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Geog 495 GIS Database Design

Geog 495 GIS Database Design. Midterm review. Outlines. Database Concepts Relational Database Object-oriented Database Entity-Relationship Diagram Unified Modeling Language Normalization. 1. Database concepts. Data vs. Information Data vs. Database DBMS vs. Database system

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Geog 495 GIS Database Design

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  1. Geog 495GIS Database Design Midterm review

  2. Outlines • Database Concepts • Relational Database • Object-oriented Database • Entity-Relationship Diagram • Unified Modeling Language • Normalization

  3. 1. Database concepts • Data vs. Information • Data vs. Database • DBMS vs. Database system • Level of abstraction • Data independence • Different database models • Architecture of database system

  4. Data vs. Information • Data: raw fact • Information: data processed to reveal meaning • Database system transforms data into information through queries

  5. Data vs. Database • Database is a collection of related data • Database stores data in an organized manner (i.e. minimal data redundancy) • Database exists, first and the foremost, to serve users’ requirements

  6. DBMS vs. DB system • DBMS allows users to access data (i.e. interface between users and database) • DB system is composed of DBMS, people, database, and procedures

  7. Different types of DB system • Number of users • Single-user • Multi-user • Workgroup • Enterprise • Database site location • Centralized • Distributed • Database use • Transactional (production) • Data warehouse

  8. Level of abstraction • Conceptual: independent of s/w and h/w • How humans see the world • Logical: s/w dependent • How programs see the world • Physical: h/w dependent • How machines see the world Real-world view Abstract representation detail Machine code Concrete

  9. Data independence • Separation of program from data • Program’s ability to retrieve data without changing the structure of code • Logical data independence • Program’s ability to retrieve data without changing the structure of s/w-specific code • When a system uses 4GL language (or non-procedural language) • Physical data independence • Program’s ability to retrieve data without changing the structure of h/w-specific code • When a system uses <= 3GL language (or procedural language)

  10. Database models • Hierarchical • Network • Relational • Object-oriented

  11. Hierarchical DB model • The world is represented with tree-like structure • Only one-to-many relationships (i.e. parent-child relationship) are allowed • Relationships between entities are built through reference point (e.g. pointer) • Logical data independence (yes) • Physical data independence (no)

  12. Network DB model • The world is represented with web-like structure • Many-to-many relationships are allowed • Relationships between entities are built through reference point (e.g. pointer) • Logical data independence (yes) • Physical data independence (no)

  13. Relational DB model • The world is represented with entities and relationships • M:N relationships are conceptually allowed, but implemented through transformation into 1:M relationship (e.g. composite entities (a.k.a. bridge entities)) • Relationships are built through key • Logical data independence (yes) • Physical data independence (yes)

  14. Object-oriented DB model • The world is represented with a collection of objects • Object embeds attribute, operation and relationships • Complex objects can be represented through abstract data type • Embody OO concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

  15. Architecture of DB system • External view user’s view, local (incomplete) • Conceptual/logical view designer’s view, global • Internal view Programmer’s view • Physical view Implementation view, contains most details • Organized by level of abstraction • Data independence is embodied by the proper separation between four layers

  16. 2. Relational DB • Representation • Table • Key • Integrity rules • Relationships

  17. Representation • The world are viewed as entities and relationships • Entities are modeled as table • Relationships are built through common attributes between entities

  18. Table • Row represents a single entity • Column represents attribute • Cell represents a single value in the intersection between row and column

  19. Key • One or more attributes (columns) that determines other attributes • Primary key • Uniquely identifies entity (should be unique) • Should be Not Null (non-empty) • Foreign key • Common attributes that link one table to another tables • Placed in M side table in reference to primary key to 1 side table

  20. Integrity rules • Entity integrity • Each entity (record) must be uniquely identified (by primary key: PK) • PK should be Not Null for entity integrity to be enforced • Referential integrity • One table must reference another table properly (by foreign key: FK) • FK should be Not Null for referential integrity to be enforced

  21. Relationships • M:N • Yields data redundancy • Composite (or bridge) entities are needed to transform into 1:M

  22. 3. Object-oriented DB • Object • Difference between object in OODB and entity in RDB • Object and class • OO concepts

  23. Object • Object has • OID (identity): system-generated • Instance variables (attributes): ADT allowed, thus the representation of complex entities are possible • Methods (operations): make objects act upon them, thus entities become autonomous

  24. Objects (OODB) vs. Entities (RDB) Objects, unlike entities • Identity is not state-dependent • Because OID is system-generated • Relationship is embedded in the object • Because objects store the reference to other objects in themselves • Autonomous • Because objects can use methods stored in class

