8/23 Journal:You do not have to write the quote, but read it.Write: 3 FEARS and 2 things that cause YOU stress and explain why.“According to most studies, people's NUMBER ONE FEAR is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” -Jerry Seinfeld
Tuesday, August 23 Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity within the class by recalling personal experiences and abilities of your classmates. • Return Syllabus Friday • Partner Introductions • Quote Activity
Bring a QUOTE for Block Day • Quote Activity • Use Thinkexist.com to locate ONE meaningful or motivational quote • Quotes can be humorous, but you must be able to explain some sort of relevance. • Create a poster with the quote and illustrations. • Present your board to the class by CREATIVELY telling us about your quote and board. • Sample quotes on next slide
On Preparation:“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”-Abraham Lincoln On your ability to give a good speech:“The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective.” -Al Neuharth (Who? Qualify.) On the benefits of challenging yourself: “Kites rise highest against the wind; not with it.” -Sir Winston Churchill On the importance of personality and emotion: “They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.”-Author unknown (Anonymous quotes not allowed)
Block Day: August 24, 25 Choose TWO of the following quotes. Write the quote and discuss on paper how it applies to events in your life or to you in this class. “It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid.” -Publius Syrus “One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.”-Henry Ford “I failed my way to success.”-Thomas Edison
Quote Posters I can: Present information to an audience without passing out. • Get in groups of 3 or 4 • Discuss your quote and why it is relevant to the class. • Choose ONE quote to use on the poster. Illustrate your poster. • Create a short presentation for the class based on your poster focusing on your delivery style. • Present the posters in the last 15 minutes of class.
Friday, August 26 Write: Choose ONE quote. 1. What causes you stress 2. How stress physically affects you. 3. Strategies you’ve used in the past to deal with stress 4. Name 2 things you should be doing to prevent or alleviate stress. “Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.” -Danzae Pace “The irony is this: Our bodies react to stress in exactly the same way whether or not we have a good reason for being stressed. The body doesn't care if we're right or wrong. Even in those times when we feel perfectly justified in getting angry - when we tell ourselves it's the healthy response - we pay for it just the same.” -Doc Childre and Howard Martin Activity: Present to class. No reading word for word. Make Eye Contact.
Show Tell Speeches Monday, August 29 • Bring an item from home and share its importance to you with the class. • Items may NOT be: • Against school policy. Duh. • Any item commonly found in pockets or a school backpack. • Clothing or Jewelry • Food or Drink • Something you personally are not willing to keep up with all day. (PRINTED PHOTOS ARE ACCEPTABLE; USE COMMON SENSE) Common ways to get a 50: • Bring nothing and tell us about your invisible item. • Bring an item from the categories listed above.
Monday, August 29 Holding yourself, or another speaker, accountable for their words: “Profanity is the crutch of the conversational cripple” -David Keuck “The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.” -George Washington “We speak five languages… the problem is my second language is profanity.” -Alan Nero • Respond on paper to one or more of the above quotes. Is profanity wrong? Disrespectful? Allowable? When or why do people choose words considered to be profane? Are some words “worse” than others? (Do not make a list of bad words, PLEASE)
Analyze the effects on an audience that the chosen language of a speaker may have in public speaking situations • A speaker will always be held accountable for the words they choose, whether the language is deliberate or accidental. • Show and Tell Speech: No format, No time limit, but choose your words carefully. • Explain why you chose those items, why they are important or meaningful to you, and display them properly. • TRY to be comfortable and confident in your presence as a speaker. • EYE CONTACT, FACIAL EXPRESSION, VOLUME. Did the Audience respond favorably during the speech? How do you know???
Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Write one or more of the following quotes,and relate them to this class or a time when you overcame a fear. “Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something”. -Frederick Smith “He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson “Being in front of people is kind of a thrill. You get nervous, but it's fun.” - Lisa Sloan
Minimize the symptoms of personal fears in times of stress. • What happens to you when you get: • Nervous or Anxious? • Scared? • Stressed? • (Take the fear inventory) • How much do other people actually see? • What can you do about it? • (Discuss the symptoms and remedies)
Block Day, 8/31 and 9/1 “It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” -Anonymous “ A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.” -David Brinkley “ We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.” -Roderick Thorp • Analyze. Choose an option below to write about: • Pick ONE quote and expand on its meaning with logic or personal experience. • Pick TWO and compare the meanings. Expand; do NOT restate.
