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Third Grade Reading Guarantee Update Sasheen Phillips, Senior Executive Director for the Center for Curriculum and Assessment January 2013. Third-Grade Guarantee Goal: Ensuring All Students Can Read. http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2GEJJAXWEE. Early Reading Intervention.
Third Grade Reading Guarantee Update Sasheen Phillips, Senior Executive Director for the Center for Curriculum and Assessment January 2013
Third-Grade Guarantee Goal: Ensuring All Students Can Read http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2GEJJAXWEE
Early Reading Intervention Students receive help and support in the specific area of reading that is difficult for them New policy strengthens current law and includes more reading intervention
Senate Bill 316 Administer reading diagnostics Implement Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plans
Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan All Reading Plans must be created within 60 days of when a student is designated not on-track.
Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan • Students remain on a Reading Plan until: • student scores on-track on the following year’s reading diagnostic assessment, or • Student scores “proficient” on the Grade 3 Reading OAA
Senate Bill 316 Provide early intervention and support Report data Retain3rd grade students that do not meet the required cut score.
2012-2013 OAA In the 2012-2013 school year, for students who score below 390 on the third-grade reading OAA, districts select one option. • Promote the student if the principal and student’s reading teacher agree the student is prepared academically for Grade 4; • Promote the student, but continue to provide intensive intervention services in Grade 4; or • Retain the student in the third grade.
2013-2014 OAA In the 2013-2014 school year, all students scoring below 392 on the third-grade reading OAA must be retained, except for the following students: • Limited English proficient students; • Special education students whose IEPs exempt them; • Students who demonstrate reading competency on an alternative reading assessment approved by ODE; and • Any student who has received intensive remediation for two years and was previously retained in grades K-3.
Educator Qualifications(HB 555) • Any teacher with a student retained by the Third Grade Reading Guarantee or on a reading improvement and monitoring plan must have been actively engaged in the reading instruction of students for the previous three years, and meet required criteria.
Educator Credentials(HB 555) For the 2013-2014 school year: reading endorsement on the teacher’s license and a passing score on the corresponding assessment for that endorsement a master’s degree program with a major in reading rated “above value added,” in reading as defined by ODE, for the last two years demonstrated evidence of a credential earned from an ODE-approved list of research-based reading instruction programs For school districts and community schools that cannot supply the number of teachers needed to meet the 2013-2014 school year requirements credentialed staffing plans can be submitted to ODE for approval..
Educator Credentials(HB 555) For the 2014-2015 school year and thereafter: a reading endorsement on the teacher’s license and attained a passing grade on the corresponding assessment for that endorsement a master’s degree program with a major in reading rated “above value added” in reading, as defined by ODE, for the last two years a passing score on a rigorous test of principles of scientifically research-based reading instruction
Intensive Remediation Services for Retained Students For students retained by the Third-Grade Reading Guarantee, additional remediation includes: • 90 minutes of daily reading • The option of outside service providers
Parents and the Third-Grade Reading Guarantee • Parents must be notified in writing of their child’s reading deficiency • Parents should be included in the development of their child’s Reading Plan
Parents and the Third-Grade Reading Guarantee • Districts should accommodate parents’ schedules for services provided outside of regular school hours • The law does not provide a parent the right to refuse any requirements of the Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Third Grade Reading Guarantee ODE Efforts to Date
THIRD GRADE GUARANTEE UPDATES • Guidance Document updated (1-9-13) • Teacher Credential Document (1-23-13) • FAQ updated (1-23-13) • HB 555
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“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss