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Version management : CVS Binaries all Unix platforms by default DOS platforms : micprogs/CVS/WinNT/v1.10 Commands set CVSROOT to point to micprogs/Software/CVSRoot (SoftwareCVSRoot on DOS, not q:SoftwareCVSRoot)
Version management : CVS • Binaries • all Unix platforms by default • DOS platforms : micprogs/CVS/WinNT/v1.10 • Commands • set CVSROOT to point to micprogs/Software/CVSRoot (\Software\CVSRoot on DOS, not q:\Software\CVSRoot) • cvs checkout <directory> Checks out <directory> in the repository, including all subdirectories, into ./<directory> (full path expanded) • cvs commit Commits the changes made in the current directory, as well as any subdirectories, to the repository • cvs update Brings the current directory, as well as any subdirectories, up to date with respect to the repository • cvs add <file> Adds <file>, already existing in a directory that was previously checked out, to this directory in the repository • cvs remove <file> Removes <file>, previously checked out but now deleted., from this directory in the repository • cvs release <directory> Releases <directory>, signalling changes
C++ Directory organization on afs (easily accessible backups) CVSWork /Programs /<program> /makefile.*.dsw,*.dsp /Source/*.cpp /Include/*.h /Libraries/<library> /makefile,*.dsw.,*.dsp /Source/*.cpp /Include/*.h /SourceDDL/*.ddl /OutputDDL/*.h,*.cpp /Include/*.h (links to all Libraries/<..>/Include) on sunch02 local disk (ADSM backups) <user> /Programs /<program> /Debug/*.obj /Release/*.obj /Libraries /<library> /Debug/*.obj /Release/*.obj /Program /Debug/*.exe /Release/*.exe /Library /Debug/*MTD.lib /Release/*MT.lib Note : net use v: \\\software subst r: v:\%USERNAME%
Java directory organization Top-level directory : CVSWork/Java General purpose classes Java/ch/cern/chorus/emulsion/<package>/<..>/*.java,*.class ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.plate.Plate ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.nativecpp.PlateNative ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.datatypes.JAffine Java applications/applets Java/ch/cern/chorus/emulsion/<program>/<..>/*.java,*.class ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.manualscan.main.ManualScan ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.manualscan.measurement… ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.manualscan.event…. ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.controlpanel.main.ControlPanel ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.controlpanel.panels... ch.cern.chorus.emulsion.controlpanel.event…. Development tools Java/<program>/*.kawa,*.dsw,makefile,.. Java/DataTypes/DataTypes.kawa Java/PlateDLL/PlateDLL.dsw Java/Wired/GNUmakefile