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Conversational Elements: What are they and how to use them effectively?. Agenda Using Conversational Elements with Prompts Sentence Building with CEs Guided Conversation with Audio Clips with CEs in Action Discussion about Benefits and Potential U ses Conversational Elements Bingo.
Conversational Elements: What are they and how to use them effectively?
Agenda Using Conversational Elements with Prompts Sentence Building with CEs Guided Conversation with Audio Clips with CEs in Action Discussion about Benefits and Potential Uses Conversational Elements Bingo
Examples of English Conversational Elements Well... In my opinion... Actually... The problem is that... That’s why... ...um... What I am trying to say is that... As far as I know...
Categories Suggestions / Advice Permission Opinions Explanations Agreement / Disagreement Reactions Indecision / Indifference Hesitation, etc.
Suggestions / Advice Prompt: What are we going to do tonight?
Suggestions / Advice Prompt: What are we going to do tonight? How about we go to the movies?
Suggestions / Advice Prompt: What are we going to do tonight? How about we go to the movies? Et si on + imperf.…? ¿Qué tal si (nosotros)…?
Suggestions / Advice Prompt: What are we going to do tonight? How about we go to the movies? Et si on allait au cinéma? ¿Qué tal si vamos al cine?
Permission Prompt: You remember that you have to call your mom in the middle of class.
Permission Prompt: You remember that you have to call your mom in the middle of class. Is it all right if I call my mom now?
Permission Prompt: You remember that you have to call your mom in the middle of class. Is it all right if I call my mom now? Est-ce que ça vous va si…? ¿Está bien si…?
Permission Prompt: You remember that you have to call your mom in the middle of class. Is it all right if I call my mom now? Est-ce que ça vous va si je téléphone à ma mère maintenant? ¿Está bien si telefoneo a mi madre ahora?
Opinions Prompt: Do you think that she will do well on the French / Spanish exam?
Opinions Prompt: Do you think that she will do well on the French / Spanish exam? As far as I know, she speaks French / Spanish very well.
Opinions Prompt: Do you think that she will do well on the French / Spanish exam? As far as I know, she speaks French / Spanish very well. Autant que je sache… Que yo sepa...
Opinions Prompt: Do you think that she will do well on the French / Spanish exam? As far as I know, she speaks French / Spanish very well. Autant que je sache, elle parle très bien le français. Que yo sepa, ella habla español muy bien.
Explanations Prompt: Would you like to eat lunch with me?
Explanations Prompt: Would you like to eat lunch with me? The truth is that I have too much homework to do.
Explanations Prompt: Would you like to eat lunch with me? The truth is that I have too much homework to do. La vérité c’est que… La verdad es que…
Explanations Prompt: Would you like to eat lunch with me? The truth is that I have too much homework to do. La vérité c’est que j’ai trop de travails à faire. La verdad es que tengo demasiada tarea que hacer.
Agreement Prompt: Is it true that your mother will be at the party?
Agreement Prompt: Is it true that your mother will be at the party? That’s right.
Agreement Prompt: Is it true that your mother will be at the party? That’s right. C’est ça. Así es. / Eso es.
Disagreement Prompt: Since your mother will be at the party, are you planning to go?
Disagreement Prompt: Since your mother will be at the party, are you planning to go? Of course not!
Disagreement Prompt: Since your mother will be at the party, are you planning to go? Of course not! Bien sûr que non! ¡Claro que no!
Reactions (1) Prompt: How can you say such a terrible thing?
Reactions (1) Prompt: How can you say such a terrible thing? (I’m) just kidding. I’m sorry.
Reactions (1) Prompt: How can you say such a terrible thing? (I’m) just kidding. I’m sorry. Je rigole. Je suis désolé(e). Lo digo en broma. Lo siento.
Reactions (2) Prompt: I did really well on the SAT!
Reactions (2) Prompt: I did really well on the SAT! Way to go!
Reactions (2) Prompt: I did really well on the SAT! Way to go! Bravo! ¡Bien hecho!
Indecision / Indifference Prompt: Would you like chocolate cake or chocolate cream pie?
Indecision / Indifference Prompt: Would you like chocolate cake or chocolate cream pie? I don’t care (either way).
Indecision / Indifference Prompt: Would you like chocolate cake or chocolate cream pie? I don’t care (either way). Ça m’est égal. Me da igual.
Hesitation Prompt: Can you tell me the reason for this incomplete homework?
Hesitation Prompt: Can you tell me the reason for this incomplete homework? um, well, I don’t know…
Hesitation Prompt: Can you tell me the reason for this incomplete homework? um, well, I don’t know... euh, eh bien, je (ne) sais pas... este, bueno, no sé...
¿Cómo se dice yesterday en español? Leave time to say ayer Leave time to say Ahora trate de decir: the day before yesterday Leave time to say anteayer Leave time to say
Using a form of acampar, ask your friend: Did you go camping? Leave time to say ¿Acampaste? Did you put acampar in the preterite? Dígalo otra vez: Did you go camping? Leave time to say ¿Acampaste? Leave time to say
Ahora diga: Did you go camping the day before yesterday? Leave time to say ¿Acampaste anteayer? Leave time to say Ahora continúe: No, I did not go camping. Leave time to say No, no acampé. Leave time to say
For the hesitation word Well… you use the word for good. Escuche y repita: Bueno… Leave time to say Now your friend asks you: Well, what did you do? Leave time to say Bueno, ¿Qué hiciste? Leave time to say
Vous êtes arrivé à la Gare du Nord (the North Station). You realize that you have missed your train. You go to the ticket office to ask for help. A woman motions to you to come her window. En utilisant une forme de rater, comment dit-on: Hello. I missed the train. Leave time to say Bonjour. J’ai raté le train. Leave time to say
The ticket agent responds with: À quelle ville est-ce que vous voyagez? Répondez: I would like to go to Paris Leave time to say Je voudrais aller à Paris. Leave time to say
L’agent dit: Don’t worry. Écoutez et répétez: Ne vous inquiétez pas. Leave time to say Ne vous inquiétez pas. Leave time to say
Vous répondez: But, I have to arrive at 11:00 AM. Leave time to say. Mais, j’ai besoin d’arriver à onze heures du matin. Leave time to say. Mais, j’ai besoin d’arriver à onze heures du matin. Leave time to say.
L’agent dit: It’s not a problem. In French we literally say It is not serious. Écoutez et répétez: Ce n’est pas grave. Leave time to say. Ce n’est pas grave. Leave time to say.