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SESC STLN. June 20, 2014 Diane Johnson Diane.johnson@uky.edu http://Dianehjohnson.com. Introductions. Diane Johnson Diane.johnson@uky.edu http://dianehjohnson.com. Session Goal. Begin to develop a shared vision of the practices in action .

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  1. SESC STLN June 20, 2014 Diane Johnson Diane.johnson@uky.edu http://Dianehjohnson.com

  2. Introductions • Diane Johnson • Diane.johnson@uky.edu • http://dianehjohnson.com

  3. Session Goal • Begin to develop a shared vision of the practices in action.

  4. A New Vision of Science Learning that Leads to a New Vision of Teaching The framework is designed to help realize a vision for education in the sciences and engineering in which students, over multiple years of school, actively engage in science and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of the core ideas in these fields. A Framework for K-12 Science Education p. 1-2

  5. “…students cannot fully understand scientific and engineering ideas without engaging in the practices of inquiry and the discourses by which such ideas are developed and refined. At the same time, they cannot learn or show competence in practices except in the context of specific content.” • A Framework for K-12 Science Education, pg. 218

  6. 3-D Model = Science Performance at the Intersection

  7. Conceptual Shifts in the NGSS • K–12 science education should reflect the real world interconnections in science • Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts should not be taught in a vacuum; they should always be integrated with multiple core concepts throughout the year • Science concepts build coherently across K-12 • The NGSS focus on deeper understanding and application of content • Integration of science and engineering • Designed to prepare students for college, careers, and citizenship. • Coordination with Common Core State Standards

  8. Science and Engineering Practices Guiding Principles • Students in K-12 should engage in all of the eight practices over each grade band. • Practices grow in complexity and sophistication across the grades. • Each practice may reflect science or engineering. • Practices represent what students are expected to do, and are not teaching methods or curriculum. • The eight practices are not separate; they intentionally overlap and interconnect. • Performance expectations focus on some but not all capabilities associated with a practice.

  9. Science Teaching and Learning • What are students and teachers doing in NGSS-focused classrooms? • Read the teacher scenario and mark up the text • What is the teacher doing? (highlight) • What are the students doing? (underline) • What is the science focus? • How would you characterize this classroom?

  10. What makes things sink or float? • The story so far … • Two lessons • Students think: heavy things sink and light things float. • Lesson 3 of 6 • Pick up with one piece of Lesson 2 • Experience will take 2 class periods

  11. What makes things sink or float?

  12. Traffic Light • Read each of the “I can” statements and traffic light your current understanding in the PRE column. • Red means stop • I don’t understand • Yellow means slow down • I need more practice, but I’m getting there. • Green means go! • I’ve got it! • Remember that we are just starting the unit. It is okay to not know!

  13. Becoming Familiar with the Cubes

  14. Becoming Familiar with the Cubes • Record your ideas. What will you think about to make your predictions? • Predict whether each of the cubes will sink or float. Mark your prediction on the table. Be sure to share your reasoning with your partner(s). • For our purposes…sinking blocks are completely submerged and touch the bottom of the container and floating blocks do not. • Place each of the cubes in the water and note on Student pg. 2.1 which ones sink and which ones float.

  15. Recording Results

  16. Recording Results Sink (because oak is the heaviest wood and nylon sank) 2 blocks Oak and Nylon 37.2 g

  17. Representing Your Data • PLOT your results on an overhead transparency Blue = Floaters Red = Sinkers

  18. Compile Class Results • Use a blue and red pen/pencil to transfer data from the class results to your scatter plot.

  19. Identify Floaters and Sinkers

  20. Interpret Floaters and Sinkers

  21. A Caption for Floaters and Sinkers

  22. CCCR

  23. Overarching Question • What can we now say about our overarching question? What makes things sink or float?

  24. Day 4 of Unit • What makes things sink or float?

  25. Scientific Explanations • What are the components of a scientifically-oriented explanation? • Components from research about scientists’ work: • Make a claim that answers the question • Provide evidence for the claim from the data collected or available • Provide reasoning that links the evidence to the claim through science concepts (e.g., laws, principles, theories) or ideas • Qualities of the communication • Use precise and accurate scientific language • Write clearly so that anyone interested in the explanation can understand it.

