非胰島素依賴型糖尿病併發症與脂質攝取和血中臨床生化檢驗值之相關性非胰島素依賴型糖尿病併發症與脂質攝取和血中臨床生化檢驗值之相關性 • 本研究為探討非胰島素依賴型糖尿病併發症與脂質攝取和血中臨床生化檢驗值之相關性,針對臺北地區台大醫院中非胰島素依賴型糖尿病病人之病例進行追蹤研究,研究對象是民國84年間在台大醫院曾就診之糖尿病病人中298位居住在臺北之居民,在民國86年3月進行第一次電話訪,並於民國86年9月抄錄其病歷資料,同年12月開始作飲食問卷訪問.電話問卷採結構性問卷由2位經過訓練之助理進行訪問,內容包括基本人口學資料,被診斷為糖尿病的年齡,如何被診斷為糖尿病,治療情形,個人疾病史及家族史,有無截肢,生活習慣.病歷抄錄內容包含生化檢驗結果與各科醫師利用心電圖判讀,周邊血管測試,周邊神經測試,視網膜檢查和腎臟病變等診斷結果.飲食問卷內容包含脂質攝取量與頻率,維生素攝取量與頻率及回憶性飲食紀錄表.結果顯示131位男性與167位女性中,女性的年齡,糖尿病患病年齡較男性高,收縮壓,身高,男性較女性高.非胰島素依賴型糖尿病併發症中以高血壓158人最多,其次為視網膜病變51人心血管病變48人,癌症23人.其中發現治療方式不同時,其併發不同之併發症危險性不同.飲食中脂質攝取量與血管併發症有很大相關,紅肉攝取量每月大於1200克者,併發心血管與視網膜危險性較攝取量小於1200克者高.但併發癌症危險性則較低.在維生素A服用頻率愈高者,癌症併發症相對危險性顯著偏高.追蹤期間有5位死於惡性腫瘤,5位有截肢紀錄
The Association between Fat Intake and Serum Clinical Biochemical Test Level and the Complications of Non-Insulin-Dependent-Diabetes Mellitus • The association between fat intake and the blood biochemical levels was found in the complications of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(NIDDM) patients.Total 298 subjects(131 males and 167 females) were taken structure-questionnaire aboutindividual ,family medical history, and diet intake habits . Meanwhile , we wrotethe clinical biochemical levels and complications of 298 subjects down .The result shows the average age and with NIDDM age of women older than those of men. But the systolic blood pressure and height of men are larger than those of women.There are 158 patients with hypertension, 51 persons with retinopathy, 48 subjects withcardio-vascular disease and 23 subjects with cancers.The different treatments showthe much different risk among hypertension, retinopathy, cardio-vascular disease and cancer.The fat intake is association with the complications. The amount of red and white meat is larger ,then theodds ratio of cardio-vascular diseases is higher. The frequence of vitamin A and vitamin C intake is higher and the odds ratio of cancer also seems higher.There are 5 subjects dead and 5 persons with foot amputation during 1996 to 1998