valid value for trace of precipitation. Russian Federation CDMS

  13. #Data source configuration file for CLIMAT coding and meteorological data key-entry # Path to data files with observations Path = obsdata # Station code name StI = StI # Date code name Date = date # Temporary names of elements - do not edit this line BaseElem = StI ;Date ;T;Tmin;Tmax;PPPP;P0P0;EEE;RRR;SUN;WMAX;VV;SNOW;WW;WWP #Flat text configuration # Corresponded names of parameters in data set DataElem = Station_ID;Date_Obs;T;Tmin;Tmax;PPPP;P0P0;EEE;RRR;SUN;WMAX;VV;SNOW;WW;WWP #Data base configuration # Corresponded names of parameters in database dbDataElem = StI;Date;T;Tmin;Tmax;PPPP;P0P0;EEE;RRR;SUN;WMAX;VV;SNOW;WW;WWP dbName = CLIMAT user = Oper password = tableName = Observation #Excel configuration # Corresponded names of parameters in database exDataElem = StI;Date;T;Tmin;Tmax;PPPP;P0P0;EEE;RRR;SUN;WMAX;VV;SNOW;WW;WWP Russian Federation CDMS

  14. # Start year of menu • StartYear = 2000 • # Station list definition • StIList = 27612, • # Quality control flags and additional determinate definition • ElLs = StI,Date, T,Tmin,Tmax,PPPP,P0P0,EEE,RRR,SUN,WMAX,VV,SNOW,WW,WWP • Q = n, n, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y • D = n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, y, n, y, y, y, n, n • # Global limits for quality control • Max = , , 40, 40, 40,1100,1100, 10, 100, 18, 50,99, 200,99, 99 • Min = , , -50, -50, -50, 800, 800, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 • # Multipliers of monthly norms for station limits for quality control • Err = , , 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, , 4, 4, 4, 4, , , • Var = , , 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, , 3, 3, 3, 3, , , • # Multipliers for key-entry form to do not entry dots • Mult = , , 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 • # Formats of data presentation • Form = 00000,Date,#0.0,#0.0,#0.0,#0.0,#0.0,#0.00,#0.0, #0, #0,#0, #0,#0, #0 Russian Federation CDMS

  15. #Station description 27612_Name = Moscow #Offset from GMT time for the first observation of the meteorological day 27612_Offset = -3 #List of observation for station. Start from the first observation of the meteorological day 27612_Obs = 21,00,03,06,09,12,15,18 #List of observation for precipitation 27612_RRR = 00,06,12,18 #List of observation for snow 27612_SNOW = 15 #List of observation for visibility 27612_VV = 06,09,12,15,18 #List of observation for sun duration 27612_SUN = 06,09,12,15,18 #List of observation for minimum temperature 27612_T_Tmin = 03 #List of observation for maximum temperature 27612_T_Tmax = 15 #This line protect editing station index in key-entry form 27612_StI = #This line protect editing date in key-entry form 27612_Date = 27612_T_Type = 1 27612_W_Type = 1 Russian Federation CDMS

  16. List = P0,P,T,Tmax,Tmin,EEE,RRR,RDays,Sun, \ P0_Div,P_Div,T_Div,Tmax_Div,Tmin_Div,EEE_Div,RRR_Div, \ P0_m,T_m,Tx_m,EEE_m,RRR_m,Sun_m,QuinR # # CLIMAT message NORM #Period of norms 27612_Years = 6190 #Normal value of air pressure at station level by months. 27612_P0 = 1001.1,1002.2,1003.3,1004.4,1005.5,1006.6,1007.7,1008.8,1009.9,1010.0,1011.1,1012.2 #Normal standard deviation of air pressure at station level by months. 27612_P0_Div = 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10 #Number of years missing from the records for monthly mean pressures at station level. 27612_P0_m = 10,0,0,0,1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0 #Normal value of air pressure at sea level by months. 27612_P = 901.1,902.2,903.3,904.4,905.5,906.6,907.7,908.8,909.9,910.0,911.1,912.2 #Normal standard deviation of air pressure at sea level by months. 27612_P_Div = 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10 # #Normal value of monthlymean temperatures at station level. 27612_T = -10.2,-12.5,-3.2,0.5,10.1,15.0,17.2,20.0,9.5,-0.4,-2.0,-5.2 #Number of years missing from the records for monthly mean air temperature. 27612_T_m = 10,0,0,0,1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0 #Normal standard deviation of monthlymean temperatures at station level. 27612_T_Div = 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 # #Normal value of monthly mean maximal temperature. 27612_Tmax = -5.2,-12.5,-3.2,0.5,10.1,15.0,17.2,20.0,9.5,-0.4,-2.0,-5.2 #Normal standard deviation of mean maximal temperature. 27612_Tmax_Div = 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 # Russian Federation CDMS

  17. #Normal value of monthly mean maximal temperature. 27612_Tmin = -15.2,-12.5,-3.2,0.5,10.1,15.0,17.2,20.0,9.5,-0.4,-2.0,-5.2 #Normal standard deviation of monthly mean maximal temperature. 27612_Tmin_Div = 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 #Number of years missing from the record for monthly mean extreme air temperatures. 27612_Tx_m = 10,0,0,0,1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0 # #Normal value of mean vapor pressures at station level. 27612_EEE = 1.2,48.1,1.2,48.1,1.2,48.1,1.2,48.1,1.2,48.1,1.2,48.1 #Normal standard deviation of mean vapor pressures at station level. 27612_EEE_Div = 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 #Number of years missing from the records for monthly mean vapour pressures. 27612_EEE_m = 11,0,0,0,1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0 # #Normal value of total precipitation or water equivalent for the month. 27612_RRR = 45,50,60,70,80,90,100,150,200,100,70,60 #Normal standard deviation of total precipitation or water equivalent for the month. 27612_RRR_Div = 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20 #Number of years missing from the records for monthly precipitation amount. 27612_RRR_m = 22,0,0,0,1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0 # #Normal number of days of the month with precipitation equal to or greater than 1.0 mm. 27612_RDays = 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 # #Normal monthly sunshine duration. 27612_Sun = 60,90,120,300,400,500,700,700,600,300,100,70 #Number of years missing from the records for monthly sunshine duration. 27612_Sun_m = 33,0,0,0,1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0 Russian Federation CDMS

