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Lecture 2: Archilochus. CLAS/HIST1631. Review. To what uses did Greeks put the skill of writing in the 8 th century BC? What time period do Homer's poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, purport to describe? What is the name of the process by which Homer's poems were composed?
Lecture 2: Archilochus CLAS/HIST1631
Review • To what uses did Greeks put the skill of writing in the 8th century BC? • What time period do Homer's poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, purport to describe? • What is the name of the process by which Homer's poems were composed? • What new kind of fighting appeared in the 8th century, replacing that which is described in Homer's poems?
A Guide To Names in Ancient History • Greek names are strange partly because they come to us through Latin, actually Ἀρχίλοχος • Better to have some sound in mind than none • 'ch' = Greek 'chi', not like our church, but k + puff of air • What is the difference betweeen kite and lake • So some texts will say 'Arkhilokhos' for • For English purposes, say 'k' • Pronounce every syllable
Archilochus, Some Notes • Born in early 7th century on Paros • Father, Telesicles, founded a colony on Thasos • His mother was a slave, Enipo • Writes heart-felt poetry of love, war, politics and life
Understanding a Person In the Past • Form First Impressions • Do you like him? • Would you want to have lunch with him / marry him? • Who is he like? • Piece Together the Fragments • Why does one poem praise Neoboule and then another call her a cow? • Put him / her in context • Interrogate the Sources • Repeat
Always Read Closely • Εἰμὶ δ' ἐγὼ θεράπων μὲν Ἐνυαλίοιο ἄνακτος, • καὶ Μουσέων ἐρατὸν δῶρον ἐπιστάμενος. • Although I am a servant of Lord Enyalios [Ares, god of war], • I also know well the lovely gift of the Muses.
Forming Impressions • Why is this easy with Archilochus? • E.g: Some barbarian is waving my shield, since I was obliged to leave that perfectly good piece of equipment behind under a bush. But I got away, so what does it matter? Let the shield go; I can buy another one equally good. Critias, for example, doesn't like him.
Archilochus the Lover • Neoboule I have forgotten, believe me, do.... A woman like that would drive a man crazy. She should get herself a job as a scarecrow. I'd as soon hump her as [kiss a goat's butt]. • Such is the passion for love that has twisted its way into my heartstrings and closed deep mist across my eyes stealing the soft heart from inside my body...
Context: Laughing at the Hero • “Now when Pond-larker saw Loud-crier perishing, he struck in quickly and wounded Troglodyte in his soft neck with a rock like a mill-stone so that darkness veiled his eyes” from the pseudo-epic Battle of Frogs and Mice
Questioning the Aristocrat • I don't like the towering captain with the spraddly length of leg, one who swaggers in his lovelocks and cleanshaves beneath the chin. Give me a man short and squarely set upon his legs ... • Ares is a democrat; there are no special people on a battlefield.
Interrogate the Sources • “The tradition that Telesicles had been informed by the oracle at Delphi that his son was to be “immortal” is a late one and would have no bearing on his decision”. • What is the reasoning here? • What makes one source more reliable than another?
Textual Transmission • Most of our ancient Greek and Roman texts come to us this way • Until the advent of the printing press, all was copied by hand • What errors could they make?
How Else Might Our Sources for Archilochus Fail Us? • Is lyric poetry always truthful memoir? • What is the purpose of a poet? • How can we tell when a poet is 'telling the truth'?