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DAC Center at NSLS H. K. Mao (spokesperson) R. J. Hemley (co-spokesperson) Q. Z. Guo (X17B3)

DAC Center at NSLS H. K. Mao (spokesperson) R. J. Hemley (co-spokesperson) Q. Z. Guo (X17B3) Jingzhu Hu (X17C) Z. X. Liu (U2A) Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington CO nsortium for M aterials P roperties R esearch in E arth S ciences. DAC Center at NSLS. X17B.

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DAC Center at NSLS H. K. Mao (spokesperson) R. J. Hemley (co-spokesperson) Q. Z. Guo (X17B3)

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  1. DAC Center at NSLSH. K. Mao (spokesperson) R. J. Hemley (co-spokesperson) Q. Z. Guo (X17B3) Jingzhu Hu (X17C) Z. X. Liu (U2A) Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington COnsortium for Materials PropertiesResearch inEarth Sciences

  2. DAC Center at NSLS X17B X17C X-RAY IR U2A

  3. HPCAT ID 2005 HPCAT ID 2002 HPCAT BM 2005 NSLS X17 HPCAT BM 2002 ALS Superbend NSLS has a very bright future in the next decade X-Ray Brilliance X17 Superconducting Wiggler White Beam Flux IR Brilliance Xray Spectroscopy Time Resolved XRD Amorphous Xray Diffraction Single-crystal XRD

  4. Capabilities • X17B3 beam line • On-line laser-heating • Cryogenic conditions • EDXD • ADXD • Microbeam < 10 microns • 100 days/year beam time • X17C beam line • EDXD • ADXD • <10 microns white beam • Sagittal Laue focusing mono • 200 days/year beam time • U2A beam line • Cryogenic conditions • Diffraction limited IR microscopy • On-line Raman • 200 days/year beam time • On-site laboratory • Ruby P-calibration • Portable on-line Raman • Sample prep • Cryogenic gas loading • Supporting all HP beamlines

  5. Firsts • Dedicated high-pressure XRD beamline • Dedicated high-pressure IR beamline • Integration of XRD and laser-heating high P-T • Double-sided laser heating • Resistive heating and XRD above 100 GPa-1000 K • Integration of HP XRD, IR, on-line Raman at cryogenic T • Side diffraction for HP elasticity tensor and rheology • Single crystal diffraction above 20 GPa (to 60 GPa) • XRD of nanometer-size single crystal • XRD of amorphous structure at high P • Pressure calibration based on volume and elasticity

  6. Examples of Current Research: Clathrates Hydrogen clathrate, H2-2H2O 220 MPa 234 K Xe Clathrates X-ray Diffraction Sanloup et al, PNAS 2002 IR Absorption Spectroscopy Xe-Silicates W Mao et al, Science 2002 Sanloup et al, GRL 2002

  7. Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and meteorite impact metamorphism New Mineral, Tuite, in shocked meteorite Xie et al, GCA 2002 Two New Minerals, high pressure phases of chromite, in DAC and in shocked meteorite Sobolev et al, PNAS 2000 Chen et al, in press

  8. High Resolution Diffraction in Helium Medium Mg0.1Fe0.9O K0=15510 GPa K0’=3.60.8 Mao et al, JPCM 2002

  9. Rheology of Core & Mantle Minerals Merkel et al, EPSL 2003 Merkel et al, JGR 2002

  10. 54 GPa 220 GPa Plasticity of Iron and the Earth’s Inner Core EXP. THEORY • Basal slip is dominant deformation mechanism • Aggregate VP anisotropy is 4-18% in core • Earth: <4%; temperature? alloys? [Wenk et al. Nature405, 1044 (2000)]

  11. Laser-Heating Williams et al. (1987) Boehler (1993) [Shen et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, 373 (1998); Ma et al.,to be published]

  12. Large Volume DAC & Big MAC XRD, Raman, IR and laser -heating with 10 carat moissanite anvil cell [Xu et al, JPCM 2002] Rapid Growth of Single-Crystal Diamond by Homoepitaxial CVD [Yan, et al, PNAS 2002] XRD with CVD DAC to 230 GPa [Manuscript in prep.]

  13. Planetary Gases and Ices HYDROGEN Structure/bonding/dynamics of of hydrogen and H2O from XRD, IR, and Raman Goncharov et al, PNAS 2002

  14. Beamtime and Users Users write proposals to NSLS Two tracks: NSLS review committee gives ratings and assigns 25% of the beam time If a COMPRES member does not receive beamt ime from NSLS, it will be reviewed for consideration for PRT beam time …So far, 100% of COMPRES member proposals have been awarded beam time through one of the above two tracks. We could still do much better because many times more people in the COMPRES community could be greatly benefited from this state-of-the-art facility but have not learned about the capabilities and do not know how to get started.…

  15. Future Goals with COMPRES • DAC/NSLS focuses on SR development and operation.We rely on COMPRES to reach out the greater user community and coordinate user needs to appropriate facilities. • COMPRES handles 100% of the DAC/NSLS PRT beam time and financial responsibilities to satisfy the needs of the greater community. • Improving COMPRES and DAC/NSLS communication

  16. DAC/NSLS Budget and Resources • Yearly operation budget (including beamline staff salaries, maintenance, and upgrade) : $600 K ($300 K from COMPRES) • Total beam time from 3 beamlines: 500 days/year • Cost of beam time : $1200/day • This is among the most cost-efficient and most productive high-pressure beamline in the world. In comparison: • Multi-anvil at NSLS: > $5000/day • GSECARS beam time: $5000/day

  17. Acknowledgments Beamline Development Tom Duffy Guoyin Shen Yanzhang Ma Maddury Somayazulu Michael Hanfland Ming Li Original PRT Members Earl Skelton- -- NRL Dave Schiferl -- LANL Jagan Akella -- LLNL Paul McMillan -- ASU Funding Sources NSF-EAR NSF-DMR DOE-DP DOE-BES NASA Navy Carnegie Technical Help Larry Carr Peter Eng Larry Finger Alexander Goncharov Gwyn Williams Yan Wu Mark Rivers Users

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