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Words of Wisdom: Expand Your Vocabulary with Unit 11 Terms

Enhance your language skills with definitions, synonyms, and antonyms of Level G vocabulary Unit 11. Practice using these words to improve your writing and communication.

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Words of Wisdom: Expand Your Vocabulary with Unit 11 Terms

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  1. English 111 Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Level G, Unit 11

  2. abrogate • (v.) to repeal, cancel, declare null and void • Synonyms: annul, revoke • Antonyms: reaffirm, renew, ratify

  3. ambient • (adj.) completely surrounding, encompassing

  4. asperity • (n.) roughness, severity; bitterness or tartness • Synonyms: rigor, harshness • Antonyms: mildness, blandness, softness, lenience

  5. burnish • (v.) to make smooth or glossy by rubbing, polish; (n.) gloss, brightness, luster • Synonyms: (v.) shine, buff • Antonyms: (v.) tarnish, dull, abrade

  6. cabal • (n.) a group working in secret • Synonyms: clique, ring, gang, plot, conspiracy

  7. delectable • (adj.) delightful, highly enjoyable; deliciously flavored, savory; (n.) an appealing or appetizing food or dish • Synonyms: (adj.) delicious, scrumptious • Antonyms: (adj.) repugnant, repulsive, distasteful

  8. deprecate • (v.) to express mild disapproval; to belittle • Synonyms: deplore, frown upon • Antonyms: smile on, countenance, approve

  9. detritus • (n.) loose bits and pieces of material resulting from disintegration or wearing away; fragments that result from any destruction • Synonyms: debris, wreckage, ruins, rubble

  10. ebullient • (adj.) overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement; boiling, bubbling • Synonym: exhilarated, elated, exuberant • Antonyms: gloomy, morose, sullen, apathetic, blasé

  11. eclectic • (adj.) drawn from many different sources; (n.) one whose beliefs are drawn from various sources • Synonyms: (adj.) selective, synthetic, pick-and-choose • Antonyms: (adj.) uniform, monolithic

  12. flaccid • (adj.) limp, not firm; lacking vigor or effectiveness • Synonyms: soft, flabby • Antonyms: hard, firm, solid

  13. impecunious • (adj.) having little or no money • Synonyms: penniless, impoverished, indigent • Antonyms: affluent, wealthy, prosperous, rich

  14. inexorable • (adj.) inflexible, beyond influence; relentless, unyielding • Synonyms: inescapable, ineluctable, obdurate • Antonyms: avoidable, yielding, pliant

  15. moribund • (adj.) dying, on the way out • Synonyms: obsolescent • Antonyms: flourishing, thriving

  16. necromancer • (n.) one who claims to reveal or influence the future through magic, especially communication with the dead; in general, a magician or wizard • Synonyms: sorcerer, conjurer

  17. onerous • (adj.) burdensome; involving hardship or difficulty • Synonyms: oppressive, weighty • Antonyms: light, easy, undemanding, untaxing

  18. rife • (adj.) common, prevalent, widespread, happening often; full, abounding; plentiful, abundant, replete • Antonyms: devoid of, lacking

  19. rudiments • (n. pl.) the parts of any subject or discipline that are learned first; the earliest stages of anything • Synonym: basics, fundamentals

  20. sequester • (v.) to set apart, separate for a special purpose; to take possession of and hold in custody • Synonyms: seclude, segregate, isolate, closer

  21. winnow • (v.) to get rid of something unwanted, delete; to sift through to obtain what is desirable; to remove the chaff from the wheat by blowing air on it; to blow on, fan • Synonyms: sift, strain, filter, sort

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