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FEDERAL DEPARTEMENT OF JUSTICE AND POLICE Federal Office of Justice. CH-Gesetzesdatenbank. CHLexML Project. Mario Ramalho MISL, University of Applied Sciences of Fribourg. Omar Abou Khaled Houda Chabbi Drissi. Urs Paul Holenstein Ardita Driza Maurer. Overview. Context

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  1. FEDERAL DEPARTEMENTOF JUSTICE AND POLICE Federal Office of Justice CH-Gesetzesdatenbank CHLexML Project Mario Ramalho MISL, University of Applied Sciences of Fribourg Omar Abou Khaled Houda Chabbi Drissi Urs Paul Holenstein Ardita Driza Maurer

  2. Overview • Context • Swiss Specificities • What is missing ? • What is the solution ? • Our approach • Demonstrations • Futur Works & Conclusion Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  3. Context • Federal competences • Swiss Federal Institution • Coordination service for the electronic publications of legal data • XML technologies competences • Mobile Information System Laboratory of University of Applied Science of Fribourg Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  4. Swiss Specificities • 27 systems online • (chronological and systematic collections) Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  5. Swiss Specificities • 4 languages Fr Fr + De It Ru + It + De De Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  6. Swiss Specificities • Different classification systems • (systematic collections) CANTONS USING MORE OR LESS THE FEDERAL CLASSIFICATION CANTONS USING DIFFERENT CLASSIFICATIONS Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  7. Swiss Specificities • Numbers attributed to cantonal constitutions • According to cantonal classification systems 101.000 … 111.1 ZG, SO, AR, SG 111.100 BS I A/1/1 GL 110.000 101 101 100 101 101 1 100.000 101 111 1.1101 101.1 10.1 110.100 1.1 101.1 A 2 00 Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  8. Swiss Specificities • Federal regulationOrdinance for electronic publication of legal data: • - Gratuity • - « Basic service » concept Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  9. What is missing ? • Interoperable and exchange formats • Efficient and distributed IR systems • Chronological research possibilities • Fixed, predefined and up to date URLs • Easier comparative search of cantonal legislations • Easier access to and better understanding of the law (the citizen is supposed to know the law) Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  10. Solution : Gesetzesdatenbank • Common XML schema for federal & cantonal legislation • Web portal unifying access to federal and cantonal legislation CHLexML Unified Portal Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  11. CHLexML • Why a generic model ? • Open and interoperable data • Production of legal document • CHLexML will be the federal reference • Each canton can have different models (translation) Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  12. CHLexML • Specificities • Swiss laws interpretation • Workflow integration • Multilingualism • Centralized information • Chronological storages Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  13. Unified Portal • Why a portal ? • Citizens centred services • Data distributed • Possibility of access to information from only one point • Service integration Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  14. Unified Portal Each cantonal service manage his system and data Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  15. Technologies • XML Architecture • Office Suite (Office 2003) • InfoPath, Word, Smart Docs • XML Native Database (Tamino Software AG) • Persistent storage for legal data • Extensible and generic model • Advanced Search (laws, articles, dates, …) • Web Services • Approach solution for integration and communication of distributed system and data Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  16. Demonstrations

  17. Demonstration 1 • Scenario: • A secretary using an innovative system for the edition of the laws • Solution approach • Editor WYSIWYG of structured, simple and intuitive form respecting a generic model. • Demonstration • Discussion Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  18. Demonstration 2 • Scenario: • An agent wanting to recycle the data stored in a owner format towards an open interoperable format • Solution approach • Structuring the documents according to the generic model • Demonstration • Discussion • Automatic Translation • Refining by a human specialist XML Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  19. Demonstration 3 • Scenario: A lawyer wanting to check the update of the data in a document • Solution approach • Contextual Help for the drafting • Demonstration • Discussion Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  20. Demonstration 4 • Scenario: A citizen wanting to reach the information targeted in a base of a canton • Solution approach • Unified Portal • Legislative Retrieval documents • Key word Retrieval • Demonstration • Discussion Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  21. Demonstration 5 • Scenario: A citizen wanting to compare a topic between two cantons • Solution approach • Unified Portal • Alignment of the cantonal laws • Demonstration • Discussion Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  22. Assessment • Copiur Buletin publication • 4 Macolin Juridical informatics seminar • Program • LexGO demonstration • CHLexML demonstration • Public • Cantons and private companies • Final Study Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  23. Future Work • March 2005 • Proposal CHLexML first draft to the cantons • April / Mai 2005 • CHLexML validation by the cantons • July 2005 • CHLexML Standardization • Futur • Integrate CHLexML with the project of federal chancellery • Ontology definition • Implementation of the future architecture Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  24. Conclusion • XML technologies is the ideal solution to obtain • Interoperable legal data • Accessible legal data • Simple and powerful integration approach • Unified portal offering to the citizens a personalised and guided service. Mario Ramalho Workshop on legislative XML

  25. Questions More informations : http://www.eif.ch/projets/CH-Gesetzesdatenbank Omar Abou Khaled Houda Chabbi Drissi Urs Paul Holenstein Ardita Driza Maurer

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