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Discussing the clarification of goals, data resources, and near-term charges for the Math Pathways Advisory Group in Washington. Focus on transfer and applicability of math credits.
Washington Math pathways: math advisory group to joint transfer council Orientation/Organizing Meeting Bill Moore, SBCTC April 2019
agenda 1:30—1:45 Introductions and overview 1:45—2:00 Review background and rationale for the Advisory Group 2:00—2:30 Clarify overall charge and structure for the group 2:30—2:45 Consider data resources/issues 2:45—3:00 Break 3:00—3:45 Analyze and raise questions regarding the specific near-term charges for the group (breakout rooms) 3:45—4:15 Summarize breakout discussions (whole group) 4:15—4:30 Next steps/propose next meeting
Mpc, Years 1 and 2 (2015-16, 2016-17) Developed recommendations and identified early implementers Westside: Cascadia, Clark, Everett, Tacoma Central: Central Washington, Columbia Basin, Wenatchee Eastside: Eastern Washington, Spokane, Spokane FallsExpectations • Offer at least 3 DTA college-math courses and 2 pathways through precollege math • Use multiple measures for placement • Align math courses to programs of study • Focus on equity throughout • Participate in project evaluation and reporting requirements
Mpc, Years 2 and 3 (2016-17, 2017-18) Implemented Taskforce Recommendations • Provided students, faculty and advisors greater clarity and consistency about available math pathways • Created momentum around scaling math pathways within the system • Connected with other initiatives to support the work • Identified potential transfer and applicability issues
The Missing Piece • Most state, system, and institutional policy is about the TRANSFERABILITY of credit, when the issue often is more about the APPLICABILITY of credit Transferability Applicability
Transfer and Applicability • Applicability = a student-centered process to ensure that academic pathways are properly aligned with students’ academic and career interests and that credits consistently apply to their chosen programs of study.
Transfer and Applicability Students transferring between institutions, can face problems with both transfer and applicabilitywhen transferring mathematics credits: 1) Transfer: The course a student has taken at the two-year level is not accepted by the four-year institution. 2) Applicability: The course transfers for elective credit, but the credits are not applied to the student’s chosen degree program because... a) the program has a different course requirement, or b) the institution or programs do not accept that particular course from the sending institution as equivalent.
Transfer and Applicability Further. . . The sheer diversity of requirements across four-year institutions often leads advisors to recommend that students take Precalculus, even if it is not appropriate for students’ goals.
Transfer AND Applicability “Will this math course transfer?” “Just get the basics out of the way” “Keep your options open” “Will this math course count for my major?” “The basics are different for every major” “Pick a program early. Choosing can foreclose options – but not choosing does, too – and often at greater cost.”
Applicability Model Institutional leadership and other key stakeholders are motivated and aware of multiple math courses. Institutions (math faculty/partner disciplines) are aware of and align most appropriate math courses for each major. Program math requirements are consistent and appropriately applied across institutions. Institutions consistently and accurately advise students at their own institution and in transfer.
Overall charge to advisory group • Clarifications? • Questions/Concerns? • Priorities from your perspective?
Math pathways: Core data questions 1. SUCCESS • Are more students placing directly into college math? • Are students successfully completing their math courses? 2. PROGRESS • Are students making timely progress towards college-level math? • Are more student engaging in their math pathway (less avoidance?) 3. MATH COURSE OFFERINGS • Does the distribution of courses and sections offered align with student math needs for their programs of study?
Existing math pathway data sources/analyses • Math Pathways report and analysis • Initial MPC system data analyses: course enrollments and success in the 5 DTA pathways • SBCTC Tableau math analyses • Transfer student math course-taking report • Mini-inventory of program math requirements
Transfer & applicability work:students’ math course-taking report • Revealed importance of students completing first college math course before transferring • Raised questions regarding Precalc and Statistics pathways and enrollments • Identified potential issues in role of general vs. major-specific transfer agreements
Initial work plan proposal • By the summer 2019 JTC meeting, review the recommendations of the MPC Statistics Work Group and propose next steps regarding the statistics pathway • Review the math required for entry into and graduation from the most popular baccalaureate programs statewide • Explore the consistency and the applicability of the sequence into and through the calculus pathway
Discussion Questions • Do you agree with these areas as top priorities for us to consider, and if not, what would you propose instead? • For each of the top three priorities you designate: • What needs to happen to address the issue? • Who needs to be involved/consulted in the work?
Questions? For more information, contact: Bill Moore, SBCTC, bmoore@sbctc.edu Or see the Washington Math Pathways website or the Dana Center Math Pathways Washington Dashboard