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Annual Monitoring of GEF IW Projects. GEF IW Task Force M&E Framework as. applied to Self-Assessment. June 1, 2006.
Annual Monitoring of GEF IW Projects GEF IW Task Force M&E Framework as applied to Self-Assessment June 1, 2006
In order to utilize the framework as a tracking tool for Replenishment results/targets, an Annual Scorecard for each project will submitted. Part A: annual results (last 12 months) and Part B: cumulative results (since beginning of project). • For all projects, agencies would also annually report on implementation progress (% of scheduled disbursement; delivery of outputs in line with original schedule; co-financing on schedule) to contribute to a portfolio characterization. • Two tracking tools will be maintained for results reporting for Replenishment purposes by the IW Task Force: a Coverage Indicator Tracking Tool, and a Results Indicator Tracking Tool (with annual and cumulative tables – see attached example).
0 (0) “waterbody” projects established Web sites w/IW:LEARN tools, 0 (0) Web sites connected with iwlearn.net via IW-IMS 10,668 (10,668) unique visits to iwlearn.net from over 120 (120) countries. 3 (3) helpdesk requests fielded from 3 (3) countries & 0 (0) projects. 216 (41) people from 70 (21) GEF-beneficiary countries across 40 GEF IW projects participated in Structured Learning activities, including 36% (41%) women and 64% (59%) men -- since 1998 291 (0) participants in 3rd IW Conference, of which 80% male,63% from GEF IW beneficiary nations, and 52% from the Americas 150 (150) people and 57 (57) GEF projects received GEF IW Bridgesnewsletters via direct mailing.… * Numbers in parenthesis represent only data for year 2006, as of May 2006. Cumulative Coverageas of May 2006*
Part A: Annual Results Report quantitative; or 0-1 / 0-3 rating I. Process Indicators: ______: _____; ______; II. Stress Reduction Indicators: ______; ______; ______; III. Catalytic Impact Indicators: ______; _____: ______: IV. Implementation progress: outputs; % disbursement; co-fin. Part B: Cumulative Results Report Roll ups of progress toward the different types of indicators listed in Part A / logframe on a cumulative basis for the life of the project. I. _____; ______; ______; II. _____; ______; _____; III. _____; ______; _____; IV. _____; ______; _____; Subcommittee formed to develop the Template for the Scorecard GEF IW Scorecard Template--Annual Report of Results to Contribute to the Tracking Tools
IW:LEARN Results • Per GEF IW Scorecard, focus on.. • Catalytic Impact Indicators (Annually, Section III)(cf. “Outcomes” and more) • Implementation Progress (Quarterly, Section IV) • Disbursement (quarterly) • Co-finance (annually)
Across 5 Project Components: A. Information Sharing: >75% projects use IW-IMS and >50% of users obtain needed info by 2008. B. Structured Learning:30+ projects apply lessons from IW:LEARN structured learning to improve TWM in the basins by 2008. C. IW Conferences:Representatives from all GEF IW projects participate in 2 portfolio-wide review, replication and partnership events. D. Testing Innovative Approaches: GEF IW projects and partners benefit from a set of demonstration activities integrating TWM information sharing and structured learning. E. Partnerships to Sustain Benefits:TWM structured learning and information sharing institutionalized. IW:LEARN Outcomes(Catalytic Impacts) INPROGRESS
III. Other “Catalytic Impacts” 2005 Anecdotes • 50 useful, measurable actions planned by St. Petersburg workshop participants • UNECE Water Convention contributes to Petersberg/Athens Process to improve IWRM • IWC3 participants felt learning would improve their projects' design, implementation, communications, inter-project linkages and integration. • Gender, Water and Climate exhibit deployed (via co-finance) • Jobs@iwlearn.net helping to link projects with professional personnel 2006 Anecdotes • IW Communications Manual drafted by and for GEF IW projects • 21 Newport workshop participants provide recommendations to 10 LMEs to improve governance and socioeconomics. • ELI obtained external finance to deliver P2 for water mgmt. training in LAC and WWF4 session on P2 in IW mgmt. • LME governance workshop participants carry over XXXX recommendations back to their home projects. • G&WA partners foster and sustain Gender & Water exhibit tour in LAC region
IV(a) IW:LEARN Outputs (Progress by Component) • Based on Project Timeline in IW:LEARN Project Document • Need for each PAL and partners to provide quarterly updates regarding progress relative to these indicators. • Accomplished (in full) by end of target year • Partially accomplished by end of target year • Not accomplished by end of target year
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 A. Information Sharing: >75% projects use IW-IMS and >50% of users obtain needed info by 2008. A1. IW Info. Mgmt. System (IW-IMS) IW-IMS protocols established, prototype in place; 1 new module (Africa) IW-IMS populated; Helpdesk operational, proactive & responsive;1 new module (aquifers) Helpdesk responds to 24 requests/yr; 1 new module (TBD) Helpdesk fielding 48+ requests/yr; 1 new module(TBD) A2. ICT Technical Assistance 1 ICT Training Workshop; 25% of projects’ Websites linked to IW-IMS 50% of projects’ Websites linked to IW-IMS 1 ICT Workshop; 75% of projects’ Websites linked to IW-IMS 95% of projects’ Websites linked to IW-IMS
