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Tie regional summits 1 st of 5 Setting direction and leading the way

Tie regional summits 1 st of 5 Setting direction and leading the way. By: Dr. Pam Lange TIE Development Coordinator. Agenda. Afternoon: 12:30 to 4:00 Readiness Tool: Awareness SBAC Awareness: SD-STARS Awareness: Framework for Teaching Action Planning School Board Awareness Discussion

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Tie regional summits 1 st of 5 Setting direction and leading the way

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  1. Tie regional summits1st of 5Setting direction and leading the way By: Dr. Pam Lange TIE Development Coordinator

  2. Agenda • Afternoon: 12:30 to 4:00 • Readiness Tool: • Awareness SBAC • Awareness: SD-STARS • Awareness: Framework for Teaching • Action Planning • School Board Awareness Discussion • Closure • Morning: 8:00 to 11:45 • Welcome • Reflect on current work • COMPASS • Five Shifts • Readiness Tool: CCSS • Lunch: 11:45 – 12:30

  3. 2013-14 regional summit dates • Fall 2013 (2 of 5) Dates and Locations: • October 3, 2013: Rapid City, Comfort Suites • October 9, 2013: Sioux Falls, Ramkota Convention Center • October 11, 2013: Chamberlain, Cedar Shores (Note Change in Location) • Spring 2014 (3 of 5) Dates and Locations: • March 6, 2014: Rapid City, Comfort Suites • March 11, 2014: Sioux Falls, Ramkota Convention Center • March 13, 2014: Chamberlain, AmericInn

  4. Resources • Binders • Toolkit Book – Blackburn • Chart Paper • Markers

  5. outcomes • To develop an understanding of the South Dakota Accountability/Waiver System and how it aligns with the current major shifts in education. • To complete a readiness tool aligned to all components of the Common Core State Standards. • To complete awareness sections of a readiness tool aligned to SBAC, SD-STARS and The Framework for Teaching (Danielson Model). • To begin development of an action planning tool for the 2013-14 school year.

  6. wikispace http://regionalsummits.tie.wikispaces.net/ • Readiness Tools and Action Planning Document were emailed last night

  7. working as a team • You will leave today with the beginning (hopefully pretty finalized) action plan for the 2013-14 school year • Today’s main focus: COMPASS Model and Readiness Tool: Common Core State Standards. • Each summit your team will bring back the action plan and professional development schedule to work through a process of analyzing it, changing it, tweaking it, and making any necessary updates.

  8. Assign roles • Leader • Recorder (Electronic) • Time Keeper/Task Master • Presenter • Errand Monitor

  9. What’s happening? Your team was asked to bring current School Improvement Plans, Consolidated Applications, Focus/Priority School Plans, Goals, or any other documents you use to make informed decisions.

  10. What’s happening? Using these documents determine: • What are any non-negotiables that can’t be taken off the table? • Have to be included in action planning • What are district/school goals that drive all decision-making processes? • If you don’t have these, include development of this document in action planning • What “guides or leads” your district to ensure all buildings are headed in the same direction? • Have you created a “ONE-PAGER” document that everyone lives by?

  11. What’s happening? Using these documents determine: • What are any non-negotiables that can’t be taken off the table? • Have to be included in action planning • What are district/school goals that drive all decision-making processes? • If you don’t have these, include development of this document in action planning • What “guides or leads” your district to ensure all buildings are headed in the same direction? • Have you created a “ONE-PAGER” document that everyone lives by?

  12. Compass Model • “Leading” Rigor: • Impact on Curriculum • Impact on Instruction • Impact on Assessment • Tool to help lead; not another thing to do!

  13. Compass model • Why spend time on this resource? • Setting Direction and Leading the Way • For today’s discussion focus on: • Culture: Page 3 and 33 • What is your “Current Culture” as it pertains to implementation of Common Core State Standards?

  14. Compass model Thinking about the transition to Common Core • Table Leader • Tool 18: Page 47 and 48 • Think about your transition to Common Core • Read each statement to team • Consensus on statements

  15. Major Shifts in South Dakota Accountability System: Waiver 2011-12 to 2014-15 The Foundation Common Core State Standards Since 2011 Smarter Balanced Assessment 2014-15 SD-STARS 2013 Educator Effectiveness 2014-15

  16. Indicators: K-8 (Elem/MS) Levels

  17. Indicators: 9-12 (High School) Level

  18. Let’s get to work

  19. Action planning

  20. Action planning Do you have any non-negotiables that should be added before we get started?

  21. Common core Haven’t started; that’s why we are here Ready for full implementation 1 2 3 4 5 Have a plan need time to work • All in different places • This is your day – It’s your way

