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Sustainable Neighborhood. EDSGN 100: Intro Engr Dsgn Section 006 Team #5 Submitted to: Thomas Coolidge 2/25/13. No Sponsor. Table of Contents. The Objective. Create an affordable, innovative and totally sustainable neighborhood Appear to the local market and achieve profitability.
Sustainable Neighborhood EDSGN 100: Intro EngrDsgn Section 006 Team #5 Submitted to: Thomas Coolidge 2/25/13 No Sponsor
The Objective • Create an affordable, innovative and totally sustainable neighborhood • Appear to the local market and achieve profitability
The Homes • Design Ideas • Affordable, stable, replicable, and easy to sell • Considerations: Government council houses, university dorms, apt complexes • Final Product- single story 2000 sq ft. house
Reduced Water Usage Dual Flush Toilet
What Needs Energy? • Kitchen • Bedroom and Living Room • Lighting
Sustainability Environmental Economic Social
Wastewater Treatment: The Two Treatments • Water Treatment: prepares water for use in homes, businesses (drinking water) • Waste Water Treatment: prepares sewage/wastewater to be returned to the environment
Water Treatment Stages 1. Screening 2. Aeration 3. pH correction 4. Coagulation and flocculation 5. Sedimentation 6. Pre-chlorination and dechlorination 7. Filtration 8. Disinfection 9. pH adjustment
Coagulation • Rachel Casiday, Greg Noelken, and Regina Frey, Washington University (http://wunmr.wustl.edu/EduDev/LabTutorials/Water/PublicWaterSupply/PublicWaterSupply.html) isis.csuhayward.edu/alss/Geography/ mlee/geog4350/4350c4f01.ppt
Sedimentation • Rachel Casiday, Greg Noelken, and Regina Frey, Washington University (http://wunmr.wustl.edu/EduDev/LabTutorials/Water/PublicWaterSupply/PublicWaterSupply.html) isis.csuhayward.edu/alss/Geography/ mlee/geog4350/4350c4f01.ppt
Final Touches • Disinfection • pH adjustment isis.csuhayward.edu/alss/Geography/ mlee/geog4350/4350c4f01.ppt
Wastewater treatment • Wastewater treatment systems take human and industrial liquid wastes and make them safe enough (from the public health perspective) to return to the aquatic or terrestrial environment.
Primary • Primary Treatment: Settling Tanks • Primary Sludge: heavy solids that sink to the bottom • Light grease/oil float to top--skimmed off and sent to solids treatment facility
Secondary • Aeration Tank • Final Clarifiers
Final • Final Treatment: Disinfection • Chlorine: • UV light or ozone: Clean water is then sent to ocean, river, etc.
Rain Water Treatment • Rain water is very pure due to the production cycle it goes through while tap water collects contaminants due to the many substances the environment produces at ground level.
Components Floating Filter takes the cleanestwater Vortex Filtersfor fine filtration and oxygenation Smoothing Inlet stable sedimentationand oxygenation Multifunction overflowfor a clean water surfaceprotects water quality
Vortex Filters RH9510-04 Downspout Filter • Residential • Up to 1600 sq.ft.
Piping for the internal house • Total length: 6+10+12+3+18+13+1=63ft • Assume the price is ¢60/Ft • The total price for piping the internal house would be $37.8
We want to do it this way because it is sustainable • Water reuse allows communities to become less dependent on groundwater and surface water sources and can decrease the diversion of water from sensitive ecosystems. Additionally, water reuse may reduce the nutrient loads from wastewater discharges into waterways, thereby reducing and preventing pollution. This “new” water source may also be used to replenish overdrawn water sources and rejuvenate or reestablish those previously destroyed.
References • "USGS -- Water Resources of the United States." USGS -- Water Resources of the United States. USGS, 15 Feb. 2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2013 • "Google Maps." Google Maps. Google Maps, 2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. • http://www.consumerenergycenter.org/home/appliances/small_appl.html • http://www.uvm.edu/solar/?Page=about.html • http://www.windustry.org/resources/how-much-do-wind-turbines-cost