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SPECTRUM STRATEGY & VISION. ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014. Raffi Khatcherian EUROCONTROL DPS/POL Spectrum Management SESAR WP15.01.06 Spectrum Project Manager. Spectrum Aviation CNS Enabler. Spectrum is not an aviation business product but an important enabler

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  1. SPECTRUM STRATEGY & VISION ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014 Raffi Khatcherian EUROCONTROL DPS/POL Spectrum Management SESAR WP15.01.06 Spectrum Project Manager

  2. Spectrum Aviation CNS Enabler • Spectrum is not an aviation business product but an important enabler • CNS cannot operate without spectrum • Spectrum is key to the development of future aeronautical systems • Aviation needs principles and practices designed to support the long term sustainability of aeronautical spectrum to meet all potential future needs ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014

  3. Spectrum demand is higher than the offer Increasing IMT demand Cost of Spectrum Market mechanisms to regulate spectrum allocations Share spectrum with non aviation users Risk of being obliged to use non protected spectrum for aviation safety of life services Reduced possibility to get the most adequate spectrum to support aviation growth Facts and Future Tendency ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014

  4. Possible Responses • Do nothing, • “It is not within our remit” • “Others decide for aviation; they need aviation” • Defend aviation spectrum at all costs • “Nobody can question spectrum allocated to aviation” • Adapt to the evolving spectrum situation • Reach a win-win solution ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014

  5. SESAR Spectrum Vision and Strategy • Long-term sustainability of aeronautical radio spectrum • Secure the most adequate spectrum for future traffic growth • Coherent CNS architecture • Spectrum efficient systems • CNS R&D Holistic inter-discipline support in spectrum matters • No additional spectrum to support future traffic growth • State-of-the-art technology in a timely and safe manner • Cost effectiveness through the overall life cycl • Identifying sunset closes of legacy systems • Avoiding the retention of obsolete and redundant systems ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014

  6. Guidance to CNS systems manufacturers to address spectrum issues at the right point within the design phase Designed-in: Mechanisms to catch up with technology Cost effective technological evolutions Minimize the transition timeframe and impact Synchronisation of ground, space and airborne investment cycles Net benefit spread across all stakeholders Reduced overall live cycle cost SESAR Spectrum Vision and Strategy ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014

  7. Way forward • Worldwide approach • Aviation’s decision makers to work together • Involve all aviation stakeholders • Structured approach • Agreed timeline • Global implementation plan cascaded down into: • Regional and National plans • Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and • Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014

  8. Conclusion • Aviation Spectrum Vision and Strategy to be effective needs to be adopted at Worldwide level • ICAO has a major role • Invite aviation to play more active role in the preparation of States’ positions to WRC • Invite ACP WG-F members to review they National plans in accordance with GANP, ASBU and the Spectrum Vision and Strategy ICAO ACP WG-F-31 06-10 October 2014

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