  26. Try it … • Which singer is better? • A) Rhianna or B) Beyoncé? • A) Dierk or B) Blake? • A) Usher or B) Jay-Z? • A) Sinatra or B) Buble? • A) Streisand or B) Dion? • Make your claim…A or B and write in a complete sentence. • Provide evidence to support your claim • What is “specific” about your particular choice? • Your statements have to be about the individual • Support with reasoning (think about what makes a good singer) • Good singers have great breath control • Good singers have a wide vocal range • Good singers have good pitch and rhythm • Good singers are able to help the audience connect with the song

  27. Which singer is better?

  28. Patterns in Data • Individually • Note any patterns you identified in your I2 statements • Identify patterns that are specific to THIS data set and record on a sticky note (1 idea/sticky note). Add an example from the data if it’s not evident in the statement. • Identify patterns that are generalizable to a variety of situations and record on a sticky note (1 idea/sticky note) • In Your Team • Share your sticky notes and organize on the T-chart • Specific patterns • Generalizable patterns

  29. Constructing a Scientific Explanation

  30. Reading • Read Part 1 and highlight science concepts • Add science concepts from the reading to the science concepts column of the explanation tool. Make sure you match the concept with an evidence statement.

  31. Example The mass of block combinations that can float increases as the number of blocks increases. The mass of a sinking combination of 4 cubes is XX, and the mass of a floating combination of 2 cubes is XX. The threshold between sinking and floating for a two cube combination is between about 31 g and 33 g, and for a three block combination between about 46 g and 61 g. Density is the ratio of mass to volume of a material.

  32. Write Your Explanation • Use your evidence and science concepts to make a claim that answers the question. • Write your explanation as a paragraph in the space provided.

  33. Share Your Ideas … • Share your explanation in your small group. • Work on a group explanation and record it on chart paper.

  34. Gallery Walk to Review Explanations • Review your explanation for the presence of claims, evidence, and reasoning and • Place a green post-it with a “C” where you find the claim. • Place a yellow post-it with an “E” where you find the evidence. • Place a blue post-it with a “R” where you find the reasoning. • Move clockwise to the next group’s explanation • Do you see C, E, R? • How do you recognize each component of an explanation? • Move clockwise to other explanations • Consistencies among explanations? • Inconsistencies among explanations?

  35. Traffic Light

  36. Meta Moment • What could one learn through this experience? • What aspect of the session contributed to the learning (or not)?

  37. NGSS Connections to the Unit

  38. Science and Engineering Practices • Which of the practices were in the foreground? Why do you think this? • Of those practices, which elements of the practice were highlighted? (Be discerning!)

  39. Ways to Use the Identify and Interpret (I2) Strategy

  40. Teaching the I2 Strategy

  41. CCCR Consider-Contribute-Consult-Revise

  42. Teaching the Strategy • Insist that students follow the “rules” • Insist that students do each step separately at first. • Model the strategy. • Use the different colors as a formative assessment strategy.

  43. Explanation Tool • How might this tool help students achieve the expectations of Practices? • Why is claim-evidence-reasoning sequenced as it is in the tool? • How might this tool help students achieve the elements in constructing explanations?

  44. Wrap-up • What did you find easy, hard, interesting, or perplexing about developing conceptual understanding through the practices? • What did you learn about the practices themselves? • What questions do you have?

  45. Upcoming Opportunities http://www.uky.edu/P12MathScience/

  46. Upcoming Opportunities http://www.uky.edu/P12MathScience/

  47. Contact Information • Diane Johnson • Diane.johnson@uky.edu • http://dianehjohnson.weebly.com • @MDHJohnson • Thank you for the opportunity to work with you today!

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