“Simply put, female friendships face more obstacles because they often involve more emotion, more expectations and more potential for conflict.” April Masini, relationship expert “Fortunately [psychoanalysis] is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itself still remains a very effective therapist.” Karen Horney, psychologist • Analyze. Choose an option below to write about: • Pick ONE quote and expand on its meaning with logic or personal experience. • Pick TWO and compare the meanings. Expand; do NOT restate.
Evaluate the role emotions play in the communication process as it relates to interference in the communication cycle. • What is communication? • Draw the Comm. Cycle • Three type of interference: • Physical Noise:__Audible_________ • Thoughts unrelated to topic:___Psychological_________ • Thoughts related:_Semantic____________
Write:Select 5 of the following emotionsDescribe how each could cause misunderstanding or conflict Fear Nervous Offended Intimidated Insulted Depressed Unappreciated Disrespected Ridiculed Shy Arrogant Stubborn Silly Attracted to… Jealous Prejudiced
Confidence, The Great Equalizer • “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt • Perception vs. Reality: How much does your personal perception (personal perspective) of a situation or of yourself matter? • Define Confidence: The you feel when you are ________________________. • Phonophobia: _____________________. • Topophobia: ______________________. • (Both usually dissipate within first _____ seconds.)
How much does the audience see? • Only what you tell us to look for, and the audience understands… they don’t want you to have a bad experience, so try to relax. • Fear inventory from yesterday: most are not noticeable, are they? • 3 factors that affect confidence: • Perception of __________ • Perception of the ______________ • Perception of the ______________
Planks of Confidence • C- content _________________ • O- Organization ____________ • N- Notes __________________ • F- Friendly _________________ • I- Impression _______________ • D- Dedication _______________ • E- Empathy _________________ • N- Newness _________________ • C- Conviction ________________ • E- ENTHUSIASM______________
(Sometimes the most destructive interference can be our self perception.) • Write: Define “distraction”:_____________ • List at least 10 distractions. • Put a star next to the distractions that are easily dealt with. • Can you do anything to decrease the distractions that are not easily dealt with? • Define “active listening”:_________________ • List 3 ways you can improve your active listening.
Due Beginning of Class, Friday September 2 • Write a 5 paragraph (minimum) paper detailing a recent conflict you have experienced. • Include as much detail as possible. • Discuss the role emotion played throughout the conflict. • Reflect and discuss anything you would change if you had a second chance; or discuss what resolution you would like to see if the conflict has not been resolved.
Friday, January 14, 2011 • Confidence Collage • Create a collage with words and pictures based on your perception of confidence. Include words and pictures of positive things in your life that build your self-esteem. • Draw, write, or cut out pictures that represent activities or beliefs that represent you.
Friday, January 14 Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal technique in front of an audience. Create a short presentation based on the following questions to present to the audience.
The best day of my life: ________ • The scariest/worst day of my life:__ • The funniest thing I’ve ever seen:__ • 3 things I’m good at:____ • 1 thing I’m not good at, but would like to be:______ • I’ve traveled to ________, but REALLY want to travel to _______ to see __________. • One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is: ________________
Tuesday, September 7 2010 • “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” --Neil Armstrong • “Success makes men proud; failure makes them wise.” –Anonymous In what ways can the above listed quotes be compared? Explain
Analyze a speaker’s verbal technique by recognizing memorable language techniques. • Discuss Superhero rubric and due dates. • Number one rule to making a memorable speech: Use memorable language! • Discuss the techniques on your note pages • Listen to an exerpt of the MLK Jr. Speech. • In groups of four or five, read the speech OUT LOUD. • Then, in groups discuss the answers. • Everybody writes the answers.
Analyze a speaker’s use of verbal and nonverbal cues. (Determine why the speaker does a good job). • MLK Jr. “I Have a Dream” speech: numerous memorable language techniques. • Complete exercise from yesterday and report in groups • Keep worksheet and technique descriptions in folder.
Block Days January 19 & 20, 2011Analyze a speaker’s use of verbal and nonverbal cues. • Journal: • What needs to be done in order to deliver a good speech? • Divide your answers into two categories: Pre-Delivery and Delivery
To Give A Good Speech: Delivery Pre-Delivery
Block Days January 19 & 20 2011How to Give a good SpeechBackground Components: • Choose an interesting __________. • Do your _____________ EARLY. • Do _____________ research when needed. • Create interesting ______________. • Start well; plan an interesting ________. • Type your OUTLINE.
How to Give a good SpeechPresentation Style: • Have a good time in front of the ______. • Follow the assignment and your ______. • Use _______ when speaking. • Remember to use eye ________. • Do NOT read to your audience. • 3 E’s: • E- Entertaining: prepared for audience enjoyment • E- Educational: audience finds value in the presentation • E- Eloquent: audience hears evidence of forethought • Borrow styles from good speakers!
How Is A Speech Organized? • Introduction • Attention Getter • Thesis • Preview • Body • Main Point 1 • Main Point 2 • Main Point 3 • Conclusion
What Does A Good Speech Look Like? • Randy Pausch “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams/ The Last Lecture” Presentation: • 5 presentation techniques Randy Pausch uses that should be copied and used by YOU. • The Elephant in the Room (Start Well) • Scope (How the speech is organized) • Conclude Strong • Enthusiasm • Get Personal • Evaluate Randy’s Presentation. • Save evaluation as example for future evaluations.
Friday, January 21 • “If you had asked me back in grade school what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said my first choice was an actor, but if I couldn't be that, I'd want to be a superhero.” Vin Diesel • Write about what you wanted to be when you grew up; what were YOUR childhood dreams?
prepare scripts or notes for presentations • Finish viewing Randy Pausch video, discuss his techniques based on your written evaluations. • Begin writing superhero background story: • 1 ½ page minimum • Due Monday, beginning of class.
Monday, January , 2010 “There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.” Alexander Gregg Journal Quotes: • “A hero is a man who does what he can.” Romain Rolland • “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”Christopher Reeve • Write: Pick quote 1 or 2 and describe someone that fits the quotes.
Demonstrate your ability to recognize the difference between the formal components of an outline. • Due Today: Stamp Background narratives • Notes: How to create an effective outline. • Write an introduction.
Title of Speech Name, Period • Introduction • ________________: notes, no complete sentences • ________________: simple statement of topic and/or purpose • Preview/Scope Statement 1.____________Main point A 2.____________Main point B 3.____________Main point C
II. Speech Body A. Main Point Title 1. Detail 2. Detail (must reach at least this level) B. Main Point Title 1. Detail 2. Detail (must reach at least this level) C. Main Point Title 1. Detail 2. Detail (must reach at least this level)
III. Conclusion A. Concluding remarks or one final example. B. Tie-back to attention getter. • All outlines that are to be turned in must be typed. • 12 point text, single or 1.5 spaced
Types of attention getters • Remember the importance of a first impression! • _________= anecdote or personal ____. • _________= not meant to be answered. • _________= always credit author. • _________= credit author, GIVE DATE. • _________= most difficult
Thesis Statements • Simple statement of your topic to explain your purpose to the _____________: • “Today I am going to teach you how to make chocolate chip cookies.”
Preview Statements • Allows your audience to “preview” your main points, and shows that you are ___________. B. “Today I am going to teach you how to make chocolate chip cookies.” C. Preview 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________
Write an intro on how to make a PB and J Sandwich I. A. B. C.
Tuesday, September 14 “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” --J. R. R. Tolkien “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”--Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, The Physiology of Taste, 1825 "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.” --Hannibal Lecter • Respond to one of the quotes, then list your five favorite foods or meals.
January 25, 2011Analyze the effectiveness of different types of attention getters. • Journal: • Create a correctly formatted ORIGINAL introduction for the following topic: “Teach the audience how to make your favorite food (no sandwich or choc. chip cookies).” • Use: Notes from yesterday • Be prepared to present in 5 minutes. • After Group Activity, write superhero outline.
Delivery • In groups of five, deliver your introduction to your group. • After each intro is delivered, the person sitting directly across from the speaker must describe the three components of the delivered introduction by: • “You used a (category) type of attention getter by saying __________. • “Your thesis statement was ________, and your preview statement was ________. • How was the eye contact? Enthusiasm? Delivery?
Block Day, January 26-27 • Outlines due. “What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson “The human body is the best picture of the human soul.” --Ludwig Wittgenstein “But behavior in the human being is sometimes a defense, a way of concealing motives and thoughts, as language can be a way of hiding your thoughts and preventing communication.” --Abraham Maslow • Reflect: about a time when you had a conversation (or a conflict) with someone and you could tell they weren’t being completely honest. How could you tell?
Analyze nonverbal signals sent during interpersonal communication. • The End Result: Determine whether the nonverbal portion of the message is reinforcing or contradicting the verbal message.
What is Nonverbal Communication? …Everything except the _____________. Nonverbal communication truly communicates how you feel about the situation. • Physical ____________ • Hair • Hygeine • Facial _____________