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Unit 10 Country case studies: UK, CR. 27th May 2005, Laura Laubeova laubeova@fsv.cuni.cz www.tolerance.cz. Multiculturalism in UK. Ethnic minority groups - census figures Census 2001- NEW CLASSIFICATION ALLOWED SELF-DECLARATION OF MIXED RACE (in 1991 classified as white).
Unit 10 Country case studies: UK, CR 27th May 2005, Laura Laubeova laubeova@fsv.cuni.cz www.tolerance.cz
Multiculturalism in UK • Ethnic minority groups - census figures • Census 2001- NEW CLASSIFICATION ALLOWED SELF-DECLARATION OF MIXED RACE (in 1991 classified as white)
In 2001 minority ethnic groups were more likely to live in England than in the other countries of the UK. In England, they made up 9 per cent of the total population compared with only 2 per cent in both Scotland and Wales and less than 1 per cent in Northern Ireland.The minority ethnic populations were concentrated in the large urban centres. Nearly half (45 per cent) of the total minority ethnic population lived in the London region, where they comprised 29 per cent of all residents.
Seventy eight per cent of Black Africans and 61 percent of Black Caribbeans lived in London. More than half of the Bangladeshi group (54 per cent) also lived in London. Other ethnic minority groups were more dispersed. Only 19 per cent of Pakistanis resided in London, 21 per cent lived in the West Midlands, 20 per cent in Yorkshire and the Humber, and 16 per cent in the North West.
Seventy eight per cent of Black Africans and 61 percent of Black Caribbeans lived in London. More than half of the Bangladeshi group (54 per cent) also lived in London. Other ethnic minority groups were more dispersed. Only 19 per cent of Pakistanis resided in London, 21 per cent lived in the West Midlands, 20 per cent in Yorkshire and the Humber, and 16 per cent in the North West. • http://www.statistics.gov.uk/CCI/nugget.asp?ID=263&Pos=2&ColRank=2&Rank=224
location 1991 2001 UK 5,5% 7,9% 9% Greater London 20% 29% 45% of all min. West Midlands 15% 13% Brent 45% 54,7 Newham 43% 60,6 Slough 36,3 Birmingham 29,6 Luton 28,1
Census 1992 Census 2002 Black Black-Carib. (West Indies) 0,9% 1,0% Lewisham (London) 2,3% Black-African 0,4% 0,8% Black-Other 0,3% 0,2% South Asian Indian 1,5% 1,8% Leicester 25,7% Pakistani 0,9% 1,3% in Bradford 15 % Bangladeshi 0,3% 0,5% in Tower Hamlets 33,4% Chinese Chinese 0,3% 0,4% Other-Asia 0,4% Other-other 0,5% 0,5% (other) Mixed (2001) 1,2%
Census can´t cover problematic groups, such as Cypriots, Kurds, Vietnamese – Chinese; • also differences in urban population, age and gender structures and changes • 1999 – Steven Lawrence Repor (RECOGNITION OF institutional racism in METRO Police as well as British society
According to many authors Immigration law is discriminatory. • First one in 1905 to prevent entry of Jews fleeing from pogroms in East.Europe • 1948 British Nationality Act : Statute of the Citizen of UK and colonies – free entry to UK • 53 Aliens Order- restriction through introduction of work permit • 62,68 Commonwealth Immigrant Acts restricted entry to holders of UK pass port from Asia and Aeastern Europe
71 Immigration Act restriction, 1981 British Nationality Act – more restrictions • 1988 Immigration Act - zrušil " záruky" poskytované dlouhodobě usazeným občanům Commonwealthu atp. • 1999 • Většina imigrantů nejsou Black ale Whites. 709 tis z Irska, dále 23 tis z EU ve srovnání s pouze 14 tis. Imigr. Z Indie, Sri Lanky a Bangladéše. • Každoročně z GB více lidí emigruje (35 tis) než imigruje (Twitchin 1990) viz Thatcher: "strach, že Británie bude zaplavena cizími kulturami" (swamped) - mýtus • Causes of multiculturalism: " We are here because you were there" citace obyvatele Sri Lanky (Sivanandan 1983).
Antidiscrimination legislation in UK • Negative diskrimination • Direct • Indirect • (Motocycle Crash Helmet Religiuos Exemption act 76) • Victimisation • Cf: CERD def of racial discrimination • In Czech law (mezinárodní úmluva OSN o odstranění všech forem rasové diskriminace č. 95/74 Sb.)
1976 (2000 amended) Race Relation Act (positive duty) • 1975/86 Sex Discrimination Act • 1970 The Equal Pay Act • 1974 The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act - who have a conviction which is SPENT. • The Disabled persons (Employment) Act 1944/58 • Kvóty: zaměstnává li podnik více než 20 pracovníků, pak 3% pracovních sil mají být postižení --- až do prosince 96……
1995 The Disability Discrimination Act • Employment, housing, education, service provision. Direct, indirect, victimisation • 1998 Human Rights Act • EU legislation • Amsterdam Treaty Article 13 • Race equality directive 2000/43 • Employment equality directive 2000/87
G. Klein: Education Towards Race Equality, Cassell,1993 50.- 60. léta : odlišnost jako deficit, asimilační model, kompenzační programy poč. 70.let - pol. 80. let : kulturní pluralismus, výchova k toleranci a harmonii, oslava diversity - kuchyň, kultura od poč. 80. Let: model rovnosti příležitostí/práv; antidiskriminace; výchova pro demokracii uducational underachievement 1978 the UK government set up an all-party Commitee of Inquiry into Education of Children of West Indian Origin(p.58) 1981 Interim Rampton Report, first official document attributing „West Indian underachievement“ largely to racism. Lord Scarman Report 1981 – disturbances in streets Bristol 80. Brixton, London, 81 – black youth problematized, education should reduce disadvantages Still, ignored findings of Maureen Stone (The Myth of Multiracial Education). Black Studies initiatives of the early 60s wholly discredited.
terms of reference extended to all „children from ethnic minority groups“ Race Awareness Training (RAT) Judy Katz: White Awareness (1978)--- critique by Sivanandan, 1985 (p.63) 1985 The Swan ReportEducation for All (800 pages) racism was a significant factor in the underachievement of Black students, no analysis of racism (p.66) 1986 The Egglestone Report Education for Some research not into failing pupils but into providers of their education (p.71) Burnage Report 1990, racist murder at school in 1986.
CR • Report on the State of Human Rights in the Czech Republic in 2003 14. 6. 2004) • http://wtd.vlada.cz/files/rvk/rlp/dokumenty/zprava2003EN.pdf • The Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination reviewed the Final Recommendations of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination Racial Discrimination and formed two working groups, one of which will elaborate a national action plan against • racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the other one will deal with social exclusion in the housing area, particularly in relation to the Roma community.
The Committee on Rights of Foreigners reviewed the participation of foreigners in local public life and decided to try to promote by appropriate methods the expansion of suffrage in elections to municipal and regional assemblies to encoAmpass permanent residents from the so-called “third countries”. The Committee further dealt in detail with the situation of foreigners in detention centres for foreigners. Its members visited the Balková facility and the Committee then prepared a motion for the Minister of Interior. Other issues included the new citizenship legislation, particularly with respect to granting citizenship to second- and third-generation immigrants, and the implementation of a concept of placing children with a language barrier, including unaccompanied minor asylum applicants, to institutional care facilities.
2.2. Government Council for National Minorities Policy of the Czech Republic Toward National Minorities. Basic Document • 2.3. Government Council for Roma Community Affairs • second updated Roman Integration Policy Concept • review of the Concept started in October 2003 and will end in October 2004.