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CHIPS!!!!. By: Miranda Allred Kaitlyn Stout. Question:. Is it more likely for a bag of Lays Classic Chips to have a higher percentage of full chips if it is placed at the front of the shelf rather than the back?. How:.

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  1. CHIPS!!!! By: Miranda Allred Kaitlyn Stout

  2. Question: • Is it more likely for a bag of Lays Classic Chips to have a higher percentage of full chips if it is placed at the front of the shelf rather than the back?

  3. How: • Buy a bag of Lays Classic from the front of the shelf and one from the back. Count full chips from each bag and record data.

  4. Ho: • The bags will have an equal percentage of full chips(F-B=0)

  5. HA: • The front bag will have a higher percentage of full chips (F-B>0)

  6. Conditions: • The Bags are not random but we can assume they are representative. The chips in one bag do not affect the chips in the second bag so they are independent. Two bags of Lays Classic (about 330 chips) is less than 10% total population of Lays Classic chips. npF: (165)(.6545)=107.99>10 • nqF: (165)(.3445)=57.008≥10 • npB: (165)(.6606)=109≥10 • nqB: (165)(.3394)=56.001≥10 • The conditions are met; we will do a 2-porportion z-test.

  7. Mechanics:

  8. Mechanics Continued: • PF –PB= .6545-.6606=-.0061 • Ppooled= 217/330=.658 • SE(Ppooled)=√(((.658)(.342))/165)+((.658)(.342))/165)) • Z-score= (-.0061-0)/.052= -.117

  9. Conclusions: 90% CI= -.061± 1064 (.052)= (-.092, .0799) • We are 90% confident that front bags will have -9.2% to 7.99% more full chips than back bags. P-value= .55 • With such a high p-value we fail to reject H0. We have no evidence that front bags of Lays Chips will have a higher percentage of full chips than back bags will.

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