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G eomatic R egional I nformation S ociety I nitiative Interreg Project IIIC South 3rd call N° 3S0145R. 3 Zones are concerned : South East and North. L. North : The Latvian Government East: The Abbruzzes Region South : The Navarra Government
Geomatic Regional Information Society Initiative Interreg Project IIIC South 3rd call N° 3S0145R
3 Zones are concerned : SouthEast and North L • North : The Latvian Government • East: The Abbruzzes Region • South : • The Navarra Government • The Midi-Pyrénées Region(Lead Partner) MP AB Navarra GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
The project’s starting point • Geolocalisation will facilitate innovation and modernity in rural areas • construction of a georeferenced territorial data base (cadastral –orthophoto…) for the patrimony (socio-economical, cultural…) • The development of geomatic applications relevant for rural areas : tourism, development of local territory, product traceability … GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
The project’s key objective : Bring added value to projects (already financed) and to European rural areas • Highlight the complimentary aspects between the projects • Provide new ideas for the projects • Improve visibility on the Internet with interactive maps to overcome language barriers • Supply the regions with a strong « project areas » image, easily identifiable within the current globalisation • Improve the appeal of each region GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Examples of GeoPortals : The SOHO SOLO et PYRED Projects SOHO GeoPortal SOHO which identifies all local services and regional heritage. Aim : to attract new populations (http://www.soho-solo.com/sologers/index.php3 PYRED GeoPortal, the creation of trans-border territorial identity between France and Spain. Aim : Develop cooperation between companies (http://pyred.tracasa.es/navegar/?lang=fra) GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Project Engineering GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Component C1 Management : The Gers Chamber of Commerce : Experienced Lead Partner Coordinator of 3 European projects • GeoTraceAgri (5th PCRD IST 2001 34281) • GTIS CAP (6th PCRD priority Quality and Food Safety) • SOHO SOLO (Interreg IIIB Atlantic Area) Creator of a geomatic technological centre • R&D : product traceability and sustainable agriculture • Training: professional diploma in geomatics • Project Engineering: project conception ( 6 projects currently being evaluated) • Start-Up Incubator GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
C1: Project Management • The Executive Committee will meet every six months with representatives from the regional partners • The Technical Committee are in charge of the tenders for the 3 sub projects • The Operational Committee will meet every month (Conference Call) • An Intranet will be set up at the start of the project to facilitate cooperation • A Time Sheet system will be implemented to register the time spent by each collaborator in the project GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Component C2 Creation of georeferenced data bases • 80% of available date can be geooreferenced • Development of GPS / Galileo navigation systems (in cars etc) requires the creation of georeferenced territorial data bases • Internet navigation via map images surpasses linguistic barriers GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Component C3: Creation of regional networks et dissemination • Selection of regional project by tender • Training of project managers in each partner region : the use of geomatics • Creation of regional GeoPortals • Defining the added value aspect brought to each project and the complementary elements between the projects GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Component C4 : Exploitation and the geomatic platforms • Training Centre for the proposed project partners • SIG Training • GPS Training • Equipment & Software • GIS software suite • Scanner and printer (large format) • GPS Base for Reference Data The Gers Geomatic Training Centre Scanner A0 and GPS base for reference data: Gers Geomatic training centre GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Component C5: Sustainability • Dissemination of GRISI good practises within the Interreg III C areas: North, South, East and West • Apply for local & regional finance in order to sustain the programme • Creation of a European Geoportal • Proposal to DG Regio of the European Commission : launch a GRISI initiative for the 2007 – 2013 programme GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
1.040 M € reserved for project tenders 250K€ investment in geomatic platforms Total human resource budget 250 Person/months A 3 year schedule Balanced expenditure over 6 half year periods Budget GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Financement • 45% National & Regional cofinancing GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Key figures : partnerregions GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
The role of the Midi-Pyrénées region in the project • 566,187.50 € of cofinancing • Creation of a geomatic regional network, bringing together research scientists, training experts, project leaders and specialised companies • A European dimension added to the Gers Geomatic technological centre GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Le site du pôle technologique géomatique www.teleparc.net GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
The role of the Navarre regionin the project • 465,205 € of Cofinancing • A broad experience in the use of Geographical Information Systems as a support for management in the public sector: SITNA (Système de Information Territorial de la Navarre. (http://sitna.navarra.es/). • Un regional pool of GIS skills within the public organisation TRACASA (www.tracasa.es) GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
The role of the Navarre regionin the project • Coordination and coherence with the European Initiative INSPIRE (INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe) and the Spanish national project IDEE (Infrastructure de Donnes Spatiales de l’Espagne). (Spanish Spatial Data) • Experience in both the management and participation of INTERREG III projects, INTERREG III C and OCR. GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Le système d’information géographique de la Navarrehttp://sitna.cfnavarra.es/ GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
The role of the Abruzzes region in the le project • 465,205 € of Cofinancing from the Region • La Abruzzes region will bring its experience in the development of Geographical Information Systems to create socio-economic data bases which will be visible on Regional Maps, in particular with Action1 • R.I.C.A.M.A. project (Rational for Integrated Coastal Area Management), Department of Territory, Urbanistic, Environment, Parks which involves 19 coastal towns(see the website www.regione.abruzzo.it/ricama) • 2. SI.CO.RA. project (Informative Support for the management of the Abruzzo coastal zone) see the link http://ing.univaq.it/SICORA GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
The Abruzzi Region will contribute to the plan through: • the implementation of one economic and "georeferenced" data bank at a European level. This data bank will supply added value to the existing regional plans, it will transfer know-how and accumulate experiences for the local promotion of the plans, beyond that to promote the cooperation between the Regions; • the creation and spread of a regional network, with the aim of attracting the partners of other projects, organizing cooperation between them, with the aim of dissemination to other regional projects, and to create one network of good practises at regional level. GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Portail géographique de la Région des Abruzzeshttp://www.regione.abruzzo.it/xportal/index.asp GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
The role of Latviain the project • Synergies with the leading project “Galileo – a Constellation to Beacon the Way in the Baltics” whose goal is to create a technology transfer network in satellite navigation, and to study the development opportunities for the development of the GNSS in the Baltic Countries • Develop GIS for rural areas. Co-operation with the University of Latvia to develop GIS for Riga (RIGIS). L’INSPIRE will also serve as an example of good practice. • Compliment GIS with GPS and EGNOS, which will be increased by Galileo. GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Publish GIS on the Internet using ArcView. • The GRISI project will be considered as as example for the use of navigational technology by satellite and geographical information systems. • The Latvian partners are interested in identifying future projects in teledetection. GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Le Système d’information géographique de la Lettoniehttp://www.jewishgen.org/Latvia/ GRISI for Interreg IIIC South
Expected results from the project • 80 to 120 regional projects will be selected and their data bases will be georeferenced • A guide of geomatic good practices will be edited in 5 languages for future project managers • 4 Project GeoPortals will be created in the partner regions • 4 fully equipped Geomatic platforms will be set up in the partner regions • A European conference will bring together 50 regions from 10 European countries. • A European Geoportal will be set up to help other regions benefit from and use the GRIS good practices GRISI for Interreg IIIC South