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FP7 at the University of Nottingham – Focus on ERC Starting Grants

FP7 at the University of Nottingham – Focus on ERC Starting Grants. Matthew Rackley, BDE; Europe Research Innovation Services Matthew.rackley@nottingham.ac.uk. Framework Programme 7 (FP7).

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FP7 at the University of Nottingham – Focus on ERC Starting Grants

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  1. FP7 at the University of Nottingham – Focus on ERC Starting Grants Matthew Rackley, BDE; Europe Research Innovation Services Matthew.rackley@nottingham.ac.uk

  2. Framework Programme 7 (FP7) • EU’s main instrument for funding research, and further their goal of creating a knowledge-based economy • Runs 2007 – 2013 • Four main pillars: - Cooperation - Ideas - People - Capacities • Total funding over €50 billion

  3. Cooperation • Large scale collaborative projects with partners across the EU (and now the world), to address fragmentation of research in the European Research Area • ‘Top-down’ subject matter under ten thematic priorities, which publish detailed annual Work Programmes • There is scope for influencing the topics in the Work Programmes

  4. Marie Curie Actions • Comprise the ‘people’ pillar of FP7 • Predominantly pay for fellows either individually or in networks • Give excellent remuneration for fellows, plus some money for their travel, and consumables, overhead, management. • UoN very successful but there is scope for even more success.

  5. European Research Council The European Research Council (ERC) is the first European funding body set up to support investigator-driven frontier research. Its main aim is to stimulate scientific excellence by supporting and encouraging the very best, truly creative scientists, scholars and engineers to be adventurous and take risks in their research. The scientists are encouraged to go beyond established frontiers of knowledge and the boundaries of disciplines.

  6. European Research Council • New since 2007 • Funding for basic ‘frontier’ research • Bottom up funding • Only criteria is excellence • Large grants to individuals • Starting Investigator Grant, and Advanced Investigator Grant

  7. Starting Grant 1 Objective: “…boost the independent careers of excellent researchers by providing adequate support at the critical stage where they are starting or consolidating their own independent research team or programme.” (ERC Work Programme 2011)

  8. Starting Grant 2 Support a critical stage in scientific careers Attract / retain next-generation leaders Address funding gap early in independent career Establish independent research team and programme

  9. Starting Grant 3 • For individuals 2-12 years post-doc • €1.5million over 5 years (pro-rata for shorter) • Seeks to establish the independence of brilliant researchers • …by funding them to start or consolidate their own team of researchers • Covers 100% of direct costs, with 20% contribution to indirect costs • Call published annually (late July) with Autumn deadline(s)

  10. Candidates? • Future research leaders – must demonstrate proven track-record of achievement • It is ‘expected’ applicants will have produced 1 important publication independently • Also – prizes, other publications, invited presentations, granted patents • With an idea: pioneering, groundbreaking, interdisciplinarity encouraged • Basic ‘frontier’ research in any field of science or scholarship

  11. Support • First point of contact me, or Martin Pickard • Martin Pickard; dramatic success rates in proposal writing • Jill Harris/Jenny Rowley in RIS support admin/budget • BDEs serving individual Schools can provide support too • Post award team for the contracts and consortium agreements; Paul Cartledge • UKRO; information service, facilities in Brussels

  12. Nottingham Track Record • FP6 (2002-2006)134 Projects, worth €43 million with a success rate of over 50% • FP7 (2007-2013) 150 Projects so far worth €51 million and with a success rate of 30% • One ERC Starting Grant (Chemistry) with three at interview this year). Three Advanced Grants.

  13. Thank you Matthew Rackley BDE; Europe matthew.rackley@nottingham.ac.uk Ext 13285 +44 1159 513 285

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