  22. Common core Common core training/professional development Implementation of common core Common core field items embedded in D-STEP Assessment of Common Core in 2014-15

  23. Common core South Dakota Common Core Work http://sdccteachers.k12.sd.us/

  24. Readiness Tool:CCSS

  25. Readiness Tool • How to read the document • Sections • Awareness, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, Professional Development • Resource Links • Let’s get to work

  26. Readiness Tool:CCSS • As a team complete all five sections of CCSS Readiness Tool • At least one person should complete electronically • Read each statement and come to a consensus about: • Level of Importance • Readiness Level of Staff • Levels will help prioritize when completing action plan this afternoon • Planning the Work (short discussion at the end of each page) • Do not focus on Year 1, 2, or 3 at this time

  27. Readiness Tool:CCSS • What big “ah-ha’s” surfaced? • What conversations need to happen back “home”? • Highlight all areas marked as Critical and indicate a1 or 2 in staff readiness. • These are your priority areas when moving to action planning this afternoon

  28. Team sharing • What is the best idea your school/district has implemented or is planning to implement during the transition to CCSS? • From working with the Readiness Tool today, describe a conversation or ah-ha that surprised your team?

  29. Smarter balanced Haven’t started; that’s why we are here Ready for full implementation 1 2 3 4 5 Have a plan need time to work

  30. Smarter balanced WEBSITE: smarterbalanced.org/ English Language Arts and Mathematics test specifications Much can be learned by studying the specifications

  31. Smarter balanced • Assessment in 2015 will be based on Webb Leveling • Computer generated test • Results available in two weeks (for MC) • Leveled • Type of assessment questions • South Dakota gets same vote as California • Grades: 3-8 and 11

  32. Smarter balanced We have been a “Blooms” state • Blooms Taxonomy describes the type of thinking Moving to a “Webb Leveling” state • Depth of which we expect students to demonstrate understanding of the content • Webb’s describes complexity of both the content and the task required • Use, Acquire, Extend

  33. Readiness Tool:Awareness: SBAC

  34. Readiness Tool:Awareness: SBAC • As a team complete the awareness section of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Readiness Tool • At least one person should complete electronically • Read each statement and come to a consensus about: • Level of Importance • Readiness Level of Staff • Levels will help prioritize when completing action plan this afternoon • Planning the Work (short discussion at the end of each page) • Do not focus on Year 1, 2, or 3 at this time

  35. Readiness Tool:Awareness: sbac • What big “ah-ha’s” surfaced? • What conversations need to happen back “home”? • Highlight all areas marked as Critical and indicate a1 or 2 in staff readiness. • These are your priority areas when moving to action planning this afternoon

  36. SD-Stars Haven’t started; that’s why we are here Ready for full implementation 1 2 3 4 5 Have a plan need time to work

  37. Assessments: SDCC Assessment Transition Plan

  38. Readiness Tool:Awareness: SD-stars

  39. Readiness Tool:Awareness: SD-stars • As a team complete the awareness section of the SD-STARS Readiness Tool • At least one person should complete electronically • Read each statement and come to a consensus about: • Level of Importance • Readiness Level of Staff • Levels will help prioritize when completing action plan this afternoon • Planning the Work (short discussion at the end of each page) • Do not focus on Year 1, 2, or 3 at this time

  40. Readiness Tool:Awareness: SD-stars • What big “ah-ha’s” surfaced? • What conversations need to happen back “home”? • Highlight all areas marked as Critical and indicate a1 or 2 in staff readiness. • These are your priority areas when moving to action planning this afternoon

  41. Educator effectiveness Haven’t started; that’s why we are here Ready for full implementation 1 2 3 4 5 Have a plan need time to work

  42. Educator effectiveness • Work group still meeting – should have plan soon • TeachScape • Full Implementation 2014-15

  43. Readiness Tool:Awareness: educator effectiveness

  44. Readiness Tool:Awareness: educator effectiveness • As a team complete the awareness section of the Educator Effectiveness Readiness Tool • At least one person should complete electronically • Read each statement and come to a consensus about: • Level of Importance • Readiness Level of Staff • Levels will help prioritize when completing action plan this afternoon • Planning the Work (short discussion at the end of each page) • Do not focus on Year 1, 2, or 3 at this time

  45. Readiness Tool:Awareness: educator effectiveness • What big “ah-ha’s” surfaced? • What conversations need to happen back “home”? • Highlight all areas marked as Critical and indicate a1 or 2 in staff readiness. • These are your priority areas when moving to action planning this afternoon

  46. Action planning

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