  25. Object and Class • Class is a collection of objects with similar attributes and behaviors • Object is an instance of class from conceptual point of view • Class is an instantiation of objects from implementation point of view (i.e. Object is implemented through class: e.g. object uses the methods stored in class) • Objects are organized by class hierarchy

  26. OO Concepts • Encapsulation • information can be selectively hidden • enhances integrity • Inheritance • subclass can inherit common properties from superclass • enhances modularity • Polymorphism • operation can take many forms depending on characteristics (through method overriding) • enhances flexibility

  27. 4. Entity-Relationship Diagram • Attributes • Relationships • Connectivity • Cardinality • Participation (optionality) • Strength • Degree • Entities • Composite • Weak • Subtype/supertype

  28. Attribute • Simple/Composite • Simple: cannot be subdivided (e.g. Sex) • Composite: can be subdivided (e.g. Name = First Name + Last Name; Address = street + city + state + zipcode) • Single-valued/Multi-valued • Single-valued: can have a single value (e.g. age) • Multi-valued: can have multiple values (e.g. educational attainment: # degree can differ by persons; address: you can live in many different places such as permanent address, local address, vacation home, and so on)

  29. Relationships • Connectivity: 1:1, 1:M, M:N • Cardinalities: the number of entity occurrence associated with another entity • Participation: optional/mandatory, determined by cardinalities • Strength: existence-dependency + PK derived from other table • Degree: the number of entities associated with the relationship

  30. Entity • Composite (bridge) • entity that represents relationship between entities (e.g. enrollment) • Weak • when the relationship is strong (e.g. dependent) • Supertype/subtype • characteristics of subtype entities are generalizable from supertype entities (e.g. employee/secretary)

  31. ERD notations

  32. 5. UML • What is UML? • Why UML? • UML Diagrams • Class Diagram

  33. What is UML? • Standardized modeling language for OO system design & analysis • UML notation 1.0 was formed in 1996, version 2.0 as of 2005 • Graphic notations: in between natural language (too imprecise) and programming language (too precise thus too much details) • Use different diagrams depending on different perspectives (conceptual, logical, physical)

  34. Why UML? • Let’s make OO system design unified • Let’s make OO system design visual and easy-to-learn • Let’s make OO system design independent of different programming languages • Let’s promote good things about OO principles • Modularity/code reusability • Let’s make system extensible • Stereotype, tagged value, constraint • Let’s make model interchange easier • XMI (XML Modeling Interchange)

  35. UML Diagrams • Behavior diagram • Describe behavioral aspect of system • Use case diagram, activity diagram • Structure diagram • Show the static structure of the model • Class diagram, package diagram • Component diagram, deployment diagram • Interaction diagram • Represents different aspects of interaction • Sequence diagram, collaboration diagram

  36. Class Diagram (overview) • Shows the static structure of object-oriented database or database that is implemented in OO system • Equivalent to ERD with some differences such as operation and more semantics on relationships • Can be seen from three different perspectives (conceptual, specification, implementation)

  37. Class Diagram: class • Class is represented as three-part compartments (name, attribute, operation) • Naming notation of attribute • [visibility] name: data type = [initial-value] • Naming notation of operations • [visibility] name (parameter-list: data type): [return value type]

  38. Class Diagram: relationship • Association • Aggregation: part-whole relation • Composition: strong form of aggregation • Generalization: general/unique properties • Dependency: implementation of one class is dependent on another class • Multiplicities: # participants associated with relationship • Navigability: shows the direction of navigation between classes

  39. Class Diagram: relationship: notation

  40. 6. Normalization • What is normalization? • 1NF • 2NF • 3NF

  41. What is normalization? • Process for correcting table structure to minimize data redundancies • Usually follows three-step procedures: conversion 1NF  2NF  3NF • Operated by functional dependency between attributes • Two types of functional dependencies • Partial dependency: nonkey attributes are dependent on a part of composite PK • Transitive dependency: nonkey attributes are dependent on another nonkey attributes

  42. First Normal Form (1NF) • No repeating groups • PK is defined

  43. Second Normal Form (2NF) • Table is in 1NF • No partial dependency

  44. Third Normal Form (3NF) • Table is in 2NF • No transitive dependency

  45. Questions & concerns? • Please talk to me • Take advantage of office hours (Wed 2:30-4:30): tutorial is the best way to communicate I believe. • Please do some reading before you show up in the class.

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