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Chapter 13

Chapter 13. Characteristics of Psychological Tests. Ability of a test to given the same results under similar conditions. reliability. Standard of comparison for test results developed by giving the test to large, well-defined groups of people. norms.

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Chapter 13

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  1. Chapter 13 Characteristics of Psychological Tests

  2. Ability of a test to given the same results under similar conditions.

  3. reliability

  4. Standard of comparison for test results developed by giving the test to large, well-defined groups of people

  5. norms

  6. Requires, among other things, that the norm, or average score, made by a large group of people, be established.

  7. standardization

  8. Ranking of test scores that indicate the ratio of scores lower and higher than a given score.

  9. Percentile system

  10. Ability of test to measure what it is intended to measure.

  11. validity

  12. If the score you receive on a test depends more on the grader than on you, the test has a problem with • Interscorer reliability • Predictive validity • Split-half reliability • Test-retest reliability

  13. Answer: A Interscorer reliability

  14. If every time you take a standardized test, your score varies widely, the test has a problem with • Validity • Interscorer reliability • Test-retest reliability • predictability

  15. Answer: C Test-retest Reliability

  16. One of the major ways of measuring __is to determine how well a test predicts performance. • Test reliability • Test validity • Test standardization • Test norms

  17. Answer: A Split-half reliability

  18. Tests that are administered or scored in an inconsistent manner are not • Reliable • Valid • Standardized • normal

  19. Standardized

  20. Standardized measure of intelligence based on a scale in which 100 is average

  21. Intelligence quotient

  22. Includes four major aspects of interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences

  23. Emotional intelligence

  24. Proposes that intelligence is composed of a general ability level and specific mental abilities

  25. two-factor theory

  26. Proposes that intelligence involves analytical, creative, and practical skills

  27. Triarchic theory

  28. Aspect of an intelligence test in which the wording used in questions may be more familiar to people of one social group than to another group

  29. Cultural bias

  30. Which of the following intelligence theorists believed that a measure of intelligence needed to include seven primary mental abilities? • Charles Spearman • L.L. Thurstone • Howard Gardner • Robert Sternberg

  31. B - L.L. Thurstone

  32. Critics argue that emotional intelligence is simply a measurement of • Personal growth • Common sense • Extraversion • introversion

  33. Answer: C Extraversion

  34. The s factor in Charles Spearman’s theory of intelligence represents • Specific mental abilities • Spatial comprehension • Problem-solving ability • Situational intelligence

  35. Answer: A Specific mental abilities

  36. According to Howard Gardner, the type of intelligence involving skill at fine motor movements is • Spatial ability • Logical-mathmatical skills • Body-kinesthetic skills • Naturalist intelligence

  37. Answer: C Body-kinesthetic ability

  38. The ___was originally developed to identify “slow learners”. • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale • Myers-Briggs personality test • Wechsler-Adult Intelligence Scale • Multiple Intelligences test

  39. Answer: A Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

  40. Difficulty of questions is changed by computer as it tailors the test to the individual’s performance

  41. Adaptive test

  42. Innate ability or talent

  43. aptitude

  44. Estimates the probability that a person will be successful in learning a specific new skill

  45. Aptitude test

  46. Measures a person’s preferences, attitudes, and interests in a wide variety of activities.

  47. Achievement test

  48. Both the ACT and SAT measure • Aptitude • Achievement • Interest • learning

  49. Answer: A Aptitude

  50. Achievement tests are assessed primarily on their • Content reliability • Predictive validity • Content validity • Predictive reliability

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