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Lexical vs. Dynamic Scope. …where do I point to?. Intro…. Remember in Scheme whenever we call a procedure we pop a frame and point it to where the procedure points to (its defining environment). This is called lexical scoping. Intro…. So what’s the difference between lexical and dynamic?
Lexical vs. Dynamic Scope …where do I point to?
Intro… • Remember in Scheme whenever we call a procedure we pop a frame and point it to where the procedure points to (its defining environment). • This is called lexical scoping.
Intro… • So what’s the difference between lexical and dynamic? • In dynamic scope, when calling a procedure, the current environment is NOT extended where the procedure points to.
Example. • (define pie ‘pie) • (define (pie-maker pie) (word pie n)) • (define (yum n) (word (pie-maker n) pie)) • (yum ‘apple)
Practice…revisited. • (define x 10) • (define (foo y) (let ((x 20) (f (lambda (z) (y)))) (f 14))) • (foo (lambda () x)) What is the result using lexical scope? How about dynamic scope?
L…A...Z…Y …i thunk
So Far… • We saw the MCE and all its glory… • So how about changing the MCE so that we defer operations. • Create a normal order evaluation interpreter. • How to do that?
Modify… • So let’s modify the MCE so that we defer evaluation of procedures until we need the value • This is only needed for compound procedures and not primitives (this will be later explained) • Need to modify procedure calls • Delay arguments (“thunk”)
Delays… • What should you delay??? • Arguments to procedures. • THAT’S IT!
Thunking… • Let’s take this expression (((lambda (x y) x) + -) 3 4) • So we would thunk 3 & 4 and evaluate the the operator ((lambda (x y) x) + -) • We then thunk everything again and eval the lambda #[closure args=(x, y) …] • Then we pass in the thunked ‘+’ and ‘-’and we replace x with the thunked ‘+’
Thunks… (+3 4) • To evaluate a thunk is to force the argument. • Since the operator is a primitive we force the operator and force all of it’s arguments • So we get the return value of 7. • More explanations to come!
Force… • What should be forced??? • Arguments to primitives • ie (+ 3 4) 3 and 4 are forced. • Operators in procedure calls • ie ((lambda (x) x) (foo x)) lambda is forced. • Value to be printed by the driver loop • Parts of special forms • ie. Predicate of an if-statement
How do we change the evaluator? • So what’s the plan? • Change it so that we defer evaluation of the arguments • Modify the apply so that we call primitives and delay compound procedures • Implement the “thunk”
Changing EVAL… (define (eval exp env)(cond … ((application? exp) (apply (eval (operator exp) env) (list-of-values (operands exp) env))) …)) Remember…list of values recursively calls eval for each of the arguments, so instead let’s create it so it delays all of the arguments!
Changing EVAL… (define (eval exp env)(cond … ((application? exp) (apply (actual-value (operator exp) env) (operands exp) env)) …)) Here instead of doing eval on the operator, we use actual-value. This procedure forces a promise because eval may return a promise or an actual value.
Changing APPLY…(primitive) (define (apply proc args)(cond ((primitive-procedure? proc) (apply-primitive-procedure proc args)) …)) So we said that for primitives we force all the arguments to the primitive so…
Changing APPLY…(primitive) (define (apply proc args env)(cond ((primitive-procedure? proc) (apply-primitive-procedure proc (list-of-arg-values args env) …)) So we call list-of-arg-values which forces all of the arguments to the primitive.
List-of-arg-values (define (list-of-arg-values exps env)(if (no-operands? exps) ‘() (cons (actual-value (first-operands exps) env) (list-of-arg-values (rest-of-operands exps) env)))) So this forces each argument by calling actual-value on each of the arguments and returns a list of values.
Changing APPLY…(compound) (define (apply proc args)(cond … ((compound-procedure? proc) (eval-sequence … (extend-environment (procedure-parameters proc)(list-of-delayed-args arguments env) (procedure-environment proc)))) …)) The list-of-delayed-args will use eval to get the value of each argument but this time will use delay and make a list of thunks
List-of-delayed-values • So list-of-delayed-args looks similar to list-of-values, but instead of just evaluating each argument. We delay each of the arguments(define (list-of-delayed-args exps env) (if (no-operands? exps) ‘() (cons (delay-it (first-operand exps) env) (list-of-delayed-args exps env))))
Creating delay and force… • We can’t just use the underlying Scheme’s delay. This wouldn’t make a thunk that we could use in the MCE. • Let’s create a delay and force.
