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Author(s) here. Title Here. Ignite 280 Herbicide: Performance of New High-Load Formulation and Extended Rates for the Southwest and Western Regions. W.Perkins, M.Ehlhardt, M.Jameniz and G.Schwarzlose, Bayer CropScience, RTP, NC. Abstract. Objective. Objective.

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  1. Author(s) here Title Here

  2. Ignite 280 Herbicide: Performance of New High-Load Formulation and Extended Rates for the Southwest and Western Regions W.Perkins, M.Ehlhardt, M.Jameniz and G.Schwarzlose, Bayer CropScience, RTP, NC Abstract Objective Objective Ignite 280 herbicide (Glufosinate-ammonium) is a new formulation which contains 2.34 lbs ai/gal (280g/l) of glufosinate for use in the LibertyLink Cotton System. This is a higher load active ingredient compared to the previous Ignite formulation containing 1.67 lbs ai/gal. Research conducted across the Southwest and Western cotton growing regions indicate that Ignite 280 performs equivalent to or better than Ignite in mixing, spraying and efficacy. Ignite 280 currently has the same use patterns as Ignite with the exception of the rate difference due to the formulation change. The rates for Ignite 280 are 22 and 29 oz/a depending on the target species and size. Sequential applications of 22 oz/a followed by an additional 22 oz/a are also reflected in the new formulation. A total of 58 oz/a may be applied per season, with a single application not to exceed 29 oz//a. Several states have requested a 24(c) registration for Ignite 280 herbicide which would allow the application of Ignite 280 in LibertyLink cotton at an increased rate and an increased number of applications. Increasing the rate of Ignite 280 per application to 43 oz./a (0.8 lbs active) would enhance the control of certain species such as pigweed and Palmer amaranth. An increase in the overall per acre use rate would also allow for some flexibility in the situation where rainfall or equipment problems may prevent the grower from making timely applications. The ability for the grower to make an additional application of Ignite 280 at the full labeled rate would be extremely useful if weeds emerge after the second application late in the season. A third application of Ignite 280 over-the-top would be much more efficient than the process of post-directing a conventional layby herbicide. Studies conducted this season indicate that the increased use rate of up to 43 oz/a were successful in controlling larger weed sizes such as Devils Claw and Morningglory spp. A nice rate response is also noted when the higher rates of Ignite 280 are applied to weeds at the labeled height. This paper will summarize the results of university cooperators trails evaluating Ignite 280 in both a systems approach and rate and timing trial from across the Southwest and Western cotton growing regions. • Evaluate rate and timing of new high load formulation of Ignite 280 for optimum control of annual weeds. • Evaluate weed control systems utilizing new high load formulation of Ignite 280 and Ignite 280 tankmix combinations for control of annual weeds such as Morningglory, Devil’s Claw, and Pigweed. Devil’s Claw Control (PROLO)Dr. Dotray, Lubbock, TX Ignite Weed Management System – Lubbock, TXMorningglory spp Waterhemp Control (AMATA)Dr. Lemon, College Station, TX Materials and Methods Cooperators and Locations Two studies established with University cooperators to evaluate: • Ignite Weed Management Systems • Pre vs EP / MP vs layby • Ignite Rate and Timing Study • Rate range evaluation from 22.9-43 oz/a • Timings from EP / MP • Dr. Peter Dotray TCE/TTU, Lubbock TX • Dr. Robert Lemon TCE, College Station, TX • Dr. Doug Munier UCCE, • Shane Osborne OSU Extension, Altus, OK • Dr. J.C. Banks • Dr. Ron Vargas UCCE, Five Point, CA • Dr. Steve Wright UCCE, Tulare, CA Ignite Weed Management System – Altus, OKMorningglory Control Velvetleaf Control Dr. Munier, Newland Family Farms, CA Silverleaf Nightshade Control (SOLNI)Dr. Dotray, Lubbock, TX Black Nightshade ControlDr. Vargas, WREC Five Point, CA Summary • The addition of a PRE material to Ignite 280 applied EP to 1-2” cotton and 1-2” MG gave acceptable control of Morningglory Spp. • Additional control of Morningglory Spp was achieved when a layby application of Staple, Envoke or Valor was tank mixed with the MP Ignite 280 treatment, or Ignite 280 applications were made at EP / MP, following a PRE material • A rate response was noted when Ignite 280 was applied at 23-43 oz/a for control of Devil’s Claw, Silverleaf Nightshade, Pigweed and Waterhemp • Ignite 280 rates of 29-43 oz/a also provided increased control of Devil’s Claw at the Lubbock location on larger 3-10” weeds • All rate ranges gave excellent control of weed species in the three CA locations Morningglory spp (IPOSS)Dr. Wright, Tulare Co., CA Devils Claw (PROLO)Dr. Lemon, College Station, TX

