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Discover the efforts to put Blackwell on the National Priority List for cleanup, and why the city council's actions may have hindered progress. Learn about the CDC's upcoming health assessment and the need for comprehensive testing and medical support.
Disclaimer:Any Facts and/or Allegations herein are currently unproven and all commentary herein is based upon such facts and /or allegations, the truthfulness and accuracy of which are likely in dispute. This slide show and any ideas and/or allegations contained herein constitute the opinion of Jessica Pepper, President of iRock Inc. and Greg Deffner owner of Get LLC Real Cable.
Your city manager and council members. Specifically Mark Stiles, Brad Bechtel and Mark Cordell.
They met in the Governor’s office in September of 2009 and forted or efforts in re-proposing Blackwell to be put on the National Priority List.
In August of this year, we went to the Secretary of Environment asking the Governor to place the Site on the NPL.
The governor can recommend a site to be placed on the National Priorities Listing with just one letter. Placing the Site on the NPL would allow for a Public Health Assessment by the CDC and Millions of Dollars for Clean Up.
Your City Council sent them to represent us. Did they once again stop Blackwell from getting on the National Priorities List?
If that is the case, This goes against their Oath Of Office.
The sole duty of an elected official is Clear under the Oklahoma Constitution, Bill of Rights which states,
“All political power is inherent in the people; and government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and to promote their general welfare…”
If they blocked the community from being put on the National Priority List again. They blocked not only money to cleanup, but most importantly stopped the CDC, “Center For Disease Control” from coming into town.
Because no action was taken by the Governor’s Office to place Blackwell on the NPL, we petitioned the CDC to perform a Public Heath Assessment.
The CDC responded, claiming that they were going to begin to collect the information needed to conduct a Health Assessment of the people of Blackwell.
This includes a “Site Visit”. In a Site Visit, residents of Blackwell will have the opportunity to voice their health concerns to a member of the federal government.
We will let you know when they plan to be in town. So get ready!
You can read more about the Public Health Assessment process, and view a copy of the 58 Page Petition Document onwww.blackwelluncovered.com
The CDC could conduct extensive test of all Blackwell’s citizens. And by law must provide free medical to any person sick from the smelter operations or contamination.
The CDC has access to past death records and current illnesses (Cancer, Kidney Failure, and Neurological aliments).
The CDC is required by law to perform a Public Health Assessment if the site is placed on the National Priority List.
Your City leaders have done little to nothing to protect your health and safety. In fact, they did just the opposite. Have they put you and our children at risk? Have they lied to you about the extent of the contamination?
It is a FACT that over 15% of the kids tested, tested above 5µg/dL, which is known to cause brain damage. Those test were only done on 167 children. Only 3 of the 167 where under the age of 6 years old. No other tests have been done, even though the EPA recommended it in 1992.
Your City and the State, ignored the EPA’s recommendation to have all of the children in Blackwell tested.
Sooner Care mandates testing of Children for lead. Have they done lead testing on your children?
The City was told to test 11 years ago, but they did not comply with the lead testing. This recommendation was part of the 1st and 2nd 5 year reviews.
The 1st and 2nd Five Year Review are required by law to be kept at the Blackwell Public Library….Check it today…They are not there!
WHY?Are they afraid you might know too much?Are they afraid you might ask questions they don’t want to answer?
They allowed the BIA to settle for 1.9 million just months ago.They knew massive lawsuits could come, because the BIA allowed workers to dig on the Site.
Just two weeks ago the BIA adopted Institutional Controls to stop anyone from digging on the Site below 18 inches. This control is foolish because they were to already have 18 inches of clean top soil covering the Site.
We know there is not 18 inches of clean soil anywhere on the BIP. The lie put out by the BIA is that there is 18 inches of clean top soil. They were paid to have 18 inches of top soil. Only one spot on the 160 acres has clean soil.
Bechtel, Cordell, Wirtz, and Carroll took out FULL PAGE ADDS in the local newspaper, calling us liars and used the good hearted people of Blackwell to help in their deceptive campaigns.
The people they used understandably supported them, because they did not want to believe that their community is contaminated, and their leaders would deceive them.
I’M SORRY but our town is highly contaminated, and people are dying from it. IT IS WHAT IT IS!The repair costs for the sewer lines and plant are in excess of $100 million.
Here are the real findings of the EPA and why we scored so much higher thanPicher OK.
“…Samples collected in the Waste Disposal Area and the Residue Burial Area had significantly elevated (greater three times background) concentrations of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel selenium, silver, and zinc. Additionally, the Waste Disposal Areahad elevated concentrations of poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons…”
“…sediment samples collected from the site drainage channel had elevated concentrations of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury, selenium, silver, zinc…”
“…Samples collected from a field in the Draco Dust storage areaand from the baseball park in the historical location of the Jig Pond had elevated concentrations of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc.Additionally, mercury, thallium…were detected in soil collected from the baseball park in the historical location of the Jig Pond…”
All brick streets leach up contamination into the streets where we drive and children play. The leached material turns to dust and is picked up in your cars and homes. Please keep your home and car extremely clean.
The dust you breathcontains Silver, Antimony, Cadmium, at a minimum.
They allowed Don Shandy after billing almost a half million dollars to the Environmental Clean-up Fund, to receive a split share of whatever the court grants for the City’s damages or a split share of any settlement agreement that is reached.
The City allowed Don Shandy to make the agreement just weeks before they sued Freeport. Cordell and Shandy both said they intended on settling out of court.
Freeport cut their money supply off about 1 year prior. THATS why they suedthem, … they were no longer buying their lunches.
I had to bring in attorneys to get the amount of money the City was getting from the Mining Company. It turned out the Mining Company was paying for lunches, bottled water, and all sorts of other expenses not related to the clean up.
We discovered why the City would not give us the reports! The majority of expenses did not go to cleanup, the same expenses were not put in the annual budgets. They, in fact, hid this income from us, MILLIONS, not including it on the annual budgets.
Engineering and attorney fees ate up the bulk of the monies. Barely anything went to the actual cleanup. The City let Jim Willis change his title so he could get more money from the mining company.