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As you come in, please sit in triads that consist of a mix of 300G and 302 students. Find people with whom you have not worked with in the past. Re-introduce yourselves, if you need. TLPI—2/19/07. Triad Share Quoc Tran’s presentation Observations experiences/teaching experiences
As you come in, please sit in triads that consist of a mix of 300G and 302 students. Find people with whom you have not worked with in the past. Re-introduce yourselves, if you need.
TLPI—2/19/07 • Triad Share • Quoc Tran’s presentation • Observations experiences/teaching experiences • Nuts and Bolts • Writing assignments • Planning ahead for next class • White Privilege Quiz • Lesson planning activity • Brown bag lesson plan • CTS lesson plan in your discipline • Standards Talk Show – 7:00 PM
Triad Sharein self-assembled 300G/302 groups • Quoc Tran Question What are 2 specific insights you gained from Quoc’s presentation that you will take into the classroom? • Observation/Teaching Question Share 2 examples of social justice at work in your classroom or in the classroom(s) you observed. Think about the categories from last class.
Nuts and Bolts • Writing assignments • R1, R2 (only if needed), FINAL versions done by 3/5 • Mission Statement • Professional Goals • Letter of Introduction • Parent Partnership Plan • Ethnographic Narrative, Part I • In order to be prepared for next class . . . • Bring California content standards (hard copy or electronic access) • Bring your laptop – can start assignment in class • Think about the major themes in your discipline • Brainstorm possible topics, linked to major themes, for thematic unit • Come to class on 2/26 with several ideas for thematic topic and some resources (web sites, textbooks, etc.)
First Steps in Lesson PlanningActivity and Extension • Using the template provided in their readings (p. 53), students will • Gain practice writing objectives • Create a practice lesson plan, with assistance from the instructor and their triad • Assess their lesson plans based on the resulting sandwich • Enjoy the sandwich! • Choose one California standard in your discipline and brainstorm the beginning of a lesson plan to teach that standard
Due next week . . . • Revisions on major writing assignments • The start of a 5-step practice lesson plan based on a CA standard in your discipline—to exchange and critique next week. Do as much as you can . . . • Double entry journals (or alternatives) of the 4 readings • Word-processed = OK, actually GOOD! • Start brainstorming and researching the topic for your thematic unit. Choose a major theme in your discipline (e.g., change over time, systems, interactions, structure/function, measurement, proportional relationships/graphing, proofs, polynomial functions) Make standards-aligned choices for the development level/grade you are teaching/plan to teach. Bring several possible ideas to class on 2/26.