  18. 27612_QuinR = 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0, \ 4.9;62.5;121.5;213.5;255.5;411.0;99999.0 Russian Federation CDMS

  19. CLIMAT-TEMP report and key-entry configuration • Configure data source; • Describe upper air station; Russian Federation CDMS

  20. The CLIMAT TEMP forming facility needs next upper air parameters: • StI – WMO station index • Date – date of observation in format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm” • LevType – type of level (1 – station level, 10 – standard level) • PPP – pressure on station level • TTT – temperature on station level • DD – dew point on station level • PPP – pressure on standards levels • Hhh – geopotential height on standard levels • TTT – temperature on standards levels • DD – dew point on standards levels • D – wind direction on standards levels • f – wind speed on standards levels Russian Federation CDMS

  21. StI;Date;LevType;PPP;QPPP;hhh;Qhhh;TTT;QTTT;DD;QDD;d;Qd;f;Qf27612;2003-12-02 00:00;1;1011;1;187;0;-3.3;1;0.7;1;225;1;2;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;1000;1;280;0;-3.9;1;1.4;1;225;1;3;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;925;1;911;0;7;1;21;1;255;1;5;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;850;1;1599;0;4.6;1;29;1;250;1;11;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;700;1;3163;0;-1.9;1;32;1;245;1;12;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;500;1;5740;0;-20.9;1;19;1;250;1;10;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;400;1;7340;0;-33.7;1;13;1;245;1;8;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;300;1;9300;0;-48.7;1;13;1;220;1;6;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;250;1;10470;0;-57.7;1;10;1;245;1;5;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;200;1;11840;0;-66.9;1;9;1;250;1;6;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;150;1;13590;0;-62.5;1;10;1;310;1;7;127612;2003-12-02 00:00;10;100;1;16080;0;-64.1;1;10;1;310;1;8;1 Russian Federation CDMS

  22. Quality control flag values: First (head) line must contain abbreviated manes of parameters in the same order as data. Each parameter can contain or not additional quality control flag as char(1). The name of quality control flag must be created as “Q”+parameter_name. For instance parameter RRR – quality control flag QRRR. 0 – value not controlled; 1 – valid value; 2 – warning; 3 – error; 4 – double entered. Example for pressure PPP: Fragment of first line: PPP;QPPP Fragment of data line: 925;1 Russian Federation CDMS

  23. Upper air data source configuration # Path to data files Path = obsdata # Temporary names of elements - do not edit this line BaseElem = StI;Date;LevType;PPP;hhh;TTT;DD;d;f # Station field name StI = StI # Date field name Date = Date # Level Type field name LevType = LevType # Corresponded names of parameters in data set DataElem = StI;Date;LevType;PPP;hhh;TTT;DD;d;f #Data base configuration dbDataElem = StI;Date;LevType;PPP;hhh;TTT;DD;d;f dbName = CLIMAT user = Oper password = tableName = Air_Observation #Excel configuration # Corresponded names of parameters in database exDataElem = StI;Date;LevType;PPP;hhh;TTT;DD;d;f Russian Federation CDMS

  24. Upper air station description # Station list definition # Start year of menu StartYear = 2000 # Station list definition StIList = 27612, # Quality control flags and additional determinate definition ElLs = StI,Date,LevType, PPP, hhh, TTT, DD, d, f Q = n, n, n, y, y, y, y, y, y D = n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n # Global limits for quality control Max = , , 14,1200,30000, 50, 50, 359,150 Min = , , 1, 10, -100, -80, 0, 0, 0 # Multipliers of monthly norms for station limits for quality control Err = , , , , , , , , , Var = , , , , , , , , , # Multipliers for key-entry form to do not entry dots Mult = , , 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 # Formats of data presentation Form = 00000,Date, #0, #0, #0, #0.0,#0.0, #0, #0 Russian Federation CDMS

  25. Upper air station description #Station description 27612_Name = Moscow #Offset from GMT time for the first observation of the meteorological day (must be 0) 27612_Offset = 0 #List of observation for station (Format HH:MM). 27612_Obs = 00:00 # Code of main standard times of the observations used to compute mean values of CLIMAT TEMP 27612_O_Type = 1 # 27612_S_Type = 0 #This line protect editing station index in key-entry form 27612_StI = #This line protect editing Date in key-entry form 27612_Date = #This line protect editing Level type in key-entry form 27612_LevType = Russian Federation CDMS

  26. How to • Add station to the system • To add station to the system for CLIMAT reporting edit file Station.properties or StationT.properties for CLIMAT TEMP reporting. • Add station index on StIList line. • To define station see sections 4.1.3 and 4.3.3 • To add norms see section 4.1.4 • Change head lines of CLIMAT and CLIMAT TEMP reports • To change head lines of CLIMAT report edit in Climat.properties file properties: line1 = line2 =, line3 =, and last = or in ClimatTemp.properties file for CLIMAT TEMP report. • Change data source • To change data source comment and uncomment corresponding lines in DataProcessor.properties file in sections Data source and Saver. Russian Federation CDMS

  27. Thank you Russian Federation CDMS

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