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What is your favorite sport?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I Like Sports. ON. What is your favorite sport?. How often do you practice?. Have you ever participated in a competition? Which?. What sports do you like to watch on T.V?. surfing. Choose and click

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What is your favorite sport?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I Like Sports ON • What is your favorite • sport? • How often do you practice? • Have you ever participated in a • competition? Which? • What sports do you like to • watch on T.V?

  2. surfing • Choose and click • Click the remote diving Sports tennis soccer karate Dave plays soccer once a week. basketball volleyball gymnastics swimming 3 2 running 1 6 5 skiing 4 9 8 cycling 7 12 11 10

  3. diving Sports surfing soccer skiing swimming Maya usually plays basketball on Sundays. running cycling gymnastics golf 3 2 1 basketball 6 5 4 tennis 9 8 ping pong 7 12 11 10

  4. running tennis hockey soccer swimming Dina often plays tennis on the weekend. basketball volleyball karate cycling 3 2 1 gymnastics 6 5 4 ping pong 9 8 Sports 7 boxing 12 11 10

  5. ping pong volleyball tennis gymnastics running karate Dan and Mark practice karate every day. cycling basketball surfing 3 boxing 2 1 6 soccer 5 4 9 swimming 8 Sports 7 12 11 10

  6. diving skiing swimming gymnastics golf John rides his bike every Tuesday. surfing tennis cycling soccer 3 2 1 karate 6 5 4 basketball 9 8 7 hockey 12 Sports 11 10

  7. swimming hockey karate gymnastics tennis boxing Jack plays ping pong twice a week . cycling surfing running 3 2 soccer 1 6 5 4 basketball 9 8 Sports 7 ping pong 12 11 10

  8. skiing running basketball karate swimming Carol skis twice a year. hockey soccer tennis volleyball 3 2 1 gymnastics 6 5 4 ping pong 9 8 Sports 7 12 boxing 11 10

  9. Sports soccer tennis diving basketball skiing Jimmy and Eyal often windsurf on Mondays. running gymnastics swimming 3 windsurfing 2 1 6 cycling 5 4 9 golf 8 7 12 11 boxing 10

  10. Sports cycling diving golf soccer basketball Avi plays golf once a month. running swimming tennis karate 3 2 1 baseball 6 5 4 surfing 9 8 7 boxing 12 11 10

  11. Sports tennis diving cycling surfing soccer Irit and Ilana run four times a week. swimming hockey golf basketball 3 2 1 gymnastics 6 5 4 running 9 8 7 ping pong 12 11 10

  12. Sports diving surfing basketball running gymnastics The Israeli team practices gymnastics twice a week . soccer boxing golf 3 tennis 2 1 6 swimming 5 4 9 skiing 8 7 12 volleyball 11 10

  13. next volleyball skiing running cycling gymnastics Adam dives every summer. surfing diving boxing 3 soccer 2 1 6 basketball 5 4 9 golf 8 7 12 tennis 11 10

  14. The End

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