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 B. Structured Learning:30+ projects apply lessons from IW:LEARN structured learning to improve TWM in the basins by 2008. B1. Regional Multi-Project Exchanges At least 1 regional exchange launched (Europe) At least 2 regional exchanges launched (Caribbean) At least 3 regional exchanges launched (Africa); Present regional exchange findings at IWC4 Learning products on IW-IMS B2. Learning for Portfolio Subsets Freshwater &/or LMEs exchanges launched Freshwater & LME exchanges both launched (or continuing) Coral reef exchange launched; other exchanges present findings at IWC4 Learning products on IW-IMS B3. Inter-Project Exchange Missions 1-4 multi-week inter-project exchanges 1-4 multi-week inter-project exchanges 1-4 multi-week inter-project exchanges 1-4 multi-week inter-project exchanges B4. Public Participation Training Training materials developed 1st workshop; training materials revised 2nd workshop; training materials augmented 3rd workshop; training materials on IW-IMS
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 C. IW Conferences:Representatives from all GEF IW projects participate in 2 portfolio-wide review, replication and partnership events. C1. IWC3 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) IWC3 held; IW portfolio recommendations to CSD Proceedings disseminated via IW-IMS C2. IWC4 (Cape Town, South Africa) IWC4 host, location and co-finance secured; agenda set IWC4 held Proceedings disseminated via IW-IMS
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 D. Testing Innovative Approaches: GEF IW projects and partners benefit from a set of demonstration activities integrating TWM information sharing and structured learning. D1. S.E. Asia Regional Learning Center (SEA-RLC) SEA-RLC established to address projects TWM needs; Web site launched and linked to IW-IMS Regional GEF IW GIS on-line, connected to IW-IMS Roster of >100 experts addresses projects’ needs; 3 GIS DSS modules featured >1000 IW resources added to IW-IMS; SEA IW project applying GIS modules D2. Southeastern Europe/Mediterranean 3 roundtables for senior officials and experts; regional TWM information exchange network launched via Internet 3 roundtables for senior officials and experts; network sustained via regional partners Network and learning products accessible via IW-IMS D3. CSD/GEF Roundtable with CSD Global roundtable, in follow-up to CSD-12 (and leading up to CSD-13) Learning products accessible via IW-IMS
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 E. Partnerships to Sustain Benefits:TWM structured learning and information sharing institutionalized. E1. Partnerships and Strategic Plan Initial sustainability plan finalized and approved by IW:LEARN SC; role for partners in sustainability plan finalized, approved Partners recruited and aligned to sustain IW:LEARN benefits for all activities per plan. Sustainability plan revised per mid-term review Sustainability plan realized through partners strategic plans. E2. IW Contributions to Global TWM 2-3 projects receive cost share to participate each of in 2 GEF IW side events; 1-2 outreach &/or learning products disseminated, including LME video (co-produced by IW:LEARN) 2-3 projects receive cost share to participate in each of 2 GEF IW side events; 1-2 outreach &/or learning products disseminated, including Gender and Water exhibit 2-3 projects receive cost share to participate in 1-2 GEF IW side events; 1-2 outreach &/or learning products disseminated 2-3 projects receive cost share to participate in each of 2 GEF IW side events; 1-2 outreach &/or learning products disseminated
IV(b) IW:LEARN Disbursement • Based on annual budgets, contracts and periodic invoicing • Need for each PAL to invoice according to contractual schedules or else negotiate with PCU for contractual modifications to accommodate shifting delivery dates. • Need for UNEP to provide disbursement data for its activities (currently D1 still MIA)
% Disbursement, by IA NOTE: Current UNEP values do not add to 100% and are not yet fully re-phased for 2008Q3 end date.
IV(c) IW:LEARN Co-Finance • Based on co-finance commitments in IW:LEARN Project Document • Need for each PAL and partner with commitment to provide annual co-finance estimates (distinguishing cash and in-kind) • Need to track unanticipated co-finance (cash &/or in-kind) as provided
Name of Co-financier (source) Classification Type Amount (US$) Status* IBRD-WBI Multi-Laterals Cash 100,000 IBRD-WBI Multi-Laterals In-Kind 410,000 UNDP Cap-Net UN Agency In-Kind 1,400,000 UNEP-DEWA** UN Agency In-Kind and/or Cash 1,207,400 UNDP-EEG UN Agency In-Kind 230,000 USA-NOAA Government In-Kind 200,000 ELI NGO In-Kind 300,000 146,116 IUCN-WANI NGO In-Kind $350,000 IUCN-GMP NGO In-Kind $300,000 GWP NGO • In-Kind $100,000 GWP NGO In-Kind $90,000 Co-finance 1
Name of Co-financier (source) Classification Type Amount (US$) Status* GETF NGO Cash & In-Kind $355,000 137,000 SEA-START RC Chulalongkorn U.** NGO In-Kind 290,400 UNECE UN Agency In-Kind 225,000 38,600 UNESCO-IHP ISARM/IGRAC UN Agency In-Kind 30,000 Germany-MoE Government In-Kind 150,000 131,537 Greece-MoFA Government In-Kind 150,000 GWP-Med NGO In-Kind 20,000 20,000 LakeNET NGO In-Kind 48,000 EcoAfrica NGO In-Kind 170,000 Co-finance 2
Unexpected Cofinance • E2: IISD/IIED/Environment Canada: $3035 (cash) in 2006 • E2; Boston University: $2000 (in-kind) in 2006 • B1: CTC-St. Petersburg : $650 (in-kind) in 2005 • A1: Transnatura, LLP: $525 (in-kind) in 2005 • TOTAL unexpected: >$6,000
Take Home Message • IW:LEARN needs PALs and other partners to help collate data to support indicators tracking IW:LEARN’s: • Coverage • By activity; across projects, geography, gender • Results • Catalytic Impacts (annually) • Progress (quarterly) • Disbursement (quarterly) • Co-finance (annually) Thank you for your ongoing help!