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Drug Classifications

Drug Classifications. Drug Classifications. Stimulants : Drugs that speed up the CNS (central nervous system); produce wakefulness, & a sense of energy & well-being. Nicotine Caffeine Ritalin Methamphetamine Amphetamines Cocaine MDMA/Ecstasy : is part Stimulant & part Hallucinogen.

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Drug Classifications

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  1. Drug Classifications

  2. Drug Classifications • Stimulants: Drugs that speed up the CNS (central nervous system); produce wakefulness, & a sense of energy & well-being. • Nicotine • Caffeine • Ritalin • Methamphetamine • Amphetamines • Cocaine • MDMA/Ecstasy: is part Stimulant & part Hallucinogen

  3. Meth Lab

  4. Pictures of Stimulant Drugs • Methamphetamine Crack • Cocaine Crack pipes MDMA/Ecstasy

  5. Consequences of Stimulants • Meth Cocaine

  6. Depressants: • Drugs that slow down the CNS; decrease inhibitory parts of brain (relax); Used for sedation, hypnotics, sleep disorders) • Alcohol • Barbiturates: (anxiety, tension, sleep disorders) • Benzodiazepines: for anxiety, stress, panic-act as sedatives. • Rohypnol- (date rape drug) • GHB (primarily a CNS depressant)

  7. Hallucinogens: • Altered states of perception/feelings; may include hallucinations & illusions • Psilocybin (magic mushrooms) • LSD • PCP • Mescaline (peyote) • MDMA (Ecstasy) is part hallucinogen

  8. LSD • Mushrooms http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhfkYQ9UfiM&list=PLDF6EA51D64A0F4AD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvIvEzCu2tI

  9. Narcotics/Opiates: • Pain Relief (analgesic)/drowsiness • Morphine • Heroin • Opium • Oxycontin • Codeine • Fentanyl • Vidocin

  10. Heroin

  11. Steroids: • Human-made substances related to male sex hormones; Performance enhancing, promotes masculinizing changes in body; promotes protein growth & muscular development. • Testosterone • GHB-Anabolic (body builders)

  12. Club Drugs: • Club Drugs: Used by teens & young adults who are part of a sub-culture (raves, etc.) • Ketamine • Rohypnol-colorless, tasteless, odorless • GHB-colorless, tasteless, odorless • MDMA/Ecstasy

  13. Cannabinoids/Cannabis: Euphoria, Relaxed inhibitions, increases appetite, disorientation • Marijuana • Hashish • Inhalants: Quick short high, stimulation, may cause loss of consciousness, loss of inhibition, headaches, slurred speech, nausea or vomiting, loss of motor coordination; wheezing. Typically household products can be used to produce this short-lived high. • Nitrous Oxide • Freon • Amyl-Nitrite (Poppers, whippets)

  14. Marijuana

  15. OTC (over the counter): Can be bought without a prescription • Laxatives • Robatussin cough syrup (not anymore though) • Prescription Drugs: Doctor needs to write out a prescription for a drug which is supposed to be used to treat a medical condition.

  16. Day 2 Definitions and Overview • Drug: Substance, other than food, that changes the way the body or mind functions. • Illicit Drugs/Use: Drug that is unlawful to possess or use. • Responsible Drug Use: the correct use of legal drugs to promote health & well-being. • Drug misuse: The incorrect use of a prescription/OTC drug. • Drug abuse: The intentional use of a drug w/o medical or health reasons. • Synergistic Interaction: The interaction of 2 or more drugs/medicines that results in a greater effect than when the medicine is taken independently.

  17. Day 2 Definitions and Overview • Antagonistic Interaction: An interaction that occurs when drugs are taken together & each drug’s effect is canceled out or reduced by the action of the other. • Synthetic Drugs: Chemical substances produced artificially in a laboratory. “K2” • Gateway drugs: drugs that often lead to other serious & dangerous drug use. • Designer drugs: synthetic substances meant to imitate the effects of narcotics & hallucinogens. • Look-alike drugs: drugs made to physically resemble specific illegal drugs. • Psychoactive drugs: Chemicals that affect the central nervous system & interfere with the normal functioning of the brain.

  18. Page 7 Definitions and Overview • Drug use affects: • Every age group • Every racial/ethnic group • Every SES (socio-economic status) • Every geographic division • http://www.samhsa.gov/data/NSDUH/2k11Results/NSDUHresults2011.pdf • The Cost of Drugs in the U.S. • Americans spent $100 billion to $150 billion a year on illicit drugs • Americans consume greater than 60% of the world’s illicit drugs • Drug offenders account for over 50% of all inmates in federal prisons • College students spend over $4 billion annually for alcohol • Tobacco & nicotine kill us at a rate of 300,000 a year…more than all of the drugs combined!

  19. Day 2 Definitions and Overview • Revolutionary Uses of Drugs • Vaccines: (19th century): • Small pox, diphtheria, polio, whooping cough, measles, chicken pox, mumps, tetanus (preventable) • Antibiotics: (1940’s) • Sulfa drugs, penicillin (treat infections) • Psychopharmacology: (1950’s) • Anti-psychotic drugs • Oral Contraceptives: (1950’s) • Contributed to the sexual revolution

  20. Day 2 Definitions and Overview • Drug Use Risk Factors • Early use  • Using alone • Peer pressure  • Parental approval  • Perceived adult use  • Little religious commitment  • * 

  21. Teens are more influenced by their parents when it comes to long-term goals & plans. • *Peers have more influence over their immediate lifestyle & day to day activities

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