  3. Ignite 280 Herbicide: Performance of New High-Load Formulation and Extended Rates for the Southeast and Mid-South Regions J.M. Rosemond, Hillsborough, NC; C.R. Bell, Monroe, LA; S.B. Garris, Bentonia, MS; K.W. Vodrazka, Lakeland, TN; H.S. Young, Tifton, GA; Bayer CropScience, Inc. Results and Discussion Introduction Ignite 280 Herbicide is a glufosinate-ammonium formulation containing 2.34 lbs ai./gal (280g/l) glufosinate, and is a broad-spectrum post-emergent herbicide applied over the top in LibertyLink cotton systems. This is a higher load active ingredient formulation compared to the previous Ignite formulation containing 1.67 lbs ai/gal. The color of the commercial formulation will change from blue to orange. Use of Ignite 280 Herbicide in the LibertyLink system allows for a wide window of application, where applications are made based on weed size and not the stage of growth of cotton. Ignite 280 provides excellent broadleaf weed control of most common and troublesome weeds in cotton. Ignite 280 provides good grass control as well, provided that proper rates and application timings are followed. Crop tolerance to Ignite 280 Herbicide is unprecedented with no adverse effects reported. Ignite 280 also provides an alternate mode of action that is becoming more important in managing herbicide resistance and weed shifts in cotton. Objectives The objectives of these field trials were to assess the commercial efficacy, crop tolerance, optimum rate, and maximum weed size of Ignite 280 Herbicide in Liberty Link cotton systems. An additional objective was to determine if any label modifications or refinements were needed based of research results. Materials and Methods Locations: Dr. Joel Faircloth – VA Tech – Holland, VA Dr. Alan York – NC State – Rocky Mount, NC Dr. Stanley Culpepper – Univ. of GA – Tifton, GA Dr. Charles Ed Snipes – MS State –Stoneville, MS Dr. Andy Kendig – Univ. of MO – Portageville, MO Field trials were established as university cooperator small plot trials. Trials were conducted using a randomized complete block design with (3) to (4) replicates per treatment. Plots were 4 rows wide and ranged from 30 – 50 feet in length. Treatments were applied using a backpack sprayer, calibrated to deliver from 10-20 gallons of water per acre. Rates of Ignite 280 Herbicide from 22.9 - 43 oz/A were evaluated. The number of applications ranged from 1-3 and made alone or tank-mixed with a pre-emergent herbicide. Treatments included a PRE fb sequential POST applications, and various POST combinations coupled with other tank mix herbicides. Timings for the POST applications were, early-postemergence (EP), mid-postemergence (MP), late-postemergence (LP) and layby. Pre-emergence materials evaluated included Prowl, Cotoran,and Dual Magnum. Residual materials evaluated included Envoke, Staple (pyrithiobac), Suprend, Caparol, MSMA and Valor SX. End of season evaluations used as indicator of program success. Faircloth – Holland, VA 97 DAP Rescue or Late Applications -York (NC) Objective was to provide farmers with application flexibility in case of weather, equipment, or timing delays. A one-time application of 43 oz/A to control labeled weeds taller than labeled maximum heights, followed by a second application 2 weeks later at 23 oz/A to control new emerging weeds or to control taller weeds not controlled by the first application. York – Rocky Mount, NC 14 DAT2 14 DAT1 100 DAP Culpepper -Tifton, GA Summary Applications of Ignite 280 in a LibertyLink cotton system provided season long weed control of economic weeds across the southern weed belt. No crop injury from commercial applications of Ignite were reported. Maximum weed heights need to be adhered to in order for control to be achieved. Optimum weed control resulted from a PRE application fb one or two applications of Ignite 280 at recommended weed heights fb a layby application. Applications of Ignite 280 to goosegrass, pigweeds must be timely for acceptable control. Efficacy data provided support for state 24c to expand flexibility on the number of applications, and maximum rates. 100 DAP Weeds > 6” at 1st application Kendig - Portageville, MO 62 DAP Proposed State 24C Data from 2004-2005 provided support for a 24c to enhance the application flexibility and rate structure of Ignite 280. Under the 24c, Ignite 280 may be applied up to a maximum of 3 applications at 29 oz/A each; or one application of up to 43 oz/A fb a single application of 23 oz/A; and rotational restrictions for small grains increased to 180 days when making the aforementioned application schemes. SnipeS-Stoneville, MS 47 DAP Ignite 280 is the registered trademark of Bayer CropScience Prowl is the registered trademark of BASF Corporation Cotoran is the registered trademark of Griffin, LLP Valor SX is the registered trademark of Valent, Inc. Caporal, Dual Magnum, Envoke, Suprend are the registered trademarks of Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. Staple is the registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company

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