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ELD and IATUL – Reflections from the Past and Vision for the Future. Jay Bhatt IATUL liaison to ELD Drexel University. What are ASEE and ELD?.
ELD and IATUL – Reflections from the Past and Vision for the Future Jay Bhatt IATUL liaison to ELDDrexel University
What are ASEE and ELD? • The (ASEE) American Society for Engineering Education is a nonprofit member association, founded in 1893, dedicated to promoting and improving engineering and technology education. • ASEE has more than 12,000 deans, professors, instructors, students and industry representatives. • ELD is the Engineering Libraries Division of the ASEE. • At present there are more than 185 members most of them are academic engineering librarians. • Annual conference provides an excellent opportunity to interact with engineering faculty.
What is ELD? • Provides an opportunity to share experiences about librarianship • http://www.englib.cornell.edu/eld/aboutELD.html • ELD is extremely dynamic, growth oriented, motivated and committed to instill professional values to the engineering librarianship • Involved in the provision of library services and the development of innovative approaches to networking information services. • ELD serves as a forum for engineers who believe that information access lies at the heart of engineering education
ASEE ELD Liaisons Program • Representing the views of ELD to those other organizations; and • Increasing collaborative opportunities with related organizations. • Possible culmination projects among members of organizations • Activities reported in the Newsletter • Vladimir Borovansky –ELD Liaison to IATUL Jay Bhatt-IATUL Liaison to ELD • For more information, see:http://library.ucsc.edu/science/ELD/
Vision for the Future • IATUL members contribute at the ASEE conference • Information Literacy - create Task Forces in ELD and IATUL; Chairs of the two Task Forces collaborate • IATUL and ELD members jointly present at conferences or publish papers through collaborative partnerships • New goals emerge as we grow together
Networking opportunities • Both IATUL and ELD sessions provide ample opportunities for collaboration • Science and and engineering information needs of users provide base for interaction globally • Both organizations contribute towards this goal where information experts share and exchange ideas • Members identify projects for collaboration
From Opportunities to Action • Important to build on these opportunities • Begin discussing projects based on mutual interest • Challenging. How do we determine what is beneficial to both? Trial and Error. We must try. • Presentations and publishing together • Use email, virtual chat, virtual conference, or create groups For example: Continuous Asynchronous Conferences Section of Drexel Univ’s Dspace http://dspace.library.drexel.edu/handle/1721.1/96
A successful example for collaboration-Gateways • ViFaTec – The Engineering Subject Gateway, Martin Bomeke • EEVL - Michael Breaks and Linda Kerr- OAI and Subject Gateway • AVEL – David Radcliffe-Sustainability Knowledge Network is a portal and brokerage service for engineers.
A successful example for collaboration • What next? How can all three Gateways come together and share their views to a setting where all engineering information professionals come together? • What do we want to achieve? • Interactivity with the audience? dialog? • Why not try at ASEE – ELD Division Conference in 2003? • http://www.englib.cornell.edu/eld/conf/03/nashville03.html Session: Using Web-based Engineering Information
A successful example for collaboration • Planning to envision such a session began in August 2002 • Contacts established, communication continued • With active assistance from the ELD Program Chair, theme Web based engineering information gateways established • Each presenter gets 15 minutes; Audience interacts with questions; possible panel discussion with John Saylor as the resident expert
A successful example for collaboration – OAI implications • One of the aims of the Open Archives Initiative is to increase access to scholarly publications. • What is the impact of OAI in their vision for gateways to increase access to scholarly publications? • Why create ViFaTeC, EEVL or AVEL when Google seems to be the Default search engine? • How do we motivate users to use engineering subject specific engines? Is it necessary? • Our session at ASEE ELD will try to seek answers to such questions
Opportunities for Collaboration • Lifelong Learning and how libraries can contribute towards this mission • Institutional Repositories – Dspace type initiatives and think about sharing resources • Web Gateways IATUL members collaborate with ELD members in the development of Digital Library initiatives. • Scholarly Communication • Electronic 24X7 – Continue to explore • Electronic Archival Issues • Education, Training and Mentoring
Future Directions • Information Literacy Create Task Forces in ELD and IATUL; Chair of the two Task Forces collaborates for future ideas • Joint Presentations and PublishingWrite Joint papers, Collaborative presentations on such topics • Continue to Create channels for exchanging ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities • Any other ideas? What is the next step? IATUL members discuss on IATUL listserv?
Future Directions • Share and Exchange ideas both on ELDNET-L and IATUL-L To subscribe to ELDNET-L(Electronic Discussion List sponsored by ELD) send the message to listproc@u.washington.edu: SUBscribe eldnet-l <yourfirstname yourlastname> • Create a database of Information expertise of IATUL members; ELD is currently working on such a database. (To facilitate communication)
Our Contact Information • Vladimir BorovanskyArizona State University VLADIMIR.BOROVANSKY@ASU.EDU • Jay BhattDrexel Universitybhattjj@drexel.edu http://www.library.drexel.edu/research/eng.html • Please send your feedback, other ideas and suggestions to us.