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Riddles!!. KINDLE Class of 2010-2011. Suppose you want to cook an egg for exactly 3 minutes. You have only a 5 minute hourglass timer and a 2 minute hourglass timer . Using these 2 timers, how can you boil the egg for exactly 3 minutes?. Answer??.
Riddles!! KINDLE Class of 2010-2011
Suppose you want to cook an egg for exactly 3 minutes. You have only a 5 minute hourglass timer and a 2 minute hourglass timer. Using these 2 timers, how can you boil the egg for exactly 3 minutes?
Answer?? Tip both timers over at the same time. When the two minute timer runs out, drop the eggs in and cook them until the 5 minute timer runs out.
With the numbers 123456789, make them add up to 100. They must stay in the same order. You can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Remember, they have to stay in the same order !!!
Answer?? 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+(8x9)=100
A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and the staff and got these alibis. • -The wife said she was sleeping. • The gardener was picking vegetables. • The maid was getting the mail • The butler was cleaning the closets • The police instantly arrested the murderer. Who did it and how do they know?
Answer?? It was the maid she said she was getting the mail. There is no mail on Sunday.
How would you rearrange the letters in the word “new door” to make one word?? Note: there is only one correct answer.
Answer?? Rearranging the letters in “new door” you get one word.
What row of numbers comes next in this series?11121121111122131221113112221
Answer?? 1113213211 After the first line, each line describes the previous line:One OneTwo OnesOne Two, One One(and so on...)
A rooster lays an egg at the very top of a slanted roof. Which side is the egg going to roll off on?
Answer?? Neither, roosters don't lay eggs.
I am the owner of a pet store. If I put in one canary per cage, I have one bird too many. If I put in two canaries per cage, I have one cage too many. How many cages and canaries do I have?
Answer?? -Four canaries and three cages.If you put one canary in each cage, you have an extra bird without a cage. However, if you put two canaries in each cage then you have two canaries in the first cage, two canaries in the second cage and an extra cage
My daughter has many sisters. She has as many sisters as she has brothers. Each of her brothers has twice as many sisters as brothers. How many sons and daughters do I have?
Answer?? Four daughters and three sons.
Answer?? -Mailbox
Tom's mother has three children. One is named April, one is named May. What is the third one named?
Answer?? ~June
Two men play five complete games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There are no ties. How?
Answer?? ~The two men were not playing against each other.
Answer?? ~ 12. Jan. 2, Feb. 2, March. 2, April 2, May 2, ect..
You walk across a bridge and you see a boat full of people yet there isn't a single person on board. How is that possible?
Answer?? ~All the people on the boat are married.
Two people are in a barn. Ten cats follow them in. How many feet are in the barn now?
Answer?? ~There are four feet in the barn, cats have paws, not feet.
A boy is walking around in a carnival and he sees a single man in a booth. He walks up to the man and asks what the booth is for. "Well," says the man, "If I can write your exact weight on this slip of paper, I pay you $20. If I get it right, you pay me $20." The boy looks around, and seeing no scales, agrees. 5 minutes later, the man has gotten $20 from the boy. How?
Answer?? ~The man wrote 'your exact weight' on a piece of paper.
A red house is made from red bricks. A blue house is made from blue bricks. A yellow house is made from yellow bricks. What is a green house made from?
Answer?? ~ Glass
Answer?? He didn’t have the guts
You leave home and go to your right. You reach a corner and turn left. You reach another corner and turn left again. You reach another corner and turn left again and go home. When you get there, there is a person with a mask there waiting for you. What's happening?
Answer?? ~You are playing baseball
Answer?? ~Moses? I thought it was Noah!
There are 2 men who are hairdressers. They are the only ones in town. Everyone in town goes to them and never goes to hairdressers out of town. You decide to go to the hairdressers. The one on the left has a big bald patch in the middle of his head. The one on the right's hair is lovely and shiny with no hair out of place. So, which one do you choose, the one on the left, or the one on the right?
Answer?? ~The one on the left, the hairdressers have to do each other's hair
The red house is on one side and the blue is on the other, where is the white house?
Answer?? ~ In Washington D.C.
A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose among three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?
Answer?? ~The third. Lions that haven't eaten in three years are dead.
Pinkie Pinkerton lived in a pink one story house on Pink Street. The walls were pink, the roof was pink, the carpet was pink, the flowers were pink, the pictures were pink, the furniture was pink, the bathroom was pink, her stuff was pink, the yard was pink, even her cat was pink. EVERYTHING was pink. So what color were the stairs in Pinkie Pinkerton's house?
Answer?? ~There are no stairs in a one story house.
A man went to sleep and he turned off the light. The next day when he woke up there were many dead people due to his actions the night before?
Answer?? The man was a lighthouse keeper and when he turned the lights off the boats couldn't see and crashed into the rocks.
What moves forwards and backwards but has no legs, it cannot talk, it cannot walk, it doesn't slither or crawl across the floor either. It comes in different shapes, sizes and colors. What is it?