Thunks… • What’s a thunk? • It’s basically an expression we evaluate later in a certain environment • So…(define (delay-it exp env) (list ‘thunk exp env))(define (thunk? obj) (tagged-list? obj ‘thunk))(define (thunk-exp thunk) (cadr thunk))(define (thunk-env thunk) (caddr thunk))in mc-eval…((thunk? exp) exp)
Evaluating thunks… • Thunks can only return a value when forced. • Actual-value:(define (actual-value exp env) (force-it (eval exp env))) • Force-it will evaluate the thunk until a value is reached.
Force-it… (define (force-it exp obj)(cond ((thunk? obj) (let ((result (actual-value (thunk-exp obj) (thunk-env obj)))) (set-car! obj ‘evaluated-thunk) (set-car! (cdr obj) result) (set-cdr! (cdr obj) ‘()) result)) ((evaluated-thunk? obj) (thunk-value obj) (else obj))) So what’s evaluated-thunk???
Memoizing… • Once a thunk is evaluated, it’s no longer a thunk and thus it’s been evaluated…(define (evaluated-thunk? obj) (tagged-list? obj ‘evaluated-thunk))(define (thunk-value evaluated-thunk) (cadr evaluated-thunk))
Use Environment Diagrams!!! • New Rules for Evaluation… • If the car’s not a special form, then force the car and delay all the arguments • Bind the variables to the arguments) • Evaluate the body • If an expression evaluates to a thunk, don’t evaluated it! Just return the thunk, unless it’s being printed by the read/eval/print loop • Let’s practice!
Let’s give it a go… • (define count 0) • (define (add x y) (set! count (+ count 1)) (+ x y)) • (define w (add 3 (add 4 5))) • count ??? • w ??? • count ???
Things to know… • What changes to the MCE you need to do to implement lazy evaluation • Practice doing lazy evaluation by environment diagrams • Make sure you know the MCE!!! • Chapter 4 is your friend! • Don’t understand? Come and talk with me.
More Lazy… …yes again…
Lazy Terminology • Normal Order vs. Applicative Order • refers to order of evaluation of arguments • Applicative Order: Scheme • Normal Order: lazy evaluation • strict vs. non-strict • refers to procedures and arguments • strict: evaluate arguments before entering body of procedure (scheme procedures) • non-strict: evaluate arguments later
More Lazy Terminology • call-by-value, call-by-name (thunks), call-by-need (memoized thunks): • call-by-value: pass in values of arguments • call-by-name: values are “thunkified”, and passed in as thunks • call-by-need: thunks are memoized (or mini-memo for those that don’t believe that it’s memoized) so that the value isn’t computed again.
Review Lazy… • Delay • Only arguments to compound procedure calls • Force • Arguments to primitive procedure calls • Operators to procedure calls (because what would you apply to the thunked arguments?) • The IF predicate • Values to the print loop
Lazy Below the Line • Things to change • MC-EVAL – application? Clause ((application? exp) (apply (actual-value (operator exp) env) (operands exp) env)) • MC-APPLY ((primitive-procedure? proc) (apply-primitive-procedure proc (list-of-arg-values args env)) ((compound-procedure? proc) (eval-sequence … (extend-environment (procedure-parameters proc)(list-of-delayed-args arguments env) (procedure-environment proc)) ) )
Lazy Environment Diagrams… • The only change in evaluation… • When it’s a procedure call, evaluate first argument (force the operator) • Then thunkify the arguments by drawing pills. Where the left side points to the argument being thunked and the right points to where the thunk is being evaluated. • Then do the normal popping of frame, binding the arguments to the thunks you created, and then evaluating the body of the function you’re calling. • Evaluating thunks: • If memoizing thunks, you point the variable to the return value of the thunk • If unmemoized, you just force the thunk but leave the variable pointing to the thunk as is.
Draw the environment diagram… • (define w 100) • (define (foo x y) (x y)) • (define q (foo (lambda (z) (set! w 50) z) (begin (set! w 10) 3)))) • w ??? • q ??? • w ???
Draw the environment diagram solutions… • (define w 100) • (define (foo x y) (x y)) • (define q (foo (lambda (z) (set! w 50) z) (begin (set! w 10) 3)))) • w 50 • q 3 • w 10
Next Time: Amb Eval …nondeterministic programming…the fun never stops.