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Title III Fiscal and Program Guidance

2. Purpose. To provide guidance to Title IIIdirectors and fiscal personnel who manage Title III programs andfunding. 3. Objectives of the Session. To provide an overview of Title III Program and FundingBudgetary OversightReallocation ProcessFunding of Translation CostsSupplement, not Sup

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Title III Fiscal and Program Guidance

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    1. Title III Fiscal and Program Guidance Accountability Leadership Institute for English Learner and Immigrant Students December 67, 2010 Burlingame, California Carlos Rivera, Education Administrator I: crivera@cde.ca.gov Erin Koepke, Education Programs Consultant: ekoepke@cde.ca.gov

    2. 2 Purpose To provide guidance to Title III directors and fiscal personnel who manage Title III programs and funding

    3. 3 Objectives of the Session To provide an overview of Title III Program and Funding Budgetary Oversight Reallocation Process Funding of Translation Costs Supplement, not Supplant Requirements Title III Overview Determining Eligibility Application Process End of Year Expenditure Reporting Accountability Requirements

    4. Budgetary Oversight

    5. 5 Identification of Expenditure Patterns Consolidated Application (ConApp) I Proposed Expenditure Report ConApp II Actual Expenditure Report End of Year (EOY) Expenditure Report

    6. 6 Cash Management 80 percent cash management threshold ConApp I ConApp II EOY Expenditure Report Payment model: 40/40/20

    7. Reallocation Process

    8. 8 Reallocation of Funds Purposes: ESEA, Title III, Part A, federal review Identify, reallocate, and distribute excess Title III funds beginning in 201011

    9. 9 Sources for Reallocation Carryover from state educational agency Additional federal Title III allocations based on non-participation by other states in the Title III grant program Excess, unexpended funds voluntarily relinquished to the CDE by local education agencies (LEAs)

    10. 10 Sustainability and Capacity Building LEAs meeting all Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) for English learner (EL) population Facilitate sustainability Build capacity

    11. 11 Procedure for Identifying Excess Funds Identify unexpended funds: ConApp ConApp II EOY Expenditure Report Steps: Contact LEAs Process supplemental award notification Disseminated later than original sub-grant award, but must be expended within same budget period as original award

    12. 12 Online Resources and Contacts CDE Title III FAQs Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/t3/title3faq.asp U.S. Department of Education ESEA, Section 3114(c) Web page at http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg41.html#sec3114 Language Policy and Leadership Office (Title III): Erin Koepke, Education Programs Consultant, by phone at 916-323-5467 or by e-mail at ekoepke@cde.ca.gov

    13. Funding for Translation of Documents

    14. 14 Funding for Translation of Documents ESEA, Title III, Part A, federal review Letter to the field July 9, 2010 Translations required by both federal and state law Subject to federal supplement, not supplant, requirement

    15. 15 How to Fund the Translation of Documents Local general funds Pursuant to the ESEA, Title I, sections 1111(h)(6)(c) and 1112(g)(2), Title I funds for the purpose of translating parental notifications

    16. 16 Online Resources and Contacts U.S. Department of Education Web page titled Supplement not Supplant Provision of Title III of the ESEA at http://www2.ed.gov/programs/sfgp/supplefinalattach2.pdf U.S. Department of Education, ESEA, Section 1111(h)(6)(c) and 1112(g)(2) Web page at http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg2.html#sec1111 CDE Web page titled Clearinghouse for Multilingual Documents (CMD) at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/pf/cm/ Specialized Media and Translations Unit: Rod Atkinson, Education Programs Consultant, by phone at 916-445-6109 or by e-mail at cmd@cde.ca.gov Language Policy and Leadership Office (Title III): Carlos Rivera, Education Administrator I, by phone at 916-319-0247 or by e-mail at crivera@cde.ca.gov

    17. Supplement, not Supplant

    18. 18 Supplement, not Supplant According to ESEA, Title III, Section 3115(g), Title III funds must be used to supplement educational programs and services for limited English proficient (LEP) and immigrant children and do not replace, or supplant, services that students would otherwise receive.

    19. 19 How to Determine if a Cost is Allowable Legal Authority Statutes Title III statutes (ESEA Sections 30013304) Code of Federal Regulations Title III Regulations

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