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IMACS: Inamori-Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph. Magellan SAC Status Report 21/22 September 2002 Boston, MA. IMACS project team: A. Dressler Pr. Investigator B. Bigelow Instrument Scientist B. Sutin, H. Epps Optical des./eng. B. Bigelow, T. Hare S. Gunnels, G. Luppino,
IMACS:Inamori-Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph Magellan SAC Status Report 21/22 September 2002 Boston, MA IMACS update
IMACS project team: A. Dressler Pr. Investigator B. Bigelow Instrument Scientist B. Sutin, H. Epps Optical des./eng. B. Bigelow, T. Hare S. Gunnels, G. Luppino, R. Cleary Mechanical des. V. Kowal, R. Storts, J. Castillo Mechanical fab. A. Bagish, D. Carr, J. Asa Electronics G. Burley, I. Thompson, J. Estrada Detector systems C. Birk, K. Clardy Software eng. IMACS update
Optics Status: Collimator: C01 (Field lens) Done, installed C02 - C05 Done, installed Long Camera: L01-L06 Done, installed Short Camera: S01, S08 At Tinsley, near completion S02,3,5,7,9 Done, ready to mount S04 At TORC, second blank S03, S09 Mounted in cells IMACS update
Carnegie S01 Aspheric lens, Global surface figure error based on average of two full aperture grid measurements RMS = .215 waves / 244mm CA. RMS Slopes of this global grid when frequency filtered for periods of 1cm and longer = 18 u-radians. IMACS update
Carnegie S08 Aspheric lens, Global surface figure error based on average of two full aperture grid measurements RMS = .216 waves / 224mm CA. This is preliminary data. We are going to re-measure the 90 rotation half of these and Re-average with zero. Slope measurements with fine line scans are being acquired. IMACS update
Optics Status cont. Filters: 2 sets of CTIO B,V,I, Done 2 sets of CTIO R Done CTIO U (LCAM) Awaits ADC coating Sloan u’, g’, r’, i’, z’ Not ordered Grisms: 200 l/mm Done, ready to mount 300 l/mm Polishing at HJOL 600 l/mm At STF for AR coating Imaging Mirrors: Al mirror mounted Ag mirror done IMACS update
200l/mm grism delivered IMACS update
First light! 07/18/02 IMACS update
Mechanical Engineering Status: Guide camera stages (Hare) Done, mounted Calibration lamp system (Hare) IP Mask server (Bigelow) Done, mounted Field Lens (Hare) Done, mounted LCAM shutter (Hare) Done, mounted Filter servers (Bond) Done, 1 mounted Disperser server (Hare) Done, except drive - Grating cells 2 of 6 mounted - Grism cells Final design IP - Mirror cells Done, 1 mounted IMACS update
Mechanical Engineering cont. Collimator mech. (Bigelow) Done, mounted Long camera mech. (Bigelow) Done, mounted Short camera mech. (Bigelow) Done, assy IP Dewar (Luppino) Done, mounted Instrument Structure (Gunnels) Done Instrument Carriage (Gunnels) Done Instrument Enclosures (Gunnels) Done, minor mods IP Instrument Utility wrap (Gunnels) IP IMACS update
Electronic Engineering: Alan Bagish (OCIW) is completing the electronics design for IMACS. Joe Asa is providing final assembly services on a consulting basis. Status of electronics: Schematics design (all motion stages) Done (4) Motion control (MC) chassis, Done (1) Power supply chassis, Done (1) Shutter control chassis Done (2) Electronics racks for chassis Done Instr. wiring harnesses IP IMACS update
Detector systems: Guide cameras: - 23 cameras have been fabricated - IMACS currently has one of three needed - Remainder by? Science array: - First light on 4 CCDs - 7/18/02 - Filled array of 8 CCDs flat to ~40 microns - not done - Individual detectors flat to 13 microns - Electronic/software integration IP IMACS update
Slit Mask Cutting (Clardy) : - Mask Generation (MG) IP inputs - images, data files, other output - text file with targets, names, etc. - Mask Definition (MD) Done - inputs - text file from MG, other text files - output - mask definition file - database for observing, data reduction - Mask Fabrication (MF) Done - inputs - mask definition file - output - test, laser G-code, mill G-code, .ps files IMACS update
Software: Instrument Control (Birk) Individual module testing: Module GUI status H/W tests Pr. Guider done 80% SH guider done 80% CF guider done 90% Slit Mask Server done 75% Disperser Server 50% 10% Long Camera Focus done 90% Filter Servers (2) done 90% Flexure Control done 75% Detector Focus 50% 10% HP Sensor System done 60% IMACS update
Software: Instrument Control cont. Integrated instrument testing: - One GUI at this level, showing all critical aspects of each module (encoder positions, limit status, temperatures, etc). - This GUI is written and 75% tested, unfinished stages remain (Disperser Server, Grating tilts, detect. focus) User Level Software: - Two GUIs at this level: - Instr. control interface (select a grating, etc.) - 60% done - Graphical Instr. Status Display - 40% done IMACS update
Software: Science Array Control (Birk) Shutter control: - micro-controller for linear motors 90% done - still need to test second (s-cam) shutter CCD readout / camera control: - “ccdserver” for array readout - “camgui” for user interface - both are functional 75% done Quick-Look Tool: - functional with *real* data 90% done IMACS update
Slit Masks: Laser system: - Convergent Gemini 150 W. CO2 laser cutting system - Installed and operational at LCO ASB Facility upgrades: - 200A electrical service Done - Air compressor system Done - Ventilation, fire, and fume extraction IP IMACS update
Slit Masks: Slit mask blanks: - Fabricated by California Hydroforming - First order of 100 mask blanks complete, at LCO Mask fabrication cost: - Estimated to about $150 per mask including laser - Approx. $100 materials and hydroforming - Approx. $50 for laser cutting (500 masks/year, 10 years) IMACS update
Coming up: - F/2 camera opto-mechanical assembly 9/02 - 10/02 - F/2 camera shutter completed by end of 9/02 - Utility wrap and wiring harnesses installed by end of 10/02 - Enclosure and hatch completed by end of 10/02 - DSS drive and GTM complete by end of 10/02 - Gratings and grisms in cells by end of 10/02 - Calibration lamps installed by end of 10/02 - Final testing 10/02-11/02 - Pack and ship by middle of 12/02? IMACS update
Argon spectrum – 600 l grating, f/4 camera (09/18/02) 0.385 Å/pixel, ~0.8Å FWHM IMACS update
The IMACS fiber positioning system... IMACS update
IMACS confirms life on Earth: O2 lines (B-band) in red Solar spectrum IMACS update
…holding the objects in the slits while guiding. Measurements are of the principal guider with respect to the slit mask. Good result. IMACS update
Shack-Hartman guider relative to the slit mask. This guides rotation. Close to specifications (within spec if you consider only about 1 hour exposures), but there is a balance issue as the barrels are swapped that we should be able to overcome IMACS update
Structure flexure with rotation is approximated by 0.6 arcsec circle. Hysteresis is minimal, ~0.3 pixels. Open loop correction should be sufficient for all but the most demanding spectral programs (stability better than 0.2 pix) 3-day test: 0, -90, -180, -270 Piezo control IMACS update
Latest test of flexure of grating tilt mechanism. Spatial drift reduced to an acceptable level (<2 pixels = 0.20 arcsec) for full rotation of structure. Grating rotation within acceptable range if motor/encoder can steer it out – yet to be confirmed. IMACS update
Outstanding issues as of Sept ‘02 • Flexure of centerfield guider • Assembly and test of f/2 camera • Grating tilt mechanism – meeting specs • Operation of full 8K x 8K mosaic and test of full field